Chapter 9: Tearin' Up The Radio, Lost In The Stereo Sound

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Chapter 9: Tearin' Up The Radio, Lost In The Stereo Sound


"Hey Brandon, Gabe, Lyrica, Ethan and I are going to a club tonight, wanna come?" Blade asked, coming down the stairs. I had been home for a week and Alex had to travel with her family for a family reunion. Since Alex was gone for a week, I was staying at my parent's house for a week.

"Sure." I shrugged, flipping through the TV channels.

"Okay, we leae in 20 minutes." I stood up, turned off the TV and raced up the stairs. I took a quick shower and dressed in a black button up shirt with black skinny jeans. I flat ironed my hair and slipped on my black converse. I added eyeliner and hurried down. "About time you got ready." Blade chuckled. I looked up and saw Blade, Ethan and Lyrica were at the door.

"Well I'm sorry you gave me a 20 minute notice." I said back, reaching the bottom of the stairs. We all climbed into Ethan's car and he drove us to the club.

"Where's Alex?" Gabe asked, leaning around Blade to see me.

"Family reunion." I shrugged. He nodded and we sat in silence for the rest of the car ride. We made it and walked in. I went straight to the bar and asked for a shot of Whiskey. I downed it and asked for another. When I was a little bit tipsy, I asked for a bottle of beer and made my way to a table, looking out at the people dancing. Many girls came up, hitting on me and I turned them away. I knew if I kept drinking, I soon wouldn't be able to turn them away. I looked at my half empty bottle and shrugged, taking another sip. I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket and found a quiet place in the club.

"Hello?" I slurred.

"Brandon! Are you...drunk?" Alex asked.

"Not too bad." I chuckled. "I'm at a club with Ethan, Lyrica, Gabe and Blade."

"Oh okay, well I'll call you tomorrow, I just wanted you to know I love you. Goodnight and be safe!"

"I love you too babe, goodnight." I hung up and ordered a glass of vodka. I ordered a couple more shots before ordering yet another beer. Someone spun me around and I saw a very drunk Lyrica.

"T-T-There you areeeeee" She slurred, grabbing my face in her hands and crashing her lips with mine. I just stood there, eyes wide open in shock. "W-Why arn't yo-you kissing me ba-ck. D-Do you hate m-me? A-Are you too go-od for me?" She slurred again. "Wha-what is your prob-problem E-Ethan." Ohhh, she thought I was Ethan. Shit.

"I'm sorry Lyrica, follow me." I said, spotting Ethan. I passed her off to Ethan and dashed off.

"WHAT! WHAT DO YOU MEAN I'M CUT OFF! I-I'M NOT TH-THAT DRUNKKKK!" I heard Blade yell. I saw her, crawling over the bar, shaking her fist at the bartender. Gabe had his arms around her waist and was trying to keep her under control. He grabbed her and walked over to me.

"I think you should call your dad to pick us up. Blade's gonna get herself or us into some trouble." He chuckled. I agreed and looked for Ethan and Lyrica.

"SOMEONE CALL THE PARAMEDICS!" I heard someone yell. I looked and saw it was Ethan. I ran over to him and tried to calm him down as I saw some of the bartenders pulling out their phones.

"Dude? What happend?" I asked, trying to sober up, beer still in hand.

"L-L-Lyrica had a panic attack and is-is unconcious!" He exclaimed.

"Okay, calm down, where is she?"

"Over here." He said, dragging me. He dragged me to an empty place where Lyrica was lying unconcious. I called my dad, knowing not all of us could fit in the ambulance. I told him what happend to Lyrica and we were all drunk at a club. He agreed to come pick us up and I hung up, calling Gabe next. I told him to get his ass over to where we were and he did so. Blade saw her best friend and sobered up, running to her side, sobbing. Paramdeics ran in, asked a couple questions and told us two people could ride to the hospital. Ethan and Blade went into the ambulance while Gabe and I walked outside, looking for my dad. I saw him pull up to the curb and told us to get in. I climbed in the front while Gabe climbed in the back. My dad followed the ambulance to the hospital and we saw Ethan and Blade in the waiting room, sobbing. I tired my best to comfort them but I couldn't very well since I was still drunk.My dad tried his best to comfort Blade and let her sob onto his shoulder.

