Chapter 61: Date

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Chapter 61


*A Week Later*

"Hey Hunter!" Annabelle exclaimed, running up to me at my locker.

"Hi." I said with a smile, pulling things out of my locker.

"Haha, fag." A jock sneered, pushing me into the locker.

"Hey!" Annabelle exclaimed. "Stop that!" The jock turned around.

"What'd you just say?"

"Annabelle, just shut up." I warned.

"I said stop it!" Annabelle repeated.

"What are you going to do about it little girl?"

"I'm not scared of you. What are you going to do, hit a girl?"

"No, but I can hit him." The jock laughed, punching my arm.

"I said stop it!" She was close to yelling now, slapping his arm.

"Annabelle, people are watching."

"Let them watch, someone needs to teach this neanderthal a lesson."

"Hey!"He exclaimed. Annabelle stepped in front of me.

"Now, I want you to leave my friend alone and stop making fun of him. Tell your friends too. Do that and no one get's hurt."

"Oh yeah, what are you going to do if I d-oof!" He groaned as Anna punched him in the stomach.

"If you don't, you'll get a kick a little lower." He snarled and stormed away.

"Wow, thanks." I said, running a hand through my hair.

"No problem." She said with a smile, flicking her bangs out of her eyes.

*1 week later*

I paced around my room, trying to figure out what to say. I stared down at my phone, hovering over the call button. I sat down on my bed,tugging on my hair. Why is this so hard? I sighed and chewed on my lip, pressing call. When I heard the first ring, my heart began to race. I bit my lip, listening to each ring, wondering if she would even pick up.

"Hello?" I froze. "Hello?" I just couldn't make myself speak. "Hunter?"


"What's up?"

"I-I-I-" I stopped and took a deep breath. "I just wanted to know if you wanted to go to the movies with me tonight. Brandon said he'd take us."

"Sure Hunter, that'd be fun."



"Awesome! Pick you up at seven?"

"Sounds good, see you then Hunter."

"Bye." I said, hanging up. "Yesyesyesyesyes." I chanted, dancing around my room. I collapsed onto my bed and smiled. I picked my phone back up and texted Brandon.

Hunter~ She said yes :)

Brandon~ Cool, pick you up in a bit.

I got up and pulled on a tight Black Veil Brides shirt and some black skinny jeans. I flat ironed my hair and slipped my black converse on. I decided to do homework for a while before my mom called me downstairs.

"Brandon's here." She said with a smile.

"Hey." I said with a smile.

"Have fun!" She called as we walked out to the car. My mom thought Brandon and I were going to the movies. He drove to Annabelle's houe and got out to get her so Jinxx wouldn't find out who I was. 

I soon saw Brandom coming back, Annabelle following him. She got into the backseat with me and smiled.

"Hi Hunter."

"Hi Annabelle." We rode to the theater in silence, a very awkward silence. Once we reached the theater, we said bye to Brandon and went to go buy our tickets.

"Two for The Conjuring." I said, passing over the money.

"Hunter, I can pay for my ticket."

"Nonsense." I said with a smile. The guy handed us the tickets and we walked in. We walked up to the consessions and let Annabelle go first. She began to pull out her money but I stopped her.

"Ahh, ahh, ahh, I'm paying."

"Hunter!" She whined. "You don't have to keep paying for eveything."

"I am the gentleman, arn't I?" She sighed.

"Fine." I smiled my stuff before paying. We grabbed our food and headed into the theatre. we walked in and sat down near the back. Everytime a scary part came on the screen, she would scream and hide her face in my shoulder. I wrapped my arm around her with a smile, stroking her hair when she got scared.

About halfway through the movie, she looked up at me with a small smile. Our faces got closer and closer until our lips connected. She turned her body and wrapped her arms around my neck, deepening the kiss. We broke and smiled at each other, pure happiness on our faces. She cuddled into my body as we watched the rest of the movie.

When the movie ended we walked outside to wait for Brandon. We sat down and leaned against the stone wall. Annabelle grabbed my hand and layed her head on my shoulder. I saw Brandon's car pull up and both of us stood up, walking up to it. We got in and I leaned against the door, allowing Annabelle to lean on my body.

"So, how was the movie."

"Scary." Anna said with a small giggle.

"It was good." I said with a smile, grabbing her hand. Brandon drove Annabelle home and I walked her up to the door.

"I had fun tonight Hunter, thank you." She said with a smile.

"So did I Anna, no problem. I do have one question to ask you."

"Go ahead." She said with an innocent smile. I grabbed her hands and bit my lip, looking into her eyes.

"W-Will you be my girlfriend?"

"Yes Hunter, I will." I smiled and kissed her lips, pulling away a few seconds later. "See you at school on Monday."

"See ya." I said, walking back to Brandon's car. I got into the front seat with a huge smile on my face.

"Oooh, someone's in loveee." He teased. I just looked down at my hands and blushed. "Dude, you actuallly asked her?" I nodded. "Aww." He cooed.

"Just shut up." I said with a smirk. He dropped me off at his house and walked me up to my door. I walked into my house and saw my mom sitting on the couch.

"Hey, did you have fun?"

"Yes, I had an awesome time." I said with a smile, heading up the stairs. I stripped to my boxers and collapsed into my bed, falling asleep with a smile on my face.


Aww <3 They're finally dating!

MaileTortois gave me the idea at the beginning of the chapter


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