Chapter 117: Three Months

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Chapter 117: Three Months


"I'm worried." Alex said as she squeezed my hand.

"It's going to be just fine." I said, kissing her cheek. We were at our three month appointment and were wating for Alex's name to be called. We were both hoping it was a boy, but honestly, as long as it was healthy, we would be fine with whatever gender. I placed my hand on Alex's bump that was larger then it has been the past three times.

"Alexandra Biersack." We stood up and walked back, Alex getting on the table and doing what she needed to do while I got a chair and sat next to her. 

"My you're getting big." Her doctor laughed as he walked in. "Let's take a look, shall we?" He said as he pulled the machine over. He put the gel on Alex's stomach and moved the wand around, looking up at the screen. "Oh dear." He said, staring at the screen.

"Oh my God, we lost it again." Alex cried, squeezing my hand.

"No, your baby is just fine, but-"

"But what?" She asked, tears still rolling down her face.

"Looks like you guys are having twins." The doctor said with a smile.

"T-T-Twins?" I asked, standing up and he nodded, pointing out the two heads. I fell back and fainted. I woke up a few minutes later with Alex, the doctor and a few nurses standing over me.

"Brandon, are you okay?" Alex asked, placing her hand on my forehead.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I said, sitting up and taking the cup of water that the nurse was offering me. "W-What happened?" I asked, rubbing my head.

"We're having twins." Alex said with a small smile.

"Shit." I said and ran my fingers through my hair. "I-Is that why she's bigger then usual?" The doctor nodded. "W-What's the gender?"

"Two boys." Alex said with a big smile. I covered my mouth and began to cry, wiping the tears from my eyes.

"So, you're okay Brandon?" The doctor asked and I nodded and he smiled before leaving with the nurses.

"This is awesome." I smiled. "But scary, damn, four kids." I said, laughing a bit.

"We'll get through it." She laughed, standing up and helping me up. We walked out to the car and Alex drove since I still wasn't feeling all that well.

"How about, you come up with one name, and I come up with the other." She said with a smile.

"Okay, but both have to be E's, alright?"

"Alright." She laughed. We sat in silence for the next five minutes while we thought.

"Ooh! I got it!" I exclaimed.


"Elliot James Biersack." I said with a proud smile.

"I love it. How about Edward Jakob Biersack?"

"It's perfect." I smiled. "Can we tell my parents?" I asked as she parked in the driveway and she nodded. I smiled and kissed her cheek before getting out of the car. We walked up to the door and I knocked, my dad answering.

"Don't get the kids but get mom." I said and he nodded, calling my mom to the door.

"What's up?" They asked.

"I'm pregnant." Alex smiled and their jaws dropped.

"Really?" My mom asked and we nodded.

"Three months." I said with a smile, holding up three fingers.

"Ooh, what is it?" She squealed. Alex looked up at me and I was beaming.

"Two boys." I said with a proud smile.

"Twins?" My dad asked and we nodded again. "Have you come up with names?"

"Elliot James Biersack and Edward Jakob Biersack." Alex said with a smile.

"Those are perfect!" My mom exclaimed, hugging Alex before hugging me.

"Congrats." My dad smiled, hugging both of us. "I'll go get your kids." He said before disapearing. He came back a few seconds later with kids climbing on him. I laughed and grabbed both of them, handing Danielle to Alex.

"Good luck." My dad laughed and I gave him a thumbs up. I got Camryn into her seat and let her strap herself in, getting into the passenger seat myself. Alex strapped Danielle in and got into the driver's seat, pulling out of the driveway and driving back home.

"Girls, go sit in the living room." I said as I got Camryn out of the car. They nodded as Camryn ran up to the front door, Danielle following her. I got the keys from Alex and unlocked the door, the girls running to the living room. Alex and I followed them, sitting on the couch while the kids sat on the other one.

"Girls, you know how mommy had a baby in her tummy but we lost it?" They nodded.

"Well, now I have two babies in my tummy." Alex said with a smile.

"Big siser?" Danielle asked and I laughed.

"Yes Danielle, you're going to be a big sister, same with you Camryn." I said with a smile. "You guys are going to have two little brothers." I said, waiting for their reactions.

"Bruder." Danielle said and I laughed again.

"Yeah, brother." I smiled. Camryn got off the couch and walked over to Alex, placing her hand on Alex's stomach.

"Bruder." Camryn smiled, rubbing Alex's stomach a bit. Danielle did the same, making Alex giggle.

"How long?" Camryn asked, looking up at me.

"Six months." I said, holding up six fingers. I heard Alex silently groan and I chuckled a bit.

"I'm six!" She exclaimed and I laughed.

"Yes you are Camryn, you're a big girl!" She took her hands away and clapped, jumping around a bit.


How do you like the names?

Listening to Roar~ Katy Perry and Fighter~ Christina Aguilera


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