Chapter 111: Lukas Michael Smith

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Chapter 111: Lukas Michael Smith


*Five Months Later*

What my dad said really hit me. The next day, I took a shower, got dressed, and spent the entire day with my kids and Alex. The day after that, I went back to work. I was actually happy again. I was able to laugh and smile without faking it. 

My phone started ringing and I answered it.


"Brandon, get to the hospital. Roxanne's in labor."

"Fuck, alright, I'll be right there." I said and hung up.

"What's going on?" Alex asked as she came down the stairs.

"Roxanne's in labor." I sighed, standing up. "Do you think Camryn could stay at Hannah's house for a few hours? That way, we only have one kid to deal with."

"I'll ask, you go get the kids ready." I nodded and went up the stairs as Alex went out the door.

"Come on girls, let's get your shoes on." I said, picking them up and carrying them downstairs. 

"What's going on daddy?" Camryn asked as I began slipping her shoes on.

"You guys are about to get a new cousin so mommy and daddy have to get to the hospital. We're going to see if you can stay with Hannah."

"Yay!" Camryn exclaimed as I moved on to Danielle.

"Is Camryn ready? Sarah said that was fine."

"Great, and yeah, go to mommy Camryn." Alex grabbed her hand and led her out of the house while I picked up Danielle and got her into her car seat, strapping her in. I got into the car and started it up, waiting for Alex. She ran out to the car and got in and I pulled out of the driveway. We got to the hospital and Alex unstrapped Danielle while I ran in.

"How are they?" I asked as I hugged my dad.

"Last we heard, they're doing fine."

"Great." I smiled, sitting down next to him, Alex sitting next to me. "Dad, I never got the chance to say thank you."

"For what?"

"For knocking some sense into me and being tough with me about five months ago. The next day, I totally changed. Thank you so much." I said, hugging him.

"No problem Brandon." He smiled, hugging me back.


"One more push Roxanne, you're doing great." I smiled as I held one of her legs in place. I glanced over at Onyx and saw pure pain on his face as Roxanne was grasping his hand.

"It's a boy!" The doctor exclaimed as he handed our son to the nurses to get cleaned off.

"Good job Roxanne." I smiled, patting her leg as our son was handed to her. I went to the other side of Roxanne and smiled down at my son. "Thank you so much Roxanne." I smiled, running my thumb down my son's cheek as tears streamed down my face.

"Bailey, do you want to hold him?" She asked me and I nodded, wiping my cheeks and taking the small infant from Roxanne. 

"Oh my God." I said, looking down at my son, still not believing he's actually mine. "Hi Lukas, I'm your mommy." I smiled, stroking the little bit of dark hair on the top of his head. "He looks so much like you Onyx." I handed Lukas to Onyx and turned to hug Roxanne.

"He's perfect." Onyx smiled as he paced around the room with Lukas. "I'm going to go get everyone else." He said, handing Lukas back to Roxanne and leaving the room. He returned with my parents, my siblings, the rest of the band and his parents.

"Do you guys want to hold him?" I asked, stroking my son's forehead. They nodded and Onyx took Lukas from Roxanne, handing him to Brandon first.

"Oh my God." I heard Brandon say quietly. I saw that he had tears rolling down his face. "He looks just like you Onyx." Onyx just smiled. "What was his name again?" Brandon asked.

"Lukas Michael." I said proudly.

"Hi Lukas, I'm your uncle Brandon and you're going to love your cousins." He smiled, handing him to Alex and she began to cry too. Brandon sat down on the ground and pulled his knees up to his chest. I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around him, kissing his head. I knew he was still upset about the miscarriage that they had. He finally calmed down and I helped him stand up before returning to my spot. Lukas kept getting passed down the line until he reached Alyx.

"He's beautiful you guys." She smiled.

"He's going to be a little musician." Camari said with a smirk. "I'll be highly dissapointed if he's not." She laughed. "I mean, his grandfather is in a band and both of his parents are in one." I shrugged and just laughed. Lukas finally got back to us and everyone left before we brought everybody else in. They brought in a bed for Onyx and I so we could sleep in the room with Roxanne and Lukas.

In the middle of the night, when everybody was asleep, I slipped out of Onyx's grip and walked over to Lukas.

"Hi Lukas." I whispered with a smile, peering into his bassinet the hospital provided. I just smiled and stared at the infant, not believing he was actually mine. "Your daddy and I love you very much and we're so happy you're here. I love you Lukas." I said, kissing his forehead and climbing back into the bed with Onyx.


"Hey." Alex smiled, taking off her robe and throwing it to the side, climbing into the bed with me.

"Hey, kids asleep?"

"Out like a light."

"Awesome." I said, laying down but Alex still sitting up.

"Brandon, I think we should try for another kid soon." I groaned. "What? It's been five months know."

"Can we at least wait until Camryn goes into Kindergarten this time?" She sighed.

"Fine, promise?"

"Promise." I smiled, kissing her lips.


Yay! Lukas is here! Should Alex and Brandon try for another kid?

Listening to Miss Independent~ Kelly Clarkson


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