Chapter 88

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Chapter 88


"No, no, no, no, no, no!" I exclaimed, sitting on the bathroom floor. "This can't be happening." I sobbed. I rocked back and forth, hugging my knees. I stood up and threw the test into the trash can and walked out of my parent's room and up the stairs. I collapsed onto my bed and sobbed. I can't believe I'm pregnant, I'm not ready for a kid and I'm pretty sure Onyx isn't either.

I eyed my phone sitting on the bedside table and began to reach for it. I quickly pulled my hand back and chewed on my lip.

"I can't." I whispered. "Not yet." I said and ended up crying myself to sleep.

*a few days later*

"HARLEY CHARITY BIERSACK!" I heard my dad yell. I snuck out of my room and peeked down. 

"Yes honey