𝕻𝖆𝖗𝖙 53🦋

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Vallyk:i have a gffff move.

*he almost fell off the seat but i grabbed his arm.

Y/N:babe,lay down.

*he cuddled me and went back to sleep.

Driver:did you guys have a great time? Andrew:yea glad i went. Angel:same. Skylar:me too. Gianna:same.

*the driver dropped us all off and left, vallyk and Brooklyn slept over our house, we went inside and mom and dad were on the couch.

Mom:oh boy. Kobe:shii my head hurts. Vallyk:i have to pee. Y/N:go pee.

*he went upstairs and kobe went and layed on mom.

Mom:uh uh boy go upstairs and go to sleep. Brooklyn:babe come on.

*kobe and Brooklyn went upstairs and i went to my room.

Vallyk:bae can we cuddle? Y/N:yea let me take a shower. .

*he said ok and got in the shower with me, when we were done i put on a black underwear set, vallyk put boxers on then he layed down, i layed next to him then my head ache came.

Y/N:*groans* Vallyk:whats wrong? Y/N:My head hurts. Vallyk:you were drinking? Y/N:a lil bit not as much as you. vallyk:oh.

*i closed my eyes and vallyk took a picture of us cuddling and him half way alseep he posted it then went to sleep.

 *i closed my eyes and vallyk took a picture of us cuddling and him half way alseep he posted it then went to sleep

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Caption:I love her❤️.
Liked by, kbreeezo, gloryboyjai, AyaTanjalii and liked by 20k others.


AYATANJALII:so freaking cute!
*Liked by creator*

Vallyk:shut ya drink ass up 😭.

*the next morning me and vallyk woke up and our heads were pounding.

Vallyk:*groans* fuck my headddd. Y/N:*cries* Vallyk:whats wrong? Y/N:my head hurt really bad.

*vallyk kissed my head then mom walked in and turned the light and me and vallyk groaned then vallyk got up and went the bathroom and threw up.

Mom:well he has a hang over, you ok? Y/N:no my head hurts. Mom:want Tylenol? Y/N:please, can vallyk get some? Mom:yes.

*kobe walked in.

Kobe:momma. Mom:boy fixed ya underwear. Kobe:idc rn, my head hurts. Mom:i'm not doing nothing till you fix ya self.

*vallyk came out the bathroom.

Vallyk:bro put ya junk away.

*kobe fixed him self then opened his eyes and they were red.

Kobe:mommaaaa. Mom:ok ok go lay down.

*he went back to his room and vallyk laid back down and mom turned the lights off and left, when she came back she gave me and vallyk Tylenol and water.

*We took the medicine then went to sleep, she left the room, two hours later we woke up again and our heads weren't hurting as bad.

Vallyk:don't look at me like that. Y/N:like what? Vallyk:like that. Y/N:what you know you wanna kiss me. Vallyk:i mean if you wanna taste throw up then sure. Y/N: meanie. Vallyk:😂.

*he got up, i looked down and he followed my eyes then he covered it.

Y/N:nooo let me see him. vallyk:no weirdo. Y/N:please i have something for you. Vallyk:wha?

*i got up and he saw me in the black under set. Vallyk:👀.

*he looked at my body then at me then at his boner.

Vallyk:stawwwp teasing mee.

*he went in the bathroom and brushed his teeth and i went in the bathroom as well and started acting like him and he recorded me.

Y/N:yea baby throw that ass back.

*i dry humped him and we started dying.

Vallyk:wtf are you doing . Y/N:oh shii you recording.

*He laughed, i started twerking like kobe.

Vallyk:bro something is wrong with you.

*he stopped recording then kobe walked in and he went live.

Kobe:what are yall doing. Vallyk:what were you doing. Kobe: sleeping. Y/N:you have a droll stain. Kobe:i do?!?!.

*he looked at his face in the mirror then Brooklyn walked in and smacked his butt. Kobe:*moans* Brooklyn:i- ok. Kobe:😂.

*i started twerking for no reason then i back up onto vallyk and he kept moving.

Vallyk:nooo, babe😭. Y/N:oh wait i need a shirt.Vallyk:yo you trying to show..... 2.4k people whats mine.

*i laughed and put a shirt on*

Kobe:bitch i'm thick. Live:boy what cake? thick? you mean flat? Vallyk:damn.  Brooklyn:😭, boy. Kobe:look at the cake. Y/N:i wanna pants one of yall. Brooklyn:not me. Y/N:no one of the boys. Kobe: do it i dare you i fuck ya ass up.

*i looked at vallyk.


*i smirked then tried to pants him then Brooklyn pantsed kobe and he went to the group.


*then i got vallyk and he screamed.

Vallyk:babe chill, gimme my damn underwear.

*brooklyn started dieing  and i twirled vallyk's boxers on my finger.

Y/N:i got his underwearrrr. Vallyk:bro come on give it. Y/N:i got his undiesss. Brooklyn:😭😭. Kobe:yall are fucking annoying. Brooklyn:shii my stomach. Kobe:my ass hit the ground to hard. Vallyk:babe give it or i'mma flash Brooklyn. Kobe: yo why her. Vallyk:cause it's nothing you haven't seen. Kobe:... Yea we don't talk about that.

*me and Brooklyn looked at each other then i gave vallyk his underwear back and he put it on then went to the bathroom.

Brooklyn: could of told me to leave.

Vallyk:i mean if i wasn't comfortable with yall in here i would of been said that. Kobe:😂.

*kobe got up and looked at him self in the camera.

Kobe: damn i'm big. Y/N:i see bone. Kobe:😐. Brooklyn: damn. Kobe: you though you ate that? Cause I know damn well you not talking with ya skeleton looking behind. Y/N:bitch- Kobe:rat.

*I rolled my eyes, vallyk and Brooklyn laughed.

*vallyk finished then flushed the toilet and washed his hands and i smack his butt.

Vallyk:😐, you got one more time to smack my butt.

*i smacked him again then ran and he chased me then tackled me onto the bed then flipped me on my stomach and smack my butt then gripped it and sat on my legs and wisped in my ear.

Vallyk: quit messing wit meeeee, AHHH IGH CHI- *screams*

*i had grbabed his nuts.

Vallyk:ngga chill! babe babe i'm sorry, i-i- AHHHH! Kobe:look at them. Brooklyn:y/n griping and she just chilling on the bed. Y/N:i'm comfy. Vallyk:babyyyyyyy! BAE!

*i laughed and let go then he grabbed them and squeezed his legs together.

Vallyk:i fuckin hate you.

*I laughed.

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