"Lyrica Smith?" My dad stayed while the rest of us stood and ran over to the doctor. Most of us were sober enough to understand what was going on and to speak. Except Blade of course because she got the most drunk but she can hold her liquor pretty well. "Follow me." We agreed and followed him down this long, white hallway. He led us into, what I was guessing, was his office and had us sit down. Blade was sitting on Gabe's lab, squeezing his hand and I could tell Ethan was worried.

"Lyrica is just fine, she just has a little panic attack is all. We couldn't exactly determine what caused it but I'm sure she'll be able to tell you when she wakes up." Everyone in the room let out a heavy sigh.

"C-Can we go see her?" Ethan asked and the doctor nodded. He gave us the room number and we all headed out of the office and down the hallway in a group. We found Lyrica's room and walked in. Ethan walked up to her and grabbed her hand, squeezing it tightly. He mumbled a few things, kissed her forehead and wiped away a few of his tears. He left her side and Blade took Ethan's place. I sat down and stared at the floor, bitting my lip. I couldn't get Lyrica kissing me off of my mind. I looked over at Ethan and just stared at him.

"Ummm" I snapped out and saw Ethan staring at me, confused. "Brandon?"

"What? Oh, sorry. I was just... thinking." I said quickly, bitting my lip and looking at the chip in the ceiling.

"About what?" He asked, scooting his chair next to mine.


"Brandon, I know it's something."

"It's just L-nothing." I said quickly, looking away.


"LYRICA KISSED ME!" Word vomit. Shit. I covered my mouth and looked around at the three people staring at me with wide and angry eyes, mostly Ethan.

"WHAT!" He yelled. I grabbed Ethan and pulled him outside. "YOU BETTER FUCKING EXPLAIN BIERSACK!" He yelled.

"Okay Ethan, calm down. My hangover is starting to set in." I said, holding my pounding head. 

"Explain." He said, tapping his foot.

"Lyrica stumbled over to me all drunk and shit and turned me around since my back was to her. She started accusing me and then called me Ethan, kissed me and I couldn't do anything because I was paralyzed in shock. She broke the kiss and started accusing me again. I spotted you and handed her off to you."

"Oh." He said, stuffing his hands in his pockets.

"I'm so sorry Ethan, it wasn't my fault at all! I'm just so fucking scared of how Alex is going to react when I tell her." I said, running my hand through my hair.

"Don't tell her." He said simply.

"I can't do that. She'll get pissed off if she hears it from someone else and UGH!"

"Anyway, I'm sorry for yelling at you Brandon, brothers?" He asked, holding out his hand.

"Brothers." I smiled, shaking his hand and bro hugging him. We walked back in and I explained it to Blade and Gabe. They nodded in understandment and we just sat around, waiting for Lyrica to wake up.

"Ethan." She whispered, turning her head. He shot up and ran over to her. He started to talk to her and she talked back. Blade went to the other side and started to talk to Lyrica as well. Ethan pressed the nurse button and the nurse came running in. They shouted at her that Lyrica's awake and she checked on Lyrica before bringing a doctor in. The doctor confirmed that she was awake and fine.

"We'll release her tomorrow morning, unfourtanatley visiting hours are way past over so you'll have to leave."

"Can I stay?" Ethan asked.  "I'm her boyfriend." He said innocently. The doctor thought about it for a second before sighing and nodding.

"Yes sir, yes you can." Ethan pumped the air with his fist and said goodbye to us. We left and I saw my dad passed out in the waiting room. I kicked his shin and he shot up.

"Cmon, take us home." I said, rubbing my head. He nodded, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes and digging his keys out of his pocket. We all climbed into his car and drove home. I collapsed into my bed and passed out.


Sorry if it sucked XP

Listening to Big Girls Don't Cry~ Fergie

 xXxEmptyandBrokenxXx gave me the idea


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