Chapter 2: Alex's Graduation

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Chapter 2: Alex's Graduation


As soon as I landed I headed to my parents house. I knocked on the door and Blade opened the door, bringing me in for a tight embrace.

"I missed you so much Brandon!"

"I just saw you like... 2 months ago!"

"Still!" I chuckled as she let go of me.

"Who is it Blade!" I heard my mom call.

"Brandon." My mom ran up to me and hugged me tightly.

"You made it Brandon" I could hear the smile in her voice.

"Yup!" I said as she let go and I was let in.

"So, when do you have to go back?"

"I have a flight tomorrow night, this was a really bad time for me to leave cause I have finals but they let me so all well." I said shrugging. Soon we were on the way to the arena they were having the graduation in. We took seats at the back and waited for them to call names.

They finnaly started calling the last names that start with "P", and I was listening for Pitts.

"Alexandra Pitts" I saw Alex walk up on stage and started recording on my phone as soon as I heard the beginning of her name.

"WOOOOO! ALEX!" I yelled and she just looked out at us, smiling. I made a heart with my hands and she kept walking as we sat down. I stopped the video and uploaded it to Twitter.

BrandonBiersack~ @AlexPitts just graduated :D Aghh so proud of her! Love her! <3 

I put my phone away and after everyone graduated, we met her outside after she changed out of her cap and gown. She looked absolutley gourgeous.

Her dress was red, mid-thigh and strapless. It had a black ribbon, loosley tied around her waist and the bottom part of the dress was ruffled.

"God you look beautiful" I said, putting my hands on her hips and pulling her close to me, kissing her lips. "Congratulations baby" I said, handing her a teddy bear.

It was a small brown teddy bear with a black shirt and a black hat with a gold tassle. It had a white piece of rolled up felt in his hand with a black ribbon around it so it looked like a diploma.

"Ahh Brandon! It's so cute! Thank you!" She squeeled as she hugged me. I chuckled and hugged her back. 

"No problem" I said and we all seperated to the cars. We went to Applebees on Alex's request and she wanted me to sit next to her.

"So, when do you have to go back" Alex asked, kissing my cheek.

"My flight leaves tomorrow night."


"I know, I know, I'm sorry, but summer starts in 2 weeks and then I have the whole summer with you baby" She smiled.

"Alright" I had to end up letting go of Alex's hand because I was sweating really bad.

"Brandon, follow me" My dad said and I got up, following him into the bathroom. "Okay, what's going on, you are sweating prefusley." He said, grabbing a paper towel and wiping the sweat off of my forehead. 

"N-Nothing." I lied, looking at the ground.


"Nothing dad, nothing!"

"Brandon Sean Biersack"

"Fine fine... I'm... nervous."

"About what"

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