𝕻𝖆𝖗𝖙 79🦋

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Gianna:🙄, his name is jacob. Derek:😐, don't talk to me. Gianna:i was a joke boy, see how it feel. Derek:😐, don- lemme lone. Gianna:i can go back to Kentucky. Derek:noooo. Gianna: exactly. Derek:🖕🏻. Gianna:ight bye, lemme go call him, hello? heyy jacob.

*Derek got up and chased her.

Vallyk:i'm going over there i wanna see what happen. Mike:same.

*i ended the live then got up and went down the hall and went inside derek apartment.


*y/n came with the blanket.

Y/N:what happened. Gianna: help.

*she ran in here and went behind me.

Derek:your fucking annoying. Gianna:and that what ya get for fuckin wit me. Derek:are you actually talking to someone else? Gianna:no here take my phone, you buying me a new one. Derek:no no i'm not. Gianna:then I'll take yours. Vallyk:yall a mess. Derke:shut up.


*me and y/n went back to our apartment and she went and ate her food.


Y/N:vallyk my stomach hurts. Vallyk:you ok? Y/N:no it hurts.

*he came over and rubbed my stomach.

Vallyk:what it feel like? Y/N:the contractions i've been having. Vallyk: does that mean the baby coming? Y/N:i guess. Vallyk:i get to see baby boy soon.

*i smiled then the pain got worse and i put my head on vallyk shoulder and cried.

Y/N:can we go to the hospital. Vallyk:yea, should i bring the hospital bag? Y/N:you packed one? Vallyk:yea i got you some comfy outfits to wear and i got baby clothes for him. Y/N:for you? Vallyk: shorts underwear and yea. Y/N:k.

*he went and got the bag then he got his blanket just in case the baby was coming, we left and vallyk locked up then we went to the hospital, when we got there vallyk told the front desk, the nurse brought us to our room, when we got to the room i layed down and the nurse checked me, she said that we had to stay cause my water might break soon.

Nurse:how many months are you? Y/N:8. Nurse: early baby, ok well he or she is on his way, do you know the gender? Y/N:yea, boy. Nurse:aww congrats, if your water breaks press this button and a nurse will come. Y/N:ok. Nurse:are you hungry or anything? Y/N:do you have anything light? Nurse:some french fries? Y/N:can i get those? Nurse:ofc, would you like anything? Vallyk:nah i'm good. Nurse ok.

*she left.

Vallyk:shii i got canes Y/N:oh wow. Vallyk:😭. Y/N:can i try. Vallyk:yea.

*he got up and fed me.

Y/N:hold up- that is good. Vallyk:told you. Y/N:the next time you get canes i want some. Vallyk:😭.

*the nurse came back with the food and she gave me a gown to change into then she left.

Y/N:babe can you help me change? Vallyk:yea.

*he put his food down and helped me change, when i was done i layed back down and he put the covers on me and gave me my fries then he sat back down, we talked.

Vallyk:i get to see my son soon. Y/N:😭, you happy and i'm nervous. Vallyk:why you nervous? Y/N:cause Brooklyn said it hurt. Vallyk:well yea you pushing a whole baby out ya pussy. Y/N:😭 bold behind. Vallyk:what all i said was pussy. Y/N:stop. Vallyk:pussyyyyy. Y/N:😭, ow stop making me laugh.

*vallyk laughed then Kiev called me.

Kobe:yo, you home? Y/N:no. Kobe:where you go? Y/N: hospital. Kobe:you just got here and you hurt already. Y/N:no ya nephew on the way Kobe:damn you early. Y/N:ik i'm a whole month early. Kobe:😭, well have fun with that vallyk. Vallyk: bruh was it really nasty? Kobe:bro i swear it disgusting. Brooklyn:it was not. Koeb:you aint watch him come out so how you know. Brooklyn:😭, cause you dramatic. Kobe:ik- wait heyyy.Y/N:😭. Vallyk:😂.  kobe:anyway it was gross. Vallyk:now i'm just holding ya hand. Y/N:nooo watch ya son be born. Vallyk:we will have more kids. Y/N:so you gonna watch ya other kids but not your first born? Vallyk:omg you make me sound so mean, fine i'll watch. Y/N:ok. Vallyk:if i throw up it aint my fault. Y/N: don't throw up on my baby. Vallyk:i won't . Y/N:mhm. Vallyk:fa get you. Y/N:shush, kobe i'll call you later or mabey vallyk will. Kobe:k, have a good delivery. Y/N:awww you being nice. Kobe:now i'mma stop being nice. Y/N: ok I'm joking, thank you.

*he rolled his eyes then hung up.

Vallyk:ayla is one already. Y/N:yea she turned one  june 10th. Vallyk:ik, and now it's july. Y/N:whats today? Vallyk:july 31. Y/N:so he might be born today tomorrow or god know when. Vallyk:😭.

Vallyk:i'm gonna be so uncomfortable. Y/N:sleep wit m-

*liquid went down my leg.

Vallyk:what? Y/N:my wayer broke. Vallyk: then press the thingy. Y/N:you can't say button 😭. Vallyk:😐.

*i pushed the button then a nurse came 5 mins after i did that.

Nurse:any pain? Y/N:a lil bit but it's not bad. Nurse:ok.

*the nurse helped me stand then she changed the sheets and i layed back down, she checked me.

Nurse:you are 4 cm, you should give birth in the morning. Y/N:ok.

*she smiled and left.

Vallyk:baby coming, the baby coming, the baby coming. Y/N:😭, come i wanna cuddle just lay on this side. Vallyk:there aint enough room. Y/N:i want youuu. Vallyk:same but we cuddle when we go to the other room ok? Y/N:k.

*he went and layed down and we both went to sleep, an hour later the pain was getting really bad.

Y/N:ahhh🥺. Vallyk:*sleepy voice* whats wrong? Y/N:it hurts bad. 

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