Chapter 44: She's Dancing Alone

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Chapter 44: She's Dancing Alone


"Hey." Gabe said as he answered.

"Hey babe, I-I need to tell you something." I said, sitting on the couch and biting my nails.

"Can't it wait? My lunch break just ended."

"No, no it can't."

"Well, what is it Blade?"

"I-I'm pregnant."

"What? I must've heard that wrong? I thought you said that you were pregnant?"

"I-I am pregnant. Gabe, you're going to be a father and I'm going to be a mother."

"Oh hell no!"


"Blade, we don't have any money! We can't continue to support us and a fucking baby!"

"Don't yell at me! You're the one who fucking got me pregnant!"

"Blade, we can't afford a baby."

"Well you better fucking figure out how cause, in nine months, we're going to have a fucking child."

"Well, we don't have to."


"Look, I gotta get back to work. Bye." He hung up and I slammed my phone down, tears rolling down my face. I ran to my bedroom and packed a suitcase full of clothes. I grabbed my phone and my keys before heading down to the car and driving to my parent's house. I knocked on the door, wiping the tears off my cheeks.

"Hel-Blade baby! What's wrong!" My mom asked, wrapping me in her arms. I began to sob, and couldn't even make out words. She brought me into the house and sat me on the couch. She rubbed my back, trying to get me to stop crying.

"Blade! What's wrong?" My dad asked, sitting on the other side of me. I calmed myself down a bit and took a few deep breaths.

"G-Gabe." Was all I could utter out.

"What about him?" My dad asked. I could feel the hand on my shoulder getting tense.

"W-W-We broke u-up." I cried.

"Baby!" My mom exclaimed, wrapping her arms around me and holding me close. What happened?"

"H-He was a fucking a-asshole t-to me."

"Blade, tell us what happend." My dad said in a semi-calm voice.

"I-I can't say."

"Blade you can tell us anything." My mom said, stroking my hair.

"Well I can't tell you this, you'll hate me."

"You always think we're going to hate you but we never do. Just tell us. We won't get mad, I promise." My dad said.

"Yeah, we won't get mad." My mom agreed.

"You sure?" They both nodded. "I-I'm pregnant"

"Really!" My mom squealed and I nodded. "That's great honey!"

"Well, not so great for Gabe. I called him and all he could think about was how we can't afford it and how he's not ready to be a parent."

"Blade, I'm sure he'll come around." My mom said, rubbing my back. A couple hours later, there was a knock on the door.

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