𝕻𝖆𝖗𝖙 104🦋

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*we made out then we got undressed and vallyk gave me hickeys down my bodie then ate me out.

Y/N:oh shii!

*my phone started ringing and it was my mom vallyk told me to answer it i answered it and vallyk kept eating me out.

Y/N:h-ello? Mom:you busy? Y/N:kindaaaa. Mom:😭, ok call me back when you have time kaiden wanna talk to you guys. Y/N:k.

*she hung up and i put my phone down and moaned loud then i came and he ate it then pumped himself and inserted himself into me amd pounded me.

Y/N:uhhhh fuck baeee. Vallyk:*groans* shi y/nnnn.

*he threw his head forward then kissed me, we made out and he nutted in me and i came, he layed next to me out of breath and i got on him and rode him.

Vallyk:fuckkkk. Y/N:damn you got bigger. Vallyk:just for you baby.

*i smiled and he held my hips amd pounded me then we switched position i was still riding me but my back was facing him.

Vallyk:fuckkkk. Y/N:mhmmmm, shii daddyyy!

*i came and he nutted, we continued then after that we took another shower then cleaned up an went to a party at the hotel.

Vallyk:we getting drunk today. Y/N:i can't drink i'm pregnant. Vallyk:oh yea, damn imagine not being able to drink. Y/N:shut up.

*we walked in, vallyk got a drink he got wine and i got fruit punch.

Vallyk:this is good to. Y/M:you think your funny. Vallyk:cause i am.

*i rolled my eyes and we danced, then twerk by cardi came on and i twerked on vallyk.

Vallyk:go wifey go wifey. Y/N:😭.

*vallyk recorded us dancing and him getting twereked on.

Vallyk:shiiii finna make me act up. Y/N:boy.

*we danced more and vallyk got another drink.

Vallyk:shi it's kicking in. Y/N:then stop drinking. vallyk:nah this good. Y/N:stopppp now i want it. Vallyk:here- nope. Y/N:🖕🏻. Vallyk:😭😭, my bad.

*he kissed me and i tasted it in the kiss.

Y)N:wait that is good. Vallyk:how yk. Y/N:you kissed me dumbass. Vallyk: don't get smart😭. Y/N:just did .

*i shook by butt and vallyk smacked it and laughed, a few hours later vallyk was drunk so we went back to the room and got ready for bed, me and vallyk layed down, he had his head on my chest and he had hiccups.

Y/N:😭. Vallyk:meanie. Y/N:😭. Vallyk:stoppp.

*he buried his face in my neck and i played in his curls and called my mom back.

Mom:kaiden look. Kaiden:mama!

*i smiled.

Y/N:hey baby. Kaiden:i. Y/N:wyd? Kaiden:play dior and ayla. Y/N:having fun? Kaiden:yea*smiles* Where dada. Y/N:he not feeling well. Mom:what happened? Y/N:he drunk😭. Vallyk:not funny. Y/N:go to sleep. Mom:see you think ya grown and getting drunk. Vallyk:i am grown i'm legal to drink. Y/N:so am i. Vallyk: finally. Y/N:boy. Vallyk:😭. Kaiden:mama, when come get me. Y/N: i will come and get you in 6 days. Kaiden:to wong🥺. Y/N:you get six days with  grandma and puppy. Mom:chanel isn't here anymore. Y/N:wym? Mom:she got really sick cause the neighbor gave her something and she had to get put down. Y/N:aww, my baby left me. Vallyk:i can get you another puppy if you want one. Y/N:we can't have dogs in the apartment. Vallyk:oh yea i found a house for us. Y/N:fr. Kaiden:i sweepy. Y/N:ok go sleep, we can talk tomorrow night before you go to bed ok. Kaiden:k.

*he sat in mom's arms.

Dad:kaiden wanna go get a bath? Kaiden:yea.

*dad picked him up.

Y/N:love you. Kaiden:wobe you.

*i smiled then me and mom talked for a lil.

Vallyk:*snores* Y/N:really.

*i showed vallyk and he was knocked out.

Mom:the hang over he is gonna have tomorrow 😭. Y/N:yea i'm glad i brought Tylenol. Mom:😭,i'mma let you get sleep you look tired. Y/N:i am tired.

*vallyk got off me and got up.

Y/N:where you going.

*he pointed to the bathroom.

Y/N:😭. Vallyk:meanie.

*i laughed then me and mom hung up, i heard vallyk throw up in the bathroom then I heard the toilet flush, i went in the bathroom to see if he was ok and he was brushing his teeth, he looked tired.

Y/N:you ok? Vallyk:my head hurts. Y/N:want Tylenol. Vallyk:please.

*i went and got it and gave him two, he took them then went and layed down, i turned the light off and layed next to him and cuddled him, the next morning we woke up and vallyk was better.

Vallyk:why you looking at me like that😭. Y/N: cause you was drunk.

*he started hiccuping and laughing out of no where.

Y/N:and you still are. Vallyk:you cute. Y/N: vallyk. Vallyk:hmm, i wanna marry youuuu, wait i am married shiii my head. Y/N:😭. Vsllyk:stawwpp.

*i sat on him in riding posting.

Vallyk:hey wifeyyy. Y/N:hey hubbyyy. Vallyk:😭.

*he poked his lips for a kiss and i kissed him then we got up and got ready in something casual cause we were gonna go out for breakfast, after we got ready we put our shoes on and i got my purse and we left, we started walking around the hotel and found the Cafe area, we got there and got food and sat down.

Vallyk:ight should we take kaiden to sesame place? Y/N:sure we can go for his birthday. Vallyk: it's in Philadelphia so we have to pick warm months. Y/N: isn't August still warm? Vallyk:yea but it's not warm warm.

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