Chapter 48: Funeral

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Chapter 48: Funeral


I walked into the small church, my fingers intertwined with Alex's. She was carrying Camryn's carrier in her other hand. I was wearing a black dress up shirt and black jeans while Alex was wearing a plain black dress that came to her knees. Of course, Alex had to dress up her little girl so Camryn was wearing a little black dress with ruffles and lace. Everywhere I looked, someone was dressed in black. Some of my family came up to me and greeted me, saying hi to Alex and Camryn as well.

"Hey, go get us a seat with my family." I said as I spotted my dad. She nodded and walked away as I jogged over to my dad.

"Hey." He said as he stomped out his ciggerette.

"Hey, how's mom been?" I hadn't talk to her since we got the news a week ago.

"Depressed. I thinkn I'm going to cancel our Warped shows."

"What! You can't do that!"

"Brandon, I have no choice. None of the wives can take care of her by themselves, you guys have a baby to take care of and Blade and Gabe have other things on their mind."

"Why don't you just bring her with you?" He sighed.

"It's a big hassle and I have to talk it over with the guys and Jon and...forget it. Just, it's a lot of work keeping her safe. I had to lock up the knives, hide all the other sharp objects, hide my lighters, I have to search her whole body every day for marks. It's a lot of work and I'm not letting her fall into self harm again. I never leave her side and she goes everywhere with me."

"Damn." He nodded.

"Come on, let's get inside." He said, wrapping his arm around my shoulders. I nodded and walked with him, going to our seats. I sat next to Alex while he sat next to my mom. The funeral started and I wiped at my cheeks every now and then, listening to everything the priest was saying.

"I'd like to bring up his daughter, Harley Biersack to say a few words." My sisters and I looked at her and she just looked around as if there was another Harley Biersack in the room. She finally stood up with a little push from my dad. She walked up to the podium and took a deep breath before beginning to speak.

"I am totally not prepared, but I guess I have to talk about my dad. He was honestly a good person who made a few mistakes in his life. When I was a teenager, I remember telling myself and my friends that I hated him, that I wished I had a different father. I really regret saying all those things now. I'm really glad I made up with him and got to be around him. Once he turned his life around, he was a great father to me and a great grandfather to his grandchildren. My whole family loved him to death and wouldn't trade him for anything. Everyone asked me if I could change my childhood, would I, and my answer is always no. I love my life right now and wouldn't have it if my father wasn't the way he was. He had two children, two step-children, five granchildren and two great grandchildren. All my father ever wanted was for his family to be happy, if we were happy, he was happy. And I know he passed happy. I'm glad I made up with him and I'm glad he finally moved on and found another great woman that he loved. I'm proud to call Tom Jackson my father and can't wait to see him again. I know he's with my mother, having a great time." She said before walking back to my dad.

After the funeral, my parents, siblings and I walked up to the open coffin. My mom clutched on to my dad, sobbing her eyes out and my sister's did the same with their boyfriends. I wrapped my arm around Alex and pulled her close to me, kissing the top of her head.

We walked out to the cemetary with everyone else and watched as his coffin was lowered into the ground.  We talked with our family members for a bit before all going to our seperate homes. I just stripped to my boxers and went to bed, Alex shortly joining me.


It took a while to get to sleep that day but I finally did, Andy's arms tightly wrapped around me.

"Harley!" A woman's voice called and I sat up, looking around. I was still in my bed but the room was completley white. I looked next to me and Andy wasn't lying there.

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