𝕻𝖆𝖗𝖙 59🦋

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Jaiden:you sure about that. Kobe:yes, i'mma bite them off soon. Jaiden:yea ik. Brooklyn: didn't you put mascara on. Kobe:ight we don't talk about that, i was bored and had accidentally took ya mascara so i put it on. Brooklyn:you got it all in ya eyes. Kobe:lemme loneee.

*Jaiden laughed.

Kobe:i'mma steal ya baby. Jaiden:no.

*kobe ran down stairs and jaiden chased him, then we all went downstairs and ayla was crying.

Nova:*groans* yall scared her. Kobe:he did it. Jaiden:😐.

*nova put her on her chest.

Jaiden's:want me to take her? you look tired. Nova:i'm fine. Kobe:my dick hurt. Dad:tmi.

Kobe:it does thou.

*Brooklyn grabbed him.

Kobe:stoppp. Brooklyn: trying to help you. Vallyk: baby. Y/N:yea. Vallyk:yk i'm not coming tomorrow ri? Y/N:when are you coming🥺. Vallyk: you will see. Y/N:nooo tell me i miss u🥺. Vallyk:you will see don't worry. Y/N:k.

*i talked to vallyk a lil more then we hung up and a few more hours later i went and took a shower and went to sleep.


*i was on the phone with vallyk.

Kobe:you almost here i'm tired. Vallyk:i'm around the corner. Kobe:igh, bae. Brooklyn:hm? Kobe:go upstairs. Brooklyn:no i wanna stay with u. Kobe:igh.

*i put my head down then vallyk got here, i opened the door for him.

Kobe:she might be sleep. Vallyk:igh.

*he went upstairs, I shut and locked the door then me and Brooklyn went in my room.

*the next morning i woke up and looked beside me cause i felt someone and i looked and it was vallyk, i layed on him and teard up.

Vallyk:*deep voice* hey mamas.

*he hugged me and kissed me.

Y/N:i missed u🥺. Vallyk:same i was crying every night cause i didn't have  you next to me. Y/N:i love you. Vallyk:i love you to.

*he kissed me again then he felt the baby bump.

Vallyk:are you pregnant?.

*i smiled and nodded. Vallyk:you fr!.

*he started smiling really hard, i said yes and he hugged me.

Vallyk:did you get the gender or no? Y/N:baby kaiden is on his way. Vallyk:lest gooo.

*he gave me a whole bunch of kisses then Kobe walked in with ayla.

Vallyk: I thought you was having a boy? Kobe:oh she not mine, this jaiden baby. Vallyk:jaiden here? Kobe:yea.

Vallyk:oh. Nova:lil boy, gimme my bab- hey vallyk. Vallyk:wassup. Nova:give me my child. Kobe:no mi- Brooklyn:KOBE!🥺

*kobe gave ayla to nova and went to his room.


*me and vallyk got up and went in his room and saw Brooklyn on his bed crying.

Y/N:what happened??? Kobe:idfk. Brooklyn:my water broke. Kobe:*smiles*

*kobe put some pants on and jaiden helped Brooklyn stand up.

Brooklyn:owwww. Nova:sit down and wait till kobe gets the stuff in the car. kobe:shi where the hospital bag? Brooklyn:closet. Kobe:ight.

*he got the bag then went downstairs.

Vallyk: damn i'm not used to this time no more it's to early. Jaiden:ri in vegas it's 7 in the morning. Nova:😂.

Brooklyn:yall are weird. Nova:girl. Brooklyn:ow don't make me laughhhh. Kobe:ight bae you ready? Brooklyn:yea it doesn't hurt right now.

*Kobe helped Brooklyn stand up.

Y/N:omg he actually got mussel and not just bone. Kobe:stfu.

*Jaiden and nova laughed.


*kobe and Brooklyn left then mom came in kobe room.

Mom:what happened? Y/N: Brooklyn water broke. Mom:early baby, she was due on Christmas. Y/N: Christmas in 3 days i need to wrap my gifts. Vallyk:i got sum for you. Y/N:what is it🙃. Vallyk;not telling you. Y/N:can we get matching pajamas. Vallyk:😂 sure. Y/N:oop bae getting mussle. Vallyk:*smiles* Mom:they went to the hospital? Nova:yea. Jaiden:yo this time is throwing me off.

Nova:it threw her off to normal she up around 10 or 9.  Y/N: she's five months ready. Vallyk: wasn't she just born? Nova: that's what I'm saying, my baby getting old on me. Vallyk:well i'm a dad. Mom:y/n your pregnant??? Y/N:yea. Mom: keeping this one? Y/N:yea i'm 3 months. Mom:your small.

*i lifted my shirt.

Y/N:i am small. Vallyk: another mini you. Y/N:boy, wait did you get taller??? or am i just not growing. Vallyk: nah i'm 6ft. Y/N:i- damn boy. Vallyk:kobe almost 6'2 . Y/N:ik i feel so tinny. Jaiden:you are thou.

*he got the baby so i couldn't do nothing.

Jaiden:i have a baby in my hands. Y/N:😑. Nova:really boy

*vallyk pushed my head and ran away, i chased him into my room but i couldn't find him then he scared me, i screamed and started shaking.

Vallyk:baby calm down. Y/N:you mean.

*i went in the bathroom and went live and vallyk came in the bathroom not knowing i was live and went to the bathroom. Y/N:dude i'm live. Vallyk:they saw me?

Y/N:saw your butt. Vallyk:k.

*he finished then washed his hand and put his hands in his pants.

Live:yesss, finally they are back together, boy get out ya pants, vallyk touching his giraffe neck🙃. Y/N:i remember you said that's what you called it. Vallyk: called what. Y/N: giraffe neck. Vallyk:oh.

*vallyk's hand started moving around and he looked at em and i looked down then at him.

Y/N:whats going on in there. Vallyk:nun.

*i tried to grab him but he moved then  we started playing around.

Y/N:lemme see. Vallyk:no. Y/N:whyyyy. Vallyk:cause you don't wanna see it. Y/N:why. Vallyk:your gonna be shocked. Y/N:and? Vallyk:guys we will be back.

*he put the camera up to the ceiling then showed me why and he got bigger.

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