𝕻𝖆𝖗𝖙 81🦋

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Mike:😭. Y/N:go to bed. Mike: aye you called me. Y/N: cause you asked if i was ok. Vallyk:😭. Mike:yea then you said you wasn't pregnant no more and that scared me. Vallyk:😭. Mike:ight i'm going to bed. Y/N:k, love you. Mike:hate u too. Y/N:oh wow bett. Mike:no i'm joking love you too. Maya:who are you talking to. Mike:my cousin. Maya:oh. Mike: nosy much. Maya:shut up.

*he laughed then we hung up and kaiden started crying, his diaper was full.

Y/N:babe. Vallyk:hm? Y/N:can you get me diaper and wipes. Vallyk:mhm.

*he got up and got the stuff and the changing blanket, i changed him and vallyk layed back down then i turned the light off and fed kaiden.

Vallyk:*snores* Y/N:really.

*he turned and his face was facing me,i put the blanket over my top half and voided us.

Y/N;my lil family.

*i posted the video on my Instagram story then vallyk moved, i finished feed kaiden and put him in the crib then i put a lil blanket on him and went to sleep, in the morning the doctor came back in and i woke up.

Doctor:sorry to wake you up ,just checking kaiden to make sure everything is still ok. Y/N:k.

*she gave kaiden a lil check up then she put him back and covered him.

Doctor:do you need anything to eat or drink? Y/N:um can i get a water. Doctor: yup there's water in this.

*she got me a bottle of water then she left, then jaiden and Kobe walked in.

Kobe:is that my lil sister??? Jaiden:right, my lil sister a mom???

*i laughed then nova walked in with ayla.

Jaiden:my lil sister? is a mom? Kobe:fr?? the baby of the family is a mom? Y/N:😭. Ayla:*baby talk* Y/N:did ayla say her first word yet? Jaiden:yea. Nova:and what was it? Jaiden:😐, mama. Nova: period. Y/N:😭. Kobe:dang. Nova:say mama. Ayla:mama. Nova:yes girl tell em. Ayla:mama. Jaiden:🙄. Y/N:poor jaiden.

*kaiden started crying and it scared ayla then ayla started crying.

Nova: it's ok it's your baby cousin. Jaiden:gimme my daughter she finna say dada. Ayla:dada

*she reached for jaiden.

jaiden:well look at that, she want me.

*nova gave ayla to jaiden.

Nova:boy move.

*i got kaiden and rocked him but he wouldn't stop.

Y/N:aye you. Kobe:i have a name. Y/N:idc gimme a diaper and wipes. Kobe:i really shouldn't. Y/N:boy gimme the damn diaper and wipes. Kobe:calm down jamal.

*he got it and gave it to me.

Y/N: thank you. Kobe:shut up. Y/N:make me asshole. Kobe:dick hole. Y/N:theres kids boy. Kobe:you started it. Y/N:and i ended it. Kobe:🖕🏻. Y/N:back at you. Jaiden:i still don't understand how y'all get along. Koeb:cause we do gotta problem, huh huh.

*ayla smacked him.

Kobe:😮. Nova:damn! Y/N: that's what you get.

*i changed kaiden then i gave the diaper to kobe.

Kobe:i don't want this. Y/N:throw it out then. kobe:🙄.

*he threw it out then i fed kaiden and vallyk woke up.

Vallyk:*smiles* idk why i thought it was a dream. Y/N:😭, no he really here. Kobe:nah this a dream you dead. Vallyk:😐🖕🏻. Kobe:😭.

*vallyk got up and went to the bathroom then the doctor came in.

Doctor:i remember you guys, Thai is ayla ri? Jaiden: yea. Doctor:she got so big. Jaiden:no she still small. doctor:well not as small as she was when she was born. Nova:😭. Kobe:i'm his dad, nah i'm playing. jaiden:you look younger then me nobody would believe that😭. Kobe:shut up, i'm her dad. Y/N:so you had me at 2? Kobe:😐, it was a joke. Doctor:brother? Y/N:sadly yea. Kobe:yk you love me. Y/N:eh. Kobe:bett. Y/N:i'm joking. Kobe: still.

*vallyk came out the bathroom.

Doctor: somebody's up. Vallyk:huh? Y/N:you were knocked out. Vallyk:oh😂.

*the doctor checked kaiden again then left, then jaiden and kobe held kaiden and so did nova then they left and me and vallyk went live.

Vallyk: bruh my back hurt. Y/N:the way you were sleeping i wouldn't be surprised. Vallyk:😂. Live:are you ok? why yall in a hospital? Vallyk:we in a hospital because some happened but it wasn't bad. Live:SHE GAVE BIRTH?!?! Vallyk:idk maybe maybe not. Y/N:😂.

*i kissed him and he kissed me back.

Vallyk:this bed is not comfortable. Y/N:go lay on the couch. vallyk:no that shit hard. Y/N:😭.

*he laughed then we talked to the live and stuff blah blah blah, anyway skip to the last day i was taking a shower getting ready to leave and vallyk was waiting for kaiden to come back from the surgery they do on boys.


*when kaiden came back he was crying and shaking.

Doctor:you guys can go home when ever yall are ready, until he heals i suggest you guys lay him on his back when he is going to sleep. Vallyk:ight.

*she gave him to me and i sat down with him and they left.

Vallyk:shhh it's ok calm down.

*i rubbed his stomach then i got him ready, then y/n came out of the bathroom.

Y/N:aww poor baby. Kaiden:*cries* Vallyk:shhh it's ight, i had to go threw the same. Y/N:glad i didn't. Vallyk:see mama mean. Y/N:shut up. Vallyk:😭.

*i finished getting kaiden ready then y/n got dressed, i took a picture of kaiden and put him in the car seat.

Y/N:now i need to get my stomach back to normal. Vallyk:what's wrong with it? Y/N: it's ugly... Vallyk: mamas your stomach is not ugly, this was holding our handsome baby boy, ight? Y/N:but stre- Vallyk:no they are bless marks... Y/N:k....but still iw ant my stomach back. Vallyk:wanna come to the gym with me? Y/N:yea. Vallyk:igh.

*i hughed her from behind and she started twerking on me.

Vallyk:bae. Y/N:yk you like it. vallyk:shut up. Y/N:😭.

*she stopped then we finished getting all our stuff and went home.

Y/N:what you wanna do. Vallyk:you need to rest. Y/N:baby. Vallyk:please i don't want you to get a head ache. Y/N:your fine with kaiden? Vallyk:yea i'll just wake you up when he hungry. Y/N: there's 4 bottles in the diaper bag. Vallyk:k.

*i kissed vallyk then went in the room and went to sleep.

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