Chapter 118: Annabelle And Hunter's Wedding

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Chapter 118: Annabelle and Hunter's Wedding


"Well don't you look beautiful." I smiled as Camryn ran to me in her dress. I picked her up and rested her on my hip, standing at the door. "Alex! Let's go!" Today was Annabelle and Hunter's wedding and I was the best man. Alex was a bridesmaid and both of our daughters were flower girls, along with Sydney.

"I'm coming, it took a bit to get Danielle into her dress." She said as she walked out with Danielle on her hip.

"Come on, we're going to be late." I said, opening the door and grabbing the keys. Once Alex was out, I closed the door and followed her out to the driveway. I sat Camryn in her seat, allowing her to strap herself in, and got into the driver's seat, turning on the car. Once Alex had Danielle in the car, she got into the passenger seat and sighed loudly. I smiled and grabbed her hand, pulling out of the driveway.

"I'm fat." She pouted, placing her hand on her growing stomach.

"No you're not, you're just carrying twins." I smiled, kissing her knuckles. She sighed and nodded, rubbing her stomach. I let go of her hand and rubbed her stomach for a bit before grabbing her hand again.

"Daddy, I'm hungry!" Camryn whined.

"Me too!" Danielle said.

"Did you bring something for them to eat? Because they're going to have to sit through the whole service."

"Yeah." She said, reaching to the bag at her feet and pulling out two bags of Goldfish, handing them back to the girls. "Try not to make a mess." She said as she threw the bag back down to the floor. We made it to the church and I parked, turning off the car. Alex got out and opened the backseat door.

"Danielle." She sighed. I looked back and saw both girls had crumbs all over them. She unstrapped Danielle and brushed most of the crumbs off of her, picking her up and resting her on her hip. I brushed Camryn off a bit before getting her out of the car and closing the door. I walked in with Alex and waved at Hunter as we walked in. I put Camryn down on her feet and brushed the rest of the crumbs off of her.

"Is Danielle okay?" I asked, looking up at Alex and she shrugged, handing Danielle to me. I brushed the crumbs off of her too and kissed her forehead.

"I love you Danielle and I want you to behave for mommy, alright?" She nodded. "Same with you Camryn." I said, looking at her and she nodded. I kissed her forehead and handed them off to Alex, going over  to Hunter and the BVB guys.

"Hey Brandon." Hunter said with a nervous smile.

"Nervous?" He nodded.

"What was up with your kids?" My dad laughed.

"They were hungry so Alex gave them Goldfish that she brought, huge mistake. There were crumbs all over so I had to get them off since Alex can't bend down well and she didn't want to get crumbs on her dress." I said and shrugged. He nodded and went back to talking.


"Well, it's time to start. I'll go get Annabelle." Jinxx said, going down to the room where the girls in the wedding party were. Sammi soon came out and wrapped her arms around me.

"You ready? " She asked with a smile and I nodded, taking a deep breath. She held out her arm and I locked mine with hers. I had to walk her down the aisle since she was the mother of the bride. The music started and we began to walk down the aisle, my heart beginning to beat faster from my nervousness. We got to the end and I let go of Sammi, allowing her to go to her seat and I stood up at the alter, waiting. 

Next, Brandon filed in with Annabelle's best friend, the rest of the bridesmaids and groomsmen coming in. Alex came down the aisle with Sydney in her arms, Camryn and Danielle walking in front of her, throwing flowers out of their baskets. Alex handed Sydney to Sammi who agreed to watch her for the ceremony.

Finally, the music changed and Annabelle appeared at the door, her arm linked with her dad's. They began to walk down the aisle, my eyes locked on the love of my life. She finally reached the end of the aisle and kissed her dad's cheek before he let go of her and she grabbed my hands, smiling up at me.


Before I knew it, it was time for vows and Annabelle went first.

"Wow, where do I start? We've been together for six years, known each other for seven, and a lot has happened. There's been laughter, tears, frustration, anger and arguements, but I wouldn't ask for it any other way. We have a beautiful daughter together and after today, our family will be complete. It may be small, but it's all I need. I love you so much Hunter Joshua Brooks." Annabelle smiled, a tear rolling down her face.

"Annabelle, oh my sweet, loving, Annabelle.We've been through a lot of shit in the past six year, and when I say a lot, I mean a lot. I don't even know how we got through it all, but we did. That's how I know that you are the woman for me, the love of my life. Everyday, I'm just so thankful that Brandon came into my life and convinced me to get to know you. Without that extra little push, I don't know where I would be today. I love you so much Annabelle Sarah Ferguson." I said with a smile, squeezing her hands a bit.

Soon, it was time to exchange the rings and we turned to see Blake walking down the aisle, holding the pillow. I bent down and took the rings from him as Harley grabbed him and sat him on her lap. I handed Annabelle the ring that went on my finger and we exchanged our rings, moving on with the ceremony.

"Hunter, do you take Annabelle to be your lawfully wedded wife?" The preacher asked me.

"I do." I smiled, bitting my lip a bit.

"Annabelle, do you take Hunter to be you lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do." She said.

"I now pronounce you man and wife, you may kiss the bride." I smiled and let go of her hands, gripping the back of her head and passionatley kissing her. "Please welcome the new Mr and Mrs Hunter Brooks." The preacher exclaimed as we locked arms and walked up the aisle. We let everyone file into the reception hall before we walked in.

"Please make room on the dance floor for the bride and groom for their first dance." The DJ announced as we walked in. I led Annabelle to the dance floor and we began to sway as Iris by The Goo Goo Dolls came on. She rested her head on my shoulder as we continued to dance, my arms wrapped around her waist. The song finished and she pulled away from me, grabbing my face and kissing me.

I walked back to the the table while Jinxx walked up to Annabelle for the father-daughter dance. I heard Daddy's Little Girl by Kippi Brannon come on as they began to dance. The song ended and Annabelle sat down by me, leaning over and kissing my lips.


Yay! They're married!

Daddy's Little Girl by Kippi Brannon ------------>


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