Chapter 77

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Chapter 77


"It's been a week since Bailey Biersack disapeared from this very spot. She has been descirbed as a twenty year old girl, 5'7, long black hair, blue eyes, pale skin and last seen wearing black shorts and a black tank top. If anyone sees her, please call the station." The screen switched to my band and my dad, my lip quivering.

"She told me she was going for a walk one morning and she never returned. We're searching everywhere for her and we appricieate everyone whose keeping an eye open for her. We will not stop until we find her." Onyx said into the mic, passing it to my dad.

"Bailey, if you here this, please find a way to contact us, let us know you're okay. I love you my darling daughter." My dad said before the camera switched back to the news anchor. I squeezed my eyes shut, trying to stop the tears.

"B, they'll never find you." Sam laughed, slapping my cheek and walking out of the room.

I've been here for a week, r'd and beaten a few times a day. I was really ready to get out of here. The handcuffs were hurting my wrists from all the pulling I've done, hoping that one day, they'll break. Everyday, I would beg Sam to let me go but he would always tell me no. Multiple tears have been shed and I don't know how much longer I can take this. I've even hoped a few times that he would beat me to death because I'm just sick and tired of being a prisoner like this. A figure appeared in the doorway and I froze, chewing on my lip. I looked a little closer as the person walked further in and I saw it was Victoria.

"Oh God." I groaned.

"I'm here to help you." She said quietly.


"I don't like what Sam is doing to you Bailey. I may get jealous but I'm not mean."

"You cheated on my brother, tried to ruin his relationship multiple times and then had s with my boyfriend."

"Okay, I was immature, jealous and I didn't know. Besides the point, do you want me to help you or not?" I nodded.

"Please." I begged.

"Okay, Sam sent me here to watch you so we have to do this before Sam get's back." She said, walking over to  me and unlocking my hands. I pulled back to my body and rubbed my wrists, they were going to hurt for a while. "Get dressed, here's a phone. I'll let you know when sam comes back." She said before leaving. I pulled on the clothes and picked up the phone, dialing 9-1-1 first.

"911, what's your emergency?"

"Yes, I've been on the news, Bailey Biersack. I need someone to come right now before my kidnapper comes back."

"Do you know your kidnappers identity?"

"Samuel Smith"

"Okay, can you tell us the address or what you see around you?" I looked out the window and described what I saw.

"What do I do if he comes back?"

"I want you to take this phone with you so I can stay on line with you and I want you to hide somewhere near the house. If you see the emergency vehicles arrive, go out and meet them, they'll protect you."

"Okay, thank you." I said, running down the stairs. "Victoria, let's go." I said, grabbing her hand and pulling her to the door.


"I called the police on Sam, we have to get." Her jaw dropped.


"I'm not letting him get away with abusing me and r'ing me!" I exclaimed. "Now let's go!" I said, pulling her out the door. I pulled her into the woods next to the house and put the phone back up to my ear.

Lost In Stereo (Sequel To Yours To Hold) [COMPLETED] {3}Where stories live. Discover now