𝕻𝖆𝖗𝖙 67🦋

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Nova: ayla are you ok baby. kobe:what did you do. Vallyk:right, i aint never see no baby cry like that unless they are hurt. Y/N:aww poor baby.

*i went next to nova and held ayla's hand.

Y/N:did you pinch her?! Elijah:and if i did? Jaiden:dad! Dad:ik.

*dad came in with a bat.


*Elijah put his hands up and walked downstairs and dad followed him.

Kobe:bro what did he do. Jaiden:idk but she won't stop. Nova:ayla, calm down mommy is here. Jaiden: that's not a damn bruise that's a fucking burn.Y/N:no look Right here. Jaiden:bro. Kobe: i need to beat his ass i'm done with him , vallyk look mad as hell. Vallyk:cause he threatened to kill kaiden if he wasn't his, and i don't think kaiden is his he has my nose and lips.

Kobe:now i'm pissed, i have to go back to Brooklyn and dior.

*Brooklyn face timed him.

Kobe:i'm coming. Brooklyn:k, i'm scared. Kobe:why what happened? Brooklyn:nothing i just don't like being here by my self. Kobe: stay on the phone wit me.

*he walked away and jaiden went and got ice and nova picked ayla up.

Nova:mama it's ok, ik it hurts. Y/N:this is my fault... Vallyk:no baby it's not, don't blame your self. Y/N:i'm sorry when i feel bad i blame my self. Vallyk:ik but it's not your fault, he is just a bad person. Nova: y/n it's not your fault.... what did he do to you? Y/N:he raped me. Nova:aww it's gonna be ok.

*she rubbed my arm, then Jaiden came with the ice pack.

Jaiden:baby here.

*she took it and put it on ayla's arm and ayla flinched and cried.

Nova:to cold mama, igh stay with daddy.

*jaiden layed down then nova put ayla on him.

Jaiden:y/n you ok? Y/N:yea... are you? Jaiden:yea it just scared me cause she was hurt. Y/N:oh.

*i went and kissed ayla's forhead and i kissed Jaiden's and he smiled.

Jaiden:love you. Y/N:love you too.

*i left his room and went back in mine, then the cranps came back.

Y/N:VALLYK! Vallyk:HOLD ON! Y/N:noooo i need you hurry.

*he came in the room.

Vallyk:what happened? Y/N:the crmaps are back and worse. Vallyk: to much movement again lay down.

*i layed down.

Vallyk:ok i will be back.

*he kissed me then left the room then i got a text from elijah it was a picture of me laying on the bed from my window, i looked at my window then closed the current and went downstairs cause it freaked me.

Vallyk:wha calm down. Y/N:noooo vallyk he is stalking me. Dad:*sigh* when is this nigha gonna learn?

*he went outside with his bat.

Vallyk: mamas calm down. Y/N:vallyk i'm scared. Vallyk:ik it's ok i'm here.

*he hugged me and i was shaking.

Vallyk:aww mamas i don't like this, i don't like seeing you scared for your life. Y/N:i don't want you or kaiden to die. Vallyk:me ethir but i will do anything to protect you ok? Y/N:k.

*dad came back in with elijah and nova saw him and got mad then jaiden came down with ayla and got mad.

Jaiden:what did you burn ayla with? Dad:you burned her?

*mom walked in threw the door.

Mom:hell nah get ya ass out. Mike:what i d- oh you, shii i should of killed you, what he do now. Jaiden:fuckin burned ayla and gave her a bruise and raped y/n and threatened to kill the baby if he is not his.

Mom:RAPED?!, that's disrespectful, cause ik damn well if it was the other way around and vallyk was the one saying this stuff you would not like it, say some slick shit again tk my daughter and her boyfriend again, or even go near their child, your not gonna like the ending. Mike:now you know he finna die w- Kobe:he here again, can i beat his ass now. Elijah:bitch i will take ya ugly ass baby. Kobe:shii how you know he ugly? the only people who saw him so far was my aunt mom and dad.

*he showed a picture of Brooklyn giving birth and kobe attacked him and they started fighting.

jaiden: that's disgusting. Nova:right, that was there moment to enjoy. Vallyk: that's not cool. Kobe: WTF IS WORNG WITH YOU!

*dad and mom pulled him off.

Kobe:no i want Brooklyn, that shit aint fucking funny. Elijah:and you need help. Kobe:fuck you, i hate you.

*mom and dad let go of him and he got his stuff and left, Elijah started laughing and the cramps came back and i screamed cause they were worse.

Vallyk:mamas lay on the couch. Y/N:*cries*

*he picked me up and put me on the couch and mom sat next to me and rubbed my stomach and vallyk got me water.

Nova: heating pad you have one. Y/N:under my bed.

*nova went and got it and vallyk searched up things to help.

Elijah:aww baby boy almost here. Jaidne:igh, nigga look at vallyk and look at these pictures.

*the police came and knocked on the door and dad opened it.

Police:hello, what is going on now. Dad:him right there has been a threat to this family. Police:he looks like someone just fought him. Mom:my son did because he took a picture of his gf giving birth threw a window. Mike: that's just nasty.

Police: anything else he has done? Valkyk:he raped my gf, and threatened her saying if the baby is mine he dies and so do i, and he burned his daughter and gave her a bruise. Police:who is your gf? Vallyk:her. Police:you look terrified did he do anything to you in the past and how do you know him? Y/N:he's my ex, he was abusive when i was with him and gave me a whoel bunch of scars and bruises. Police:ok, sir you are udner arrest and you have the right to remain silent.

*they arrested him and left with him.

Vallyk:mamas he got arrested it's ok calm down, its almost Christmas. Y/N:*smiles* k.

*me and vallyk went back upstairs and brought the heating pad, i layed down and put it on my stomach, then vallyk took his pants off and got under the covers.

Vallyk: it's freezing. Y/N:right. Vallyk:you need a new phone. Y/N:ik i'll get one later. Vallyk:k.

*he kissed me then  we went to sleep.

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