Chapter 30: Telling The News

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Chapter 30: Telling The News


A week later, we made an appointment to confirm her pregnancy. We walked into the doctor's office, hand in hand and she checked herself in while I found us a seat. She sat down next to me and we silently talked until they called her back. I followed her back and she layed down on a table, luckily there was a seat for me to sit in next to her. They did a couple of tests before doing an ultrasound. I gripped her hand as I looked from the screen to her as the doctor moved the machine across her stoumach.

"Well you are indeed pregnant." I looked over at Alex and smiled, kissing her hand. He pointed out the heartbeat and tears came to my eyes. I looked over at Alex and smiled kissing her cheek. The doctor pointed out the baby to us and printed out a picture, allowing us to leave. Alex pulled down her shirt and hopped off the table, walking out of the room to make her next appointment. We walked out to the car with our hands intertwined. I pinned her to the car and passionatley kissed her, her arms wrapping around my neck. I broke the kiss and smiled down at her, running my hand down her back.

"You have no idea how happy I am." I said, pulling her in for a hug.

"Same Brandon." I let go of her and went around to the other side of the car, getting in and starting it up. "Babe, I think we should tell our parents within these next few days."

"How about we do it after I get off work Monday and we get them together in a room so we get the hardest part over with."

"Deal." She smiled as I took her hand. 


"Babe! Did you call your parents?" I asked as I walked into the house on Monday.

"Not yet, I-Im scared." She said, looking at me from the couch.

"Why? We're two grown married adults."

"B-But what if we didn't wait long enough."

"My parents already had two kids before they were even married."

"But my parents waited! Vic and I wern't planned but my parents waited!"

"Both of my sisters and I wern't planned! They're going to be just fine and love you just the same Alex." I said, sitting down on the couch next to her.

"Look, my parents love you, your parents love me, most importantly, your parents love you. And they are going to love their grandchild." I said, placing a hand on her stoumach. "Now do you want me to call your parents? Cause my parents are already expecting us." She nodded. "All right." I said, pulling out my phone and dialing Jake's number.

"Hey Jake." I said, once he picked up. "I was wondering if you and Ella could go over to my parent's house. We have something to tell the four of you."

"Sure thing, when."

"Umm, as soon as possible I guess? I just got home from work so I have to change and then we're heading over there."

"Sounds good, see ya." I hung up and set my phone down.

"They're heading over."

"Thank you Brandon." She smiled, kissing my lips. 

"No problem, I'm going to get changed." I said, getting up and walking to our room. I pulled on a Stormy Copper shirt and kept the same jeans on. I ran a brush through my hair before returning to Alex. "Ready to go?" I asked and she nodded. I picked up the keys and grabbed her hand as we walked out of the apartment and went down to the car.

"You know these stairs are going to get more difficult as I get bigger." She chuckled.

"Well I'll just carry you." I said, kissing the top of her head.

"Aww." She cooed, tightening her grip on my hand. We got to the car and drove over to my parents. I could sense her tenseness as we walked up to the door.

"Everythings going to be fine." I whispered in her ear, kissing her cheek, before knocking on the door. She smiled up at me and hugged me from the side.

"Hey Brandon." My dad smiled.

"Hey." I said, hugging him and dragging Alex into the house. "Bailey's out of the house right?" He nodded.

"She's at Sam's."

"Great." I said as I wrapped my arm around Alex and kind of pushed her into the living room, sitting her down. I sat next to her and she gripped my hand, her palm sweating.

"So, what did you guys want to talk to us about?" Harley asked. Alex looked up at me with pleading eyes and I smiled at her.

"Well, we just wanted to say that." I stopped and tried to find the right words. This was a lot harder then I thought. "Well, I guess there's only one way to say this. We're pregnant!" Ella and my mom's jaws dropped.

"Y-You mean, I'm going to have a grandchild?" My mom asked and we nodded. Both of the girls squealed and came over to hug the both of us.

"Do you have a name picked out?" Ella asked.

"Moooooom." Alex whined.

"She's only about a month along." I said, rubbing Alex's back. The girls grabbed Alex and took her somewhere else, leaving me with the guys.

"So, what all does she have so far?" My dad asked.

"Thankfully, just morning sickness."

"Well, it's going to get much much worse." Jake chuckled and I nodded.

"Thankfully I'm working now, I'll probably have Blade check up on her from time to time." I shrugged.

"Oh, you found a job?" My dad asked and I nodded.

"I found someone who accepted my hair and tattoos." I chuckled. "I've gotten a few patients already, most of them are there for self-harm or depression." They both nodded. We talked a bit more until Alex came over to me, ready to go.

"Congratulations." My dad said, hugging me.

"Thanks." I said.

"Congrats Brandon, take care of both of them." Jake said, giving me a hug.

"I will, trust me." I said goodbye to Jake and Ella before we got into the car and drove back home.


Awww <3

Listening to Sink Or Swim~ Falling In Reverse


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