Chapter 20: You Have A Problem

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Chapter 20: You Have A Problem


I woke up to a loud knocking ringing through the apartment. I decided to ignore it and tried to go back to sleep. A couple seconds later, my phone started to ring. I sighed and reached for it, not bothering to look at who it is.

"Hello?" I ask groggily.

"Brandon, open your door." I sighed.

"You're the one who's knocking? Why so early?"

"It's one in the afternoon, now open up." I groaned.

"Fine." I said, throwing the covers back. It's been a week since Alex and I have been seperated and I've taken it really hard. I kicked a few vodka bottles out of my way as I shuffled out of my room. I made my way out to the living room and opened up my door. My dad was standing there, his look changing as I came into his sight.

"God dude, what happened to you?" I sighed, leaning against the open door.

"Alex happened. Her and Ethan kissed, I kissed Lyrica and now I'm depressed because I just lost the love of my life." I shrugged. "She's been at her house for the last week and I've been here."

"Well, how about you come over to our house until you can get things straightened out. Just so you don't have to be alone." I shook my head.

"I really don't want to be around people."

"You don't have to! You can just lock yourself in your room." I sighed.

"I gues-"

"Great!" He exclaimed, hugging me."But shower first." He chuckled scrunching up his nose. I let him in and walked into my room to take a shower.


I got off the couch and walked to Brandon's room, to tell him to hurry up. I knocked on the door and got no answer so I opened the door, getting a strong wiff of alcohol. My eyes teared up at the sight before me. There were bottles of various alcohol everywhere, all empty. I sighed and continued to walk through the room, reaching the bathroom door.

"Brandon." I said, knocking on the bathroom door, the shower still running.

"Dad? What are you doing in my room?" I sighed.

"You need to hurry up, your mom needs me home."

"You can go."

"No, I'm staying here until you are in the car with me, so hurry up." I said as I walked out of his room. I sighed and placed my head into my hands. Brandon finnaly walked out and went over to his fridge. He pulled out a bottle of beer, cracking it open and taking a swig.

"I guess you know my secret now." He said with a smile.

"Brandon, you know this isn't good." He nodded and shrugged, continuing to drink. "One things that's for sure is you won't be drinking at my house." I said, prying the beer out of his hands and dumping it down the sink.


"Oh but you are." I said as I threw the bottle into the trash. "You can't just drink your problems away." He just sighed. "I swear to God if I catch you drinking in my house."

"You can't tell me what to do. I'm 22 years old, I'm a fucking adult." He said, getting mad. 

"Well you're not acting like it. Now go pack your stuff."

"No! I don't want to come to your place anymore!"

"Too bad! You don't have a choice!"

"I think I do, I'm over eighteen, you have no control over me anymore!"

"Well I am your father! I think I do have control over you if I want to save you from dying." He just blinked, widening his eyes. "If you keep this up Brandon, you are going to fucking die. You are either going to overdose or kill yourself."

"I'm not thirteen anymore dad." He sighed, rolling his eyes.

"I know just... please pack your stuff and come with me Brandon." He sighed again, staring down at his feet.

"Fine." He said, moving back into his room. He came out five minutes later, a duffle bag slung over his shoulder. "Okay, let's go." He said, grabbing his keys off the counter. I nodded and walked out of his apartment, allowing him to lock it after he left. We walked down the stairs in silence and down to my car.

"Look, Brandon." I said as we reached the bottom. "I'm sorry about my freakout earlier but, I'm your dad and I care about you." I smiled, digging my keys out of my pocket.

"Thanks dad." He smiled back, hugging me before we walked the rest of the way to my car. We got in and pulled out of the parking lot in silence. We finnaly made it back home and I walked into the house, Brandon following.

"Just go ahead into your room and get some sleep, you look like you need it." I chuckled as I patted his back. He nodded as he slowly moved up the stairs. I sighed deepily and ran my fingers through my hair, plopping on the couch.

"How's Brandon?" Harley asked, coming into the room.

"Upstairs." She raised an eyebrow. "Look, him and Alex broke up and I want to make sure he stays safe."

"Andy babe, he's not 13 anymore."

"I know that! But I don't trust his depressed mind. Harley, you don't know what I walked in his apartment to see! I sent him to take a shower and I walked in his room to find bottles of alcohol everywhere! Close to a hundred bottles all over the fucking room!" Her jaw dropped.

"Oh my God." She said, as I nodded and got up.

"He's probably sleeping, I'll go check on him." I said as I walked to the stairs. I walked up the stairs and apporached his closed door. I quietly knocked and got no answer so I opened the door a crack. I peeked in and saw him laying down in his bed, sleeping. I smiled and closed the door, walking back downstairs.


Do you think Andy had a right to be worried about Brandon?

Listening to My Little Girl~ Tim McGraw ------------->


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