𝕻𝖆𝖗𝖙 57🦋

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???:aww are you ok? Vallyk:y-ea. ???:are you sure you look hurt. Vallyk:i just miss my gf. ???:oh hope you feel better. Vallyk:thankyou.

*he got his food and left, he parked then he looked in the bag and saw a paper with the girls number.

Vallyk:bro... you heard me say i had a gf ri? Y/N:yea why.

*he showed the paper.

Y/N:why. Vallyk:idk.

*the girl came over to his car and knocked on the window, he rolled the window down.

Vallyk:what. ???:wanna go out later? Vallyk:i....have....a...girl....friend. ???:i can be your friend as a girl. Vallyk:no i don't do that shii, i have friends as girls but we been friends for years now. ???:please. Vallyk:stop just leave me alone. ???:why you crying Vallyk:i miss my damn girlfriend and your stressing me tf out just leave me alone please. Y/N:aww, baby. Vallyk:🥺. ???:Can we hang please i have no one to hang with.

*she touched him and went close to his ykw and he moved her hand.

Vallyk:stop, just leave me alone. ???:what do you wanna do Vallyk:what do i wanna do? i wanna be with my girlfriend and have her in my arms while i give her kisses and she plays in my my hair... Y/N:*cries* Vallyk:fuck bruh.

*he broke down and started crying again.

Vallyk:can you leave...???:i feel bad for you. Vallyk:ok leave please i wanna be alone.

*she left and vallyk rolled the window up and put his head down and cried, then dad walked in my room.

Dad: princess are you ok.

*i got up and hugged him, he hugged me back.

Vallyk:fuckkkk bruh. Dad:its ok, don't stress your self. Y/N:i miss him dad. Dad:i know you miss him and he misses you too.

*he let go of me, i went back and sat on the floor and he left my room then vallyk started driving, when he got back to the house he walked in.

Kobe:bro whats wrong? Vallyk:i miss her. Kobe: dang. Y/N:*sniffles* Kobe:sis stawwp. Y/N:i miss u guys... Kobe:i miss you too but don't cry. Y/N:k. Derek:i'm going back to my home. Andrew:really. Derek:yurp.

*they all left and vallyk went and layed on the floor sence he had no furniture yet all he had was his clothes pillows and blankets and some other stuff.

Y/N:i'mma take a shower. Vallyk:stay with me. Y/N:i'm never hanging up. Vallyk:k*smiles*

*i turned the shower on then he went in his bathroom and did the same then he took his sweat shirt off and looked at his face his face was puffy and had dry tears on it.

Vallyk:i look depressed. Y/N:bae really. Vallyk:i do look at me.

*i laughed a little and he smiled a lil, i got undressed and messed with him and covered myself.

Vallyk:bae, stop lemme see them. Y/N:nope. Vallyk:fine.

*he covered his ykw and his abs.

Y/N:fineeee. Vallyk:yay i see milkies😏. Y/N:boy-

*He laughed.

Y/N: i'mma sleep with that life sized bear we bought together. Vallyk:i stuffed mine in my cary on. Y/N:😭.

*i sat my phone up in the shower and got in.

Vallyk:i like this veiw. Y/N:lil boy. Vallyk:😂.

*i put the phone somewhere else then i started washing up.

Vallyk: should i cut my curls? Y/N:no i like your curls. Vallyk:if i cut them would you still like me? Y/N:ofc, i don't like you because of your hair, i like u for u. Vallyk:*smiles* i love you. Y/N:i love you to. Vallyk:shii now i want a kiss. Y/N:same, this is hard. Vallyk:ri.

*we laughed then finished and got dressed and went to sleep.

*4 months later, I was pregnant, but ion know who's baby it is, no I did not cheat on vallyk, kobe was coming back home so me and Brooklyn went to go pick him up, when we got there he saw us and Brooklyn got up and hugged him.

Kobe:shii i missed u. Brooklyn:i missed u too. Y/N:hey bro. Kobe:wassup. Y/N:why you look older. Kobe:i do? Y/N:yes😭. Kobe:shii idk. Y/N:you vaping more aren't you. Kobe:yea we don't talk about that. Brooklyn:baby boy almost here. Kobe:ik i'm excited. Brooklyn:*smiles* Kobe:i'm staying for 3 weeks then i gotta go back. Brooklyn:k. Y/N:now i want vallyk. Kobe:i think you should call him before i left i went and checked on him and he was crying. Y/N:k i'll call him when i go home. Kobe:igh.

*we got in the car and Kobe drove, when we got home mom hugged kobe.

Mom:i missed you, your getting tall boy stop growing. Kobe:i'm only six one. Mom:yall all probably got tall. Kobe:i mean mike 5'10. Y/N:omg he grew. Kobe:i'mma tell em, derek six foot. Mom: brooklyn happy. Kobe:😂.

*kobe kissed her then they made out.

Kobe:lest take this upstairs. Brooklyn:kk.

*they went upstairs and i called vallyk.

Vallyk:*deep voice* yea. Y/N: what time is it there? Vallyk:5:30. Y/N:oh my bad go back to sleep i forgot different time zone. Vallyk: it's cool, stay on the phone. Y/N:k.

*he sat the phone up then went back to sleep and i took a screenshot.

Mom:you ok y/n? Y/N:yea, i just want him.  Mom: call him. Y/N:i'm on the phone with him, he is just sleep it's 5 over there. Mom: forgot about the time zone. Y/N:😂.

*i went on mute so i wouldn't wake him up then i went in kobe room and accidentally woke kobe up.

Kobe:hm? Y/N:my bad, can i stay with you guys? Kobe:yea, you ok? Y/N:yea i just miss vallyk. Brooklyn:you will see him soon, you have six more months, unless he comes down here for Christmas. Y/N:wait i think he is coming for Christmas. Kobe:jaiden plane get here in 2 hours. Y/N:why his take so long? Kobe:he got a later plane cause the baby. Y/N:ohhh yea, i finally get to see her. Kobe:😂, she is still tinny. Y/N:how old is she. Kobe:5 months, and she still look like a new born. Y/N:a mini me.

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