𝕻𝖆𝖗𝖙 12🦋

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*angel sat next to us then the teacher explained what we had to do then we got assigned partners for a project, i got assigned with a girl,i went and sat next to her,she was very pretty.

Kobe:damn how you just gonna leave us.
Y/N:cause i have to work with my partner dummy.
Kobe:watch it.

*I rolled my eyes and the girl laughed.

Y/N:anyway i'm y/n.
???:nice name i'm Brooklyn, is he your brother? Y/N:sadly yea.
Mike:sadly i'm his cousin.
Kobe:well ain't this some shit.

*The teacher laughed.

Derek:you will live.
Kobe:shut up.

*me and Brooklyn laughed then we talked and got to know eachother, then we read the assignment and got to work, kobe came and sat next to me.


*he wispered in my ear.

Kobe:dad is with mom.
Y/N:no duh they married.
Kobe:no other one.
Kobe:bro should we go home.
Kobe:bro talk why aren't you talking.
Brooklyn:y/n are you ok?

*i whispered back to kobe.

Y/N: wasn't he abusive?

*kobe nodded and wispered back to me.

Kobe:and he hurt us when we were little what if he hurts mom.
Y/N:where dad?
Kobe:you can go back to your project.
Brooklyn:are you sure your ok you looked scared. Kobe:*sigh* basically our bio dad is with our mom and he was abusive towards her, me and y/n are scared cause i don't want him to hurt her. Brooklyn:call her.
Kobe:she told me not to she said she's fine...
Y/N: she's lying.
Derek:bro ya mom texted you.

Kobe:then answer it.
Derek:come read it i'm not reading it out loud.

*Kobe rolled his eyes, he went over to derek.

Kobe:come on y/n we gotta get Jaiden.
Y/N:kobe stop your scaring me what happened. kobe:i don't know she texted me help.

*i got my stuff, me and kobe ran out the room and went upstairs to Jaiden's room.

Teacher:who are you guys.
Jaiden:bro go ba-
Kobe:mom needs us.
Jaiden:why she knows we at school


*Jaiden grabbed his phone and we left, when we got home we quickly opened the door and saw smashed glass on the kitchen floor then we saw blood.

(Rd=Real dad)
RD:hey kids.
Jaiden:no move what did you do to mom.
RD:she wouldn't let me see you guys.
Kobe:why do you need to see us?

*i ran upstairs and saw her on the floor and she had blood all on and around her.


*kobe came upstairs.

RD:jaiden jaiden calm down.
Kobe:momma MOMMA come on wake up.

*i started crying and called 911.

???: 911 what is your emergency.

*i put them on speaker.

Y/N:umm m-my mom is hurt.
911:ok how old are you?
Kobe:wake up.
911:who is that?
Y/N:my brother and my other brother is downstairs with my dad he hurt her.
911:ok how old are your brothers.
Y/N:17 and 18.
911:ok, what happened?
Y/N:i don't know, i- she texted my brother help then when we got home from school we saw glass on the ground then i came upstairs and she was covered in blood and had blood all around her. 911:ok is your dad abusive?
Y/N:y-yes i can call my step dad.
911:ok i want you to stay on the phone with me is there anyway your brother could call him.

Y/N:kobe call him.
911:ok, what is your name?
911:ok y/n is she breathing?
Y/N:barely, i can't lose her.
911:ok help is on the way stay by her side. Kobe:dad.
Dad:what happened why are you crying? Kobe:m-om is hurt and the other one is here and i don't know what happened.
Kobe:dad hurry.
Dad:stay on the phone where is Jaiden and y/n. Kobe:y/n is next to mom and jaiden is downstairs yelling at him.
Dad:ok i'm coming.

*a few minutes later the police busted threw the door then mike and mike's mom came.

Mike:yo wtf hap- no wake up.
911:y/n you can hang up if police are there.

*i hung up.

Cops:what happened?
Y/N:idk we just got home from school. Dad:WHERE IS SHE!

*he came upstairs and hugged kobe to calm him down then they took mom in the ambulance and arrested bio dad. Me mike, jaiden and Kobe stayed home while m/m and dad went to the hospital with her.

Jaiden:kobe calm down before you pass out. Kobe:NO!
Jaiden: kobe come here.

*Kobe went to him and jaiden hugged him then vallyk walked in, i went to him and hugged him.

Vallyk:hey calm down, what happened?
Y/N: I don't know she texted help then i got here and she was barely breathing vallyk i can't lose her.... Vallyk: I know she's gonna be ok i promise calm down.

*I nodded then Kobe started sniffling.

Jaiden:kobe calm down.
Kobe:i can't..
Mike:can we go to the hospital?
Vallyk:now? no yall can't handle that. Jaiden:right y/n and kobe are balling there eyes out, to see mom in a hospital bed yea no.
Kobe:i wanna see mom.
Y/N:please. Vallyk:no you need to calm down.

*kobe went upstairs and shut his door, vallyk sat on the couch and told me to sit on his lap i did and he hugged me and, I put my head in the crook of his neck.

Y/N:i love you.
Vallyk:*smiles* i love you too.
Jaiden:i'm going in my room.
Mike:i'm going home.
Jaiden: can't auntie said stay here. Mike:k.

*jaiden went upstairs and mike layed on the couch and fell asleep, we all fell asleep then, we woke up and dad was home.

Y/N:is mom ok?
Y/N: she's gone?
Dad:no, 50 50 chance she might die or survive.

*then someone knocked and dad opened it, it was Derek he said hi and ran upstairs which scared me.

Vallyk:what is kobe doing.

*i ran upstairs into his room.

Derek:bro stop, your not doing it, she's not gone. Kobe:derek if she dies then half of me dies i can't lose my mom bro.
Derek:if you go you hurt y/n even more then she already is, and you will hurt jaiden even more, then you will hurt me, mike, angel,gio our whole friend group and your family.

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