𝕻𝖆𝖗𝖙 61🦋

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Gusrd:go back over to your gf.

*they let him go and he went over to me and put his hoodie on and put the hood on his head.

Y/N: come here.

*he came to me and hugged me.

Vallyk:i don't want him to die. Y/N:he's not, he won't die. Vallyk:you don't know that... Y/N:ik but you gotta think positive or the negative will happen. Vallyk:k.. can we get baby clothes. Y/N:boy he not even here yet. Vallyk:still can we. Y/N:where we gonna put them cause i'm still gonna be pregnant when i go to vegas i move in 5 months. Vallyk:*smiles* i'm gonna cry when i leave. Y/N:same.

*kobe called the family group chat of me jaiden and mike.

Mike:yo, why you crying what happened?

Kobe:i'm not sad, he's here. Y/N:fr!?!. Kobe:yea.

*he showed dior.

Brooklyn: kobe stoppp your gonna make me crym Kobe:no i always wanted a baby and now i got one. Jaiden:yo. Mike:dior is here. Jaiden:that was fast a hell. Nova:ri, but congratulations. Kobe:ty. Y/N:wait can i come see him. Kobe: Bae you want vistors or no? Brooklyn:later i'm tired. Kobs: come later she wants rest. Y/N:kk. Vallyk: congrats bro. Kobe:ty. 

*we talked a lil more while me and vallyk walked around then we hung up.

Y/N:ok, where we going? Vallyk:baby stuff. Y/N:boy you don't wanna buy stuff when you go back to vegas? Vallyk:i wanna get it with you🥺. Y/N:stoppp don't make that face. Vallyk: what face🥺 Y/N:bubba stoppp. Vallyk:k wifey. Y/N: that's new. Vallyk:you my wifey.

*he went behind me and hugged me and i shook my butt.

*he put his hands up and let me do it then kids came and he moved and we laughed.


*We laughed, then we walked away from them then we went to get some baby clothes and some snacks cause i was craving oreos, we payed and went to vallyk house so he can see his mom, he knocked on the door and waited.

V/M:who is it? Vallyk:wassup.

*she opened the door and hugged him.

V/M:i missed so muchhhh.

*they hugged then we went inside.

Vallyk:baby come.

*i went and sat next to him.

Vallyk:y/n is pregnant. V/M:omg congrats, your keeping this one ri? Y/N:yea vallyk really wants a baby and the baby is a boy. V/M:you guys have a name? Vallyk:kaiden martin pena. V/M:cute name. Y/N:i wanted a girl but i'm happy with a boy. Vallyk:nah i can't handle two girls rn.

*I laughed.

V/M:well have fun with that. Vallyk:shii i'm excited she got six months left. Y/N: that's gonna go by fast. Vallyk:people ask about it in school? Y/N:random ass people be touching my stomach. Vallyk:no touching my baby, he mine. Y/N:he gonna take something of yours soon. Vallyk:wym? Y/N:milk. Vallyk:no those are mine. V/M:boy the baby gotta eat some how. Vallyk:i'm joking but still. Y/N:how much furniture you got? Vallyk:i have our bed room set you picked out, a living room set and that's it i didn't get anything else cause i aint know you was pregnant. Y/N:😭.

*we talked a lil more then me and vallyk went back to my house.

Vallyk:what you wanna do? Y/N:be in your arms while i play with your hair. Vallyk:you remembered when i said that. Y/N:yup.

*he kissed me then we layed on the couch together then jaiden and nova came downstairs.

Jaiden:ew. Nova:boy you are the same. Ayla:*giggles* Nova:😂, you laughing at daddy. Jaiden:see girls be going against you. Vallyk:😭.

*nova sat on the couch with ayla.

Nova:you trying to lift your head already.  Jaiden:she strong and her gum hurt. Nova:how they hurt. Jaiden:she put my finger in her mouth and bit down. Nova:thats on you. Jaiden:whatever. Nova:😂.

*vallyk dug his head in my neck and went to sleep.

Y/N:babe. Vallyk:*snores* Y/N:dude. Jaiden:you wanted him back now he gonna be clingy. Y/N:ik, i missed my baby.  Vallyk:miss u too. Y/N:you could hear me this whole time. Vallyk:mhm, i didn't feel like answering. Y/N:oh wow. Vallyk:*smiles* Mom:i will be back. Y/N:where you going? Mom:to see my grand child. Jaiden:oh.

*she left.

Vallyk:*deep voice* unbend your knee. Y/N:my bad.

*i unbended it.

Vallyk:i'll be back. Y/N:where you going. Vallyk:uh to do sum. Y/N:k.

*he got up and went upstairs.

Jaiden:i already know what he about to do
Y/N: what? Jaiden:your pregnant so he can't do it with you so he has to do him self.  Y/N:😂.

*i went upstairs in my room and sat on my bed.

Vallyk:shii y/nnnn. Y/N:boy. Vallyk:yo stop. Y/N:😭.

*i left the room and went back downstairs and got my Oreos then jaiden took one.

Jaiden:oo and they double stuff. Nova:you did that to me and what happened. Jaiden:you smacked me. Nova: exactly. Y/N:put it back. Jaiden:i'm good. Y/N:put my food back. Jaiden:girl it's two cookies. Nova:all i gotta say is don't touch a pregnant women's food. Jaiden:whatever she will live. Y/N:gimmeeee. Jaiden:no.

*he ate the cookies and i stared at the pack and a tear went down my face.

Jaiden:nigga it's a cookie. Y/N:your mean i don't want it no more.

*vallyk came downstairs and took a cookie.

Y/N:put it back. Vallyk:i bought them. Y/N:.... Vallyk: exactly.  Y/N:🥺.

*vallyk looked at me and put it back.

Vallyk:cranky. Y/N:meanie. Vallyk:i have to deal with this for six months.

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