Chapter 18: Lyrica's Birthday

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Chapter 18: Lyrica's Birthday


I woke up to a pair of lips on mine. My eyes fluttered open to see Ethan staring down at me, passionatley kissing me. I smiled and tangled my fingers in his hair, deepening the kiss. He crawled into the bed next to me, wrapping his arms firmly around my waist. He eventually broke the kiss and touched his forehead to mine.

"Happy birthday babe." He smiled, pecking my nose.

"Aww, you remembered." I said, rubbing his back. He just nodded like a little kid. I giggled and pecked his lips. He pulled me closer to his body and I rested my head in the crook of his neck. "Can we just stay here all day? I don't want to move, I'm too tired." I complained, closing my eyes again.

"I wish Lyr." He chuckled. "But your dads and others want to see you." I just sighed.

"Fineeee." I said, taking my arms from around him and sitting up, running my fingers through my hair.

"I'll leave you to get dressed, when you're done, come on out." He smiled, pecking my lips once more before getting up and leaving, closing the door behind him. I sighed again and stood up, walking over to the closet we shared. I searched until I found the perfect outfit. I took a quick shower and quickly dried off. I slipped on my favorite Black Veil Brides tee with white, ripped skinny jeans. I turned on my flat iron and, while I waited, I blow dried my hair. Finnaly, I brushed it and picked up my warm flat iron to start on my hair. I made it completley straight before applying eyeliner and my favorite Black Veil Brides necklace and bracelets. I walked out of our room and smelled the most heavenly smell. I walked into our connected living room and kitchen to see Ethan standing by the stove.

I creeped behind him, snaking my arms around his waist. He jumped and screamed, leaving me on the floor laughing.

"Not funny." He pouted, going back to cooking the food.

"Aww babe, yes it was." I said through giggles. "So, what'ya making? Smells delicious." I smiled, closing my eyes and taking in the aroma.

"Just some bacon and eggs." He said, not taking his eyes away from the food.

"Mmm, my favorite." I said, kissing his shoulder and moving over to the couch. I changed the channel to Spongebob and got so into it, I didn't notice Ethan walk over.


"AHH!" I screamed, jumping and throwing the remote.

"Woah!" He exclaimed, dodging the remote.

"Oh, sorry baby." I giggled, smiling up at him. "Don't scare me like that." I said, pausing the show.

"Well, I have your food." He chuckled slightly, placing the plate on the coffee table in front of me.

"Oh, I could've gotten it." I said, picking up the plate.

"Nonsense! Today's your birthday, my chance to treat you like the queen you are." He cheesily smiled.

"Awwh." I said, biting into a piece of bacon. "Oh my God Ethan! This is amazing!" I exclaimed, gobbiling the rest of the piece. He bowed smugly, shoveling eggs into his mouth. I smiled and continued to eat as I turned the TV back on. I finished my plate and Ethan took it to the kitchen for me. The phone rang and he answered it, taking another piece of bacon.

"Lyrica, phone." He said, bringing it over to me. I smiled and took it from him, greeting the person on the other line.

"Hey baby girl!" I heard the famillar voice exclaim.

"Daddy!" I squealed, a smile spread across my face.

"I just wanted to say Happy Birthday, dad says so too. You and Ethan should come over to our place. The whole BOTDF family is over and we invited BVB over as well."

"Wow, of course we'll come over! When?"

"Umm, one o'clock?"

"Sounds fine, love you daddy, bye." I said as I hung up.

"What was that about?" Ethan asked, still popping bacon int his mouth.

"Fatty." I giggled silently. "My family wants us to come over to their place to celebrate my birthday. The whole BOTDF and BVB family is going to be there as well."

"Oooh, sure." He said, continuing to eat bacon.

"Jesus Christ, you're a pig." I said, laughing.

"But you love me." He said, leaning over the counter and taking a big bite off of the bacon.

"Sureee." I jokingly rolled my eyes, not able to keep a straight face. All of a sudden, he was pinning me to the couch.

"You know you love me, say it." He said, poking my cheek. I refused, shaking my head like a child. "Sayyyy itttt."

"No." I said, smirking up at him.

"Well, I'll just have to tickle it out of you!" He exclaimed, bringing his hands down to my sides and tickling me. I started to squeal and thrash beneath him.

"Ethan! Ethan! Stop!" I squealed, giggling uncontrolably.

"Say it!" He demanded playfully.

"Okay okay! I love you!" He stopped suddenly and smiled. He leaned his head down and passionatley kissed me, using only his knees to stay off of me.

"I love you too." He smiled proudly, pecking my lips once more before getting off of me. We sat around and talked until Ethan decided to go take a shower. I sat around watching TV until it was time to go. We got into the car and drove down to my family's house. When we got there, I put my hand on the door knob and opened the door.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" Everyone yelled, causing me to jump backwards, into Ethan's arms. I layed a hand over my heart, trying to catch my breath.

"Don't scare me like that!" I exclaimed with a smile, walking further into the house. My dad came up to me with a smile, hugging my tightly.

"Hey baby girl, happy birthday." He said into my happy.

"Thank you daddy." I said, hugging him tightly. My siblings and other dad joined in on the hug too. We broke and Blade ran over to me, hugging me tightly. I looked over at my dads who were walking over to Ethan. I bit my lip and just watched, staying close to Blade. My dad smiled, said something to Ethan and held out his hand for Ethan to shake. Ethan said something back and shook his hand before shaking my other dad's hand. My parent's walked away and I let out a sigh of relief, turning my attention back to the rest of the room.

I greeted and hugged everyone, excited to see everyone here. We all talked, had food and cake and opened presents. Ethan and I eventually went back to our apartment and he told me he was going to take me out to dinner. I smiled, peack his lips and went to our room.

I pulled out a dress from my closet and pulled it on. It was solid black, mid-thigh and strapless. On the torso, there was a section of silver beads sewn onto it. I slipped on black heels and walked into the bathroom. I curled my hair and reapplied my eyeliner before walking out. As I got closer to the living room, I saw Ethan sitting on the couch. He was all dressed up, watching TV.

"Oh my God." He said as I came into sight. He stood up and placed his hands on my hips with a smile. He passionatley kissed my lips, bringing our bodies closer together. He broke the kiss and looked down at me, staring into my eyes.

"Alyrica, You look so beautiful." He said, barley above a whisper. I blushed and looked down, hoping my hair would hide my face. He hugged me tightly before leading us to the front door.


Okay, sorry if it sucked. This is a late bday chapter for xXxEmptyandBrokenxXx :) <3 This just kind of shows you a little bit of Lyrica and Ethan. I'll try to get the next chapter out on Wednesday, sorry this one is late.

Listening to Hey Ya!~ Outkast

Lyrica's dress ------------>

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