𝕻𝖆𝖗𝖙 92🦋

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Aya:y/n come here. Y/N:no. Aya: kaiden is about to cry.

*i went to kaiden and held his hand and he looked at me and giggled.

Y/N:no don't laugh you scared me. Derek:*groans* Jaiden:kobe derek is up.

*kobe still didn't come in.

Jaiden:bro come on. Derek:*cracky low voice*bro i'm fine, where gig- Gianna:i'm right here. Derek:*smiles* kaiden ok? Y/N:yea thankyou. Derek:yw...

*kobe came in and he was crying alot.

Aya:aww i have never seen kobe like this. Jaiden:bro come on. Kobe:no i can't. Derek: i'm alive. Gianna:*smiles* Y/N:vall- mike you ok? Mike:hm i'm fine.

*he wiped his face.

Y/N:mike you can cry it's ok. Mike:*sniffle* Doctor:i am so sorry this happened, the baby can go home today he is all clear derek and vallyk have to stay for atleast three weeks.

Y/N:is he awake. Doctor:vallyk is awake i guess he is sleeping.

*i tapped vallyk.

Vallyk:hm? Y/N:baby you ok? Vallyk:*cracky voice*yea are you? Y/N:if your ok i'm ok. Vallyk: kaiden? Kaiden:dada. Vallyk:*smiles* Y/N:good job you said dada. Vallyk:first word was me. Y/N:you really trying to start. Vallyk: my lips are dry... Y/N:i have lip gloss. Vallyk:no. Y/N:i'm joking i have chap stick.

*i put some on his lip and rubbed it and he bit my finger.

Y/N:boy. Vallyk:*smiles* i'm hurt can't do nothing. Kobe:😭. Jaiden:damn he really did that😭. Aya:you just got shot a few hours ago and you still messing wit her. Vallyk:*smiles* Y/N:your arm hurt? Vallyk:no wh-

*i punched his arm not hard.

Vallyk:she hit me. Doctor:you did bite her. Y/N: exactly. Vallyk: i wanna go home. Y/N:you can. Vallyk: really?!?. Y/N:in three weeks. Vallyk:nooo i have things to do. Y/N:like what. Vallyk: don't worry about it kobe knows and so does der- why he here. Derek:Saved your sons life, and got hit.

Vallyk:thankyou. Derek:yw. Mike:your gf crazy. Vallyk:what she do? Mike:she tried to shoot elijah. Doctor:i would of done the same if he was the on that caused this. Y/N:see i'm not the only one, so how was heaven. Vallyk:? Derek:... Doctor:you guys died like 3 times. Vallyk:shi manifest. Derek:fax bro. Kobe:no we- no yall not having no damn death date. Doctor: manifest got these people beliving so much stuff. Mike:nah they made it look real. Vallyk:😂. Kaiden:dada. Y/N: can i pick him up. Doctor:um hold on lemme take the iv out.

*she took the iv out and i picked him up, he was perfectly fine.

Kaiden:*giggles* Y/N:whats so funny. Kaiden:*giggles* Doctor:he was on laughing gas cause he wouldn't let us touch him. Y/N:oh. Kaiden:*giggles* Kobe: laughing gass actually makes you laugh? Doctor:y-yea. Y/N:he's a lil stupid don't worry about him. Kobe:now when we go back home i'mma fuck ya ass up. Y/N:only vallyk can do that.

*i saw vallyk get hard and he looked away.

Vallyk:stopppp. Derek:vallyk a rock*giggles* Gianna: don't laugh. Derek:why. Gianna:cause you scared me. Derek:my bad can i get a kiss. Gianna:nope lips are dry. Derek:😐.

*derek tried to lick his lips.

Derek:i can't lick them.

*gigi laughed and kissed him,Brooklyn called kobe.

Kobe:wassup. Dior:dada. Kobe:hey, wyd? Dior:elmo. Kobe:you watching elmo😂. Dior:yea. Brooklyn:😂, you ok? Kobe:yea i'm fine, everyone fine but vallyk and derek. Brooklyn:are they alive. Kobe:ye-

*Vallyk's thing started beeping and his eyes closed.


*doctors pushed us out the room and went over to him and used the shocking thing to shook his heart and make it beat again, his monitor stopped beeping and went back to normal.

Doctor: that was a close one. Kobe:wt- Brooklyn:what happened? Kobe: vallyk almost died.

*we went back in and i went to vallyk.

Kaiden:dada? Y/N:please be ok. Kobe:is he gonna wake up? Doctor:he should wake in a few hours, are any of you staying? Kobe:i will. Y/N:sure can i get some stuff for the baby. Doctor:ofc they are getting brought to a different area so i can bring another bed in for you two if yall don't mind sharing. Kobe:yay cuddles. Y/N:😐. Kobe:we fine with sharing. Y/N:wh- ok.. Gianna:yea have fun with that. Derek:bae can you stay? Gianna:want me to? derek:please. Gianna:k i'll come back later i'mma go shower and change. Derek:k..

*gigi kissed him then we all left, When we all got home i went to my apartment and went in and shut the door, i started crying then kaiden started crying cause i was crying.

Y/N:shhh it's ok i'm fine. Kaiden:*cries*

*i calmed him down then i went and gave him a bath and put him in something comfy, i got my mini bookbag and put some diapers and wipes in it and his binky, then i went in me and vallyk room and got some pads cause i was on my period, then kaiden crawled in here with his bear.

Y/N:wanna bring it. Kaiden:*giggles* Y/N:*smiles* look at you and your lil dimples.

*he smiled and i smiled then i put him on my bed and looked the door and gave him my phone then i went and took a shower, when i was done i got dressed and put an extra pair of underwear in my bag just in case you never know.

Y/N:ok binky, diapers, bear, oh your blanket you literally won't sleep without it.

*i got his lil blanket and put it in the bag then i grabbed my keys and put my slides on then got kaiden.

Y/N:ready. Kaiden:eh.

*i looked at where he was pointing,  he left his bear, i got it and gave it to him then i locked up and walked downstairs.

Kobe:yo wait. Y/N:why. Kobe:cause i can't take the car Brooklyn might need it. Y/N:oh forgot. Kobe: waiting for gigi? Y/N:gigi left lil boy😭. Kobe:she did?? Y/N:derek car not here. Gianna:hey peeps. Y/N:where the car. Gianna:right there. Kobe:he got a new car? Gianna:i got it for him. Kobe:oh, i want a black lambo. Y/N:yea ik, Kobe:i wanna black lambo tinted windows. Y/N: where your shirt. Kobe:right here. Y/N:they not gonn let you walk in like that. Kobe:bro it's hot. Y/N: that's on you.

*i put kaiden in the car and it was hot in the car, i started the car and the car cooled down then kobe put his shirt on and got in and we left, when we got to the hospital we asked for the room and they took us to it.

Doctor:ma'am. Y/N:yea? Doctor:is this your son's? Y/N:oh yea thank you.

*I gave kaiden back his bear then followed the other doctor to the room, when we go to the room derek was on his phone.

Y/N:did vallyk wake up? Derek:yea he woke up didn't say anything then went to sleep.

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