Chapter 8: Graduation

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Chapter 8: Graduation


Finnaly the long awaited day had come. College graduation. Ethan, Lyrica and I had spent the whole day yesterday, packing up our apartment. We were sitting around our empty apartment when there was a knock on the door. I opened it to reveal a crowded hallway. My parents and sisters, my grandparents and my mom's brother with his kids and my cousins from my grandpa's marriage, all the rest of BVB and their wives and kids, Ethan's parents and Jayy and Dahvie with their families. I let them all in and they crowded into the small space. We all greeted each other and decided to head over to Juliard. Lyrica was graduating the next day so it didn't conflict. We all got in our seperate cars and drove down the street. Since our auditorium was so big, they were holding the graduation there.

Ethan and I led them to the auditorium before going to get our caps and gowns. We jogged down the long hallway and came to a sudden stop when we heard someone calling after us. We turned and saw Brad, waving us down. He jogged up to us and tried to catch his breath.

"Hey, I just wanted to say congrats and good luck." He smiled, bro hugging us. We thanked him as he headed towards the auditorium and we continued to where all the other graduates were. We grabbed our caps and gowns, pulling them on over our clothes. We stood around and talked until we were filed out into the auditorium, into our seats. Ethan and I were seperated and I sat there, waiting until they started calling names.

"Brandon Biersack." I stood up and walked out of the rows of chairs. I walked up the stairs to the stage and heard something from the crowd.

"YEAH! BRANDON! THAT'S MY SON!" I looked out into the crowd and saw my dad yelling through a megaphone. I shook my head, smiling as I continued to walk across the stage. I grabbed my diploma and walked off the stage. I sat back down and waited until everyone was called. They announced our graduating class before sending us to return the caps and gowns. We returned them and Ethan and I hurried to our family. We were greeted with open arms and many 'congratulations.'

"I'm so proud of you!" My mom cried, hugging me. I chuckled and hugged her back.

"Good job son, you finnaly made it." My dad said, hugging me.

"So, this means you're moving back home?" Blade, Bailey and Alex asked. I just responded with a nod. They all squeeled and hugged me tightly. When Alex hugged me, she grabbed my face and kissed me deeply. I smiled into the kiss, tightening my grip on her and kissing back. We broke for air and I smiled, putting my forehead to hers. I pecked her lips before standing up straight again and wrapping my arm around her waist.

"LET'S ALL GO OUT TO EAT!" Jake shouted and we all laughed, agreeing. We all piled into our cars  and drove to an Olive Garden right down the street. We sat down and ordered our food, talking amongst ourselves. After we finished eating, everybody went back to the hotels they were staying in while Alex came back to the apartment with Lyrica, Ethan and I. I fell into a deep sleep, having the love of my life next to me.

The next day, we went to Lyrica's graduation and there were more hugs, congrats and a dinner afterwards. We went back to our designated sleeping places once more and all gathered at our apartment in the morning. We gave up the keys and loaded all our stuff into my car. Alex rode back with Ethan, Lyrica and I while everyone else climbed into the tour bus they brought along. We finnaly made it back to California and I rolled out of my car, laying down in the street.

"I MISSED THIS ASPHALT SO MUCH!" I shouted, rolling around on it.

"BRANDON!" Blade shouted and I snapped out of my moent, looking over at her. "Get your ass up." She chuckled, yanking me up. Alex brushed off my back as we all entered the house. Ethan's parents went home and Gabe showed up. We had a party, everybody over 21 was drinking, overall, it was a wonderful way to end four years of hard work at college. When I woke up in the morning, I waited around for my hangover to go away before dropping Ethan and Lyrica at Lyrica's house with their stuff. I then headed over to Alex and I's apartment and shoved all my stuff into a corner.

"I love you." I smiled at Alex, pulling her close to my body.

"I love you too, I'm so glad you're home." She smiled back, kissing me. I kissed her back and pulled away after a minute.

"So am I."


Okay, yeah, crappy chapter XP BUT BRANDON'S HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Listening to Lost It All~ Black Veil Brides and In The End~ Black Veil Brides



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