𝕻𝖆𝖗𝖙 94🦋

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Dior:butt. Kobe: something wrong with you. Dior:i wanna fuck you. Kobe:👀, i'm out. Vallyk:😭, i don't think thats what he mean.

*dior punched kobe.

Dior:i wanna fuck you! Kobe:oh fight, bro say fight. Dior:fuight. Kobe:no fight. Dior:feet Brooklyn:😭😭. Kobe:nig- fight.

*dior punched him.

Kobe:owwww. Vallyk:you are getting beat up.

*i laughed and gave kaiden his eggs and strawberries then i made me some oatmeal.

Kiaden:AHHHHHHHHH! Vallyk:... Y/N: that's all your personality cause i'm quite. Vallyk:😐. Y/N:😭.

*vallyk told the live bye and ended it then got some oatmeal and put fruit in it then sat next to me and ate.

Y/N:what. Vallyk:can we have another baby.

*i started counting in my head to see if kaiden will be two by time i give birth.

Vallyk:hello?Y/N:hold on, you really want another baby? Vallyk:yea why not.. Y/N:we can have another baby. Vallyk:LETS GO! Y/N:you know no sex for 9 months ri. Vallyk: damnit. Y/N: exactly. Vallyk: whatever i'll last. Y/N:no you won't but ok. Vallyk:pleaseee i wanna start our family. Y/N:we did kaiden. Vallyk:ik i wanna make our family bigger. Y/N:k, later. Vallyk:fr?? Y/N:yes. Vallyk:ayeeee. Y/N:😭.

*vallyk smiled at me and i took a picture of him, When we finished eating we got dressed and hung out with kaiden then we took him to the park for a lil so he can go on the swing and stuff, after all that, by time we got home it was 6:30.

Vallyk:mamas go get ready we have to be there by 8. Y/N:k. Vallyk:is his stuff ready? Y/N:yea give him a bath first. Vallyk:i am.

*i said ok and vallyk went and got kaiden ready and i went and took a shower, a few minutes later i got out the shower and started getting ready, i put my under set on and sat at my vanity and did my make and started doing my hair then vallyk walked in.

Vallyk:ma look fineeeeee. Y/N:😭.

*he kissed my neck then went and took a shower, after a while vallyk came out and got ready, about an hour later we were both ready.

Y/N:omgggg look at meee. Vallyk:shii stop i'm already hard. Y/N:😭.

*i kissed him then purposely slid my hand down his chest all the way down to his print and grabbed it a lil then let go.

Vallyk:why,  just why. Y/N:why not? Vallyk:meanie.

*i laughed then vallyk got his keys and we left, when we got to the place it was very fancy we went inside and got our table and sat down.

Y/N:so you fancy fancy. Vallyk: just making it special for ya birthday. Y/N:i love it, but it's not only my day. Vallyk:ik it's also our anniversary. Y/N:i love you. Valkyk:i love you too.

*he kissed my hand sence we were sitting in front of eachother, we started looking threw the menu and found what we were gonna get.

Waiter:hello, are you guys ready to order? Y/N:um yea can i get the Alfredo with a lemonade. Waiter:yup would you like cheese on it? Y/N:yes please. Waiter:ok and for you? Vallyk:same thing but with a sprite. Waiter:ok also with cheese? Vallyk:yes please. Waiter:ok drinks should be out in a few minutes. Vallyk:k.

*she walked away and me and vallyk talked.

Vallyk: imagine we got married on your birthday. Y/N:then my birthday would be full of surprises. Valkyk:it would be our wedding anniversary, and our anniversary for how many years we have been together.

*I smiled.

Y/N:anyway hows your chest? Vallyk:feels ight. Y/N:k. Vallyk:damn your hot. Y/N:so are you. Vallyk:nah that's all you. Y/N:but you are. Vallyk:if you say so. Y/N:😭.

*a few minutes later our drinks came then 20 mins after that our food came, when we finished eating the waiter took our plates then some more waiters came with an egg.

Y/N:whats happening? Vallyk:you will see.

*they put something on the egg in a x shape and it started to open up when it opened up vallyk pulled a ring box out and got on his knees.

Vallyk:you know I love you so much, I will do anything in the world to protect you and kaiden, I hope to spend the rest of my life with you and our kids, I promise to always love you and to always be there when you need me no matter what I'm doing, I don't care if I'm at work, of I'm playin the game, or if I'm the middle of the ocean.

*I laughed a little and so did other people.

Vallyk:now, y/n y/m Morris will you take this ring and marry me? Y/N:vallyk...

*i teared up.

Y/N:yes! Yes!  i will marry you.

*i put my hand out and he put the ring on my finger and got up and hugged me.

Vallyk:happy birthday. Y/N:I love you. Vallyk:I love you more.

*people started cheering then they took the egg away and our plates, we payed and left and i was still tearing up, We went to jaiden's house, i knocked on the door and he opened it and i hugged him.

Jaiden: Congratulations sis. Y/N:look at it. Jaiden: damn thats a nice ring bro. Vallyk:had to make it special. Nova:lemme seee.

*she came over and looked at the ring.

Nova:omg thats beautiful, vallyk did good. Jaiden:ok sis I see you.  Vallyk:bro i was scared asf. Y/N:why? Vallyk: cause we did get into an argument yesterday and you were mad at me so i didn't know what you were gonna say. Y/N:oh, i wasn't even mad. Vallyk:you weren't talking to me... Y/N:yea cause i wanted you to feel bad. Vallyk:wow. Jaiden:nova does that and it's annoying. nova:gotta learn some how. Jaiden:😐. Kaiden:momma.

*he crawled over to me and i picked him up.

Y/N:look what dada gave me. Kaiden:it gwitter. Y/N:yea it's sparkly you like it? Kakden:ye it petty. Vallyk:*smiles* kaiden wanna lil brother or sister. Kaiden:no! Valkyk:why not. Kiaden:no. Vallyk:kaiden. Kaiden:no want it🥺. Vallyk:ight don't cry. Kaiden:no. Vallyk:yea your tired. Y/N:did he take a nap. Jaiden:no he threw stuff at ayla and nova. Ayla:can he stay. Dior:*giggles* Jaiden:he can come back another day he has to go home.

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