𝕻𝖆𝖗𝖙 42🦋

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Brooklyn:so can we go? Kobe:ba- Brooklyn:please daddy. Kobe:i- yea let's go.

*we laughed then we got in the car, when we got to the mall we went inside and i grabbed vallyk's hand and pulled him over to Victoria secret, Kobe and Brooklyn went their own way.

Vallyk:no no i'm not going in there. Y/N:can you help get new underwear sets. Vallyk:i can pick them? Y/N:yea. Vallyk:bett.

*we went in and went over to the under wear and he went straight to red.

Y/N: really. Vallyk:yes.

*i laughed*

Vallyk:these. Y/N:you better not rip this. Vallyk: any- Y/N:no no are you gonna rip these? Vallyk:i'm paying for it.  Y/N:no i am. Vallyk:no your not i'm not letting you. Y/N:whyy i don't wanna use all your money. Vallyk:i'm fine but your not paying for it. Y/N:no i want to. Vallyk:babe. Y/N:yes. Vallyk:no.

*he rubbed my stomach then i started realizing he was ready for a kid.


Vallyk:i wanna give the baby attention before yo- Y/N:baby. Vallyk:hm? Y/N:i wanna keep the baby. Vallyk:no i don't want you to stress when i leave to get the house, lets just wait till i'm done school and your done school, i don't want you to stress out. Y/N:are you sure? Vallyk:yes, whatever makes you happy is what i want. Y/N:k. Old lady:aww that was sweet. Vallyk:*smiles* thx. Old lady:you are very lucky to have a man like him. Y/N:ik*smiles*

*she smiled and walked away.

Vallyk:old lady getting sexy clothes? Y/N:mabey it's for someone boy. Valkyk:finna show her baby daddy that she still got it. Y/N:shut up.

*I laughed.

Vallyk:all i gotta say is don't break her back or legs cause it might not end well.

*i started dying and vallyk laughed a lil and looked at me.

Vallyk:stawp. Y/N:you stop.

*we walked around then we got what i wanted then "he payed" and i said "he payed" because he gave me his card but i used mine instead of his and acted like i used his.

Vallyk:you good? Y/N:yea.

*we walked out the store and started walking around.

Vallyk: anything else? Y/N:no this is all i wanted really. Vallyk:oh so why you say shopping spree. Y/N:i have no idea. Vallyk:dummy.

*he took my bag and put his arm around me and kissed my head.

Vallyk:i love you. Y/N:i love you too. Vallyk:*smiles* you were my best friend at first and now your my gf.

*I laughed.

Vallyk:watch you finna be my fiance next. Y/N:then wife. Vallyk: yup.

*kobe facetimed me.

Y/N:yea? Kobe:wya? Y/N:uhh near food court.

*i stopped walking then vallyk went and got something. 

Kobe:igh, we coming Brooklyn only wanted like 6 things. Brooklyn:ik i got what i needed, i need my nails done but i will go another day. Kobe:you sure? Brooklyn:yup. Kobe:k, igh we like 2 mins from it. Y/N:ok.

*he hung up then vallyk came back with a slushy and i looked at him.

Vallyk: wha? Y/N:can i have some.

*he let me drink some.

Y/N:what flavor? Vallyk:blue raspberry. Y/N:taste different. Vallyk:right, its good thou. Y/N:yea it's good it  just taste different.

*vallyk laughed then Kobe and Brooklyn came to us.

Kobe: yurrr. Vallyk:wassup. Kobe:what is that. Vallyk:slushy. Koeb:gimme. Vallyk:no. Kobe:you let y/n drink it and we got the same spit. Vallyk:fine.

*vallyk gave the slushy to him and he took a sip and gave it back.

Kobe:what flavor. Vallyk: blue raspberry. Kobe:it taste different. Vallyk:fax it don't taste the same as the ones at wawa.

*we laughed then we got something to eat and went back to the house.

Kobe:they sti- Jaiden:AH! Kobe:*screams* Brooklyn:haha. Kobe:yall are fucking mean as hell. Y/N:what i do. Vallyk:ri. Kobe:idk yall just mean. Jaiden:talk to me. Kobe:.... Jaiden:bro come on it was a joke. Kobe:....

*jaiden hugged him from behind on purpose.

Koeb:hell nah, don't hug me from behind i'm not ya bf. Jaiden:your my brother. Kobe:and? Jaiden:talk to me, y/n doesn't play video games like that. Y/N:cause yall don't ask. Vallyk:i asked and you said no. Y/N:yea cause i didn't feel like it. Vallyk:😐. Kobe:ok i will talk to you let go of me.

*Jaiden let go then nova came downstairs.

Nova:hey peeps. Kobe:jaiden you gotta take her back her legs aren't shaking and she not tired. Jaiden:ik, we going out later so i didn't break them. Nova:i'm happy you didn't cause you to big fa that. Jaiden:i am not that big. Nova:ok.

Vallyk:i have a question for the girls, how many inches is the best? Brooklyn:um 5 or 6. Nova:if it fit it fit, if it don't fit then you not forcing it in. Y/N: your length, you the only person i did it with. Vallyk:true. Kobe:so i'm to small for you? Brooklyn:nigga you are two big. Kobe:stop the cap. Brooklyn: what cap?

*Nova laughed.

Jaiden:see me and kobe are tinny gang. Kobe:ri, vallyk you apart of tiny gang. Vallyk:yu- Y/N:no tf you not, but I'm going upstairs. Vallyk:me too.

*me and vallyk got our food and went upstairs and i went live.

Y/N:hey guys, what yall do- boy get out my damn closet. Vallyk:what this?

*he took my rubber exercise band out and put it on his foot.

Y/N:that aint a good idea i did that and it went right between my legs. Vallyk:it won't happen. Y/N:ok. Vallyk:see nothing. Y/N:ok.

*i sat in my chair and ate my food and talked to the live then all of a sudden i saw the the band go between vallyk's legs and he yelled.


*he closed his legs and fell.

Y/N:see told you. Vallyk:fuck!

*i started laughing.

Vallyk:ma it's not funny. Y/N:yea it is. Vallyk:my fucking balls bruh. Y/N:awww don't cry. Vallyk:it hurt...

*i went and sat next to him and hugged him until the pain went away.

Y/N: better? Vallyk:yea, you mean.

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