𝕻𝖆𝖗𝖙 98🦋

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Derek:i was hoping that thing wouldn't bite you. Gianna:my snake is not a thing. Kobe:yea but you are. Gianna:😐 kaiden gett him.

*Kaiden made an evil laugh"

Kobe:the fuc-

*kaiden chased kobe around fhe house while holding the phone then kobe slipped and kaiden sat on him.

Kaiden:got em. Gianna:damn😭.

*then dior came and jumped on him.

Kobe:why mommy let you come over here. Brooklyn:cause he wanted to see kaiden. Mom:kai kai. Kaiden:yea. Mom:i'll call you back I have to pack so i can come see you. Kaiden:yay!. Mom: ok love you. Kaiden:wobe you.

*she said bye and hung up and kaiden put my phone down and layed on kobe.

Dior:my dada. Kaiden:🥺. Kobe:dior. Dior:my dada!

*kaiden got up and cried and went to derek.

Derek: what happened. Kaiden:dior be mean. Derek:dior your dad is his uncle. Dior:no. Kobe:yes. Dior:no. Kobe: yes. Dior:no. Kobe:i'm not gonna argue with a two year old. Dior:i not argue wit 21 old. Kobe:... Vallyk: you just don't win. Aya: he different.

*Vallyk and Aya laughed.

Gianna:dior come here. Dior:k. Gianna:what you wanna do? dior:fight dada. Kobe:tf i do to you.

*kobe got up and took his shirt off.

Kobe: wanna fight? lest fight.

*gigi put dior down then dior and kobe started play fighting. 

Dior:*giggles*  Kobe:yeaaa. Vallyk:y/n move. Y/M: fine watch. Vallyk:i'm joking come back.  Y/N:nope.

*vallyk rolled his eyes and went on his phone then we all talked for a lil then they went back to there apartment, vallyk got up and got chips and sat at the island and i went in the kitchen and decided to mess with him, i went and got my old phone that looked the exact same as mine i went live and pinned my comment telling them what i was doing, i set the phone up so they can see vallyk then i made the old phone buzz so i can act like someone is calling me.


*he looked at me then went back at his phone.

Y/N:oh heyyy. Vallyk: who that. Y/N:my friend, oh no one just my home boy. Vallyk:*wispers* who tf is she talking about?? Y/N:idk my homie be nosy. Vallyk:... ik it aint me cause i'm not her homie.

Y/N:my home boy be on some nosy stuff like you all up in my business. Vallyk:keep fuckin wit me. Y/N:bro. Vallyk:... Y/N:yo bro. Vallyk:who you talking to? Y/N:you tf. Vallyk:nah you must be talking to the invisible nigga in back of me. Y/N:bro shut up. Vallyk:???.

*he got up and moved me out the way and washed his hands and dried them.

Y/N:nun my home boy being annoying.

*vallyk put his hands in his pants and leaned on the counter.

Vallyk:who are you talking to. Y/N:bro no. Vallyk:😂 you funny. Kaiden:dada. Vallyk:yea? Kaiden:bubble guppies pease. Vallyk:k.

*he went and put the show on then came back.

Y/N:bro you can come hang, i'm single and my home boy he-

*vallyk snapped.

Vallyk:i'm not your home boy and you not single. Y/N:yea ya are, an i am single

*he grabbed the phone amd put it in his pocket.

Vallyk:i'm your fucking fiance now stop playing with me. Y/N:ok bro. Vallyk:you playin to much.

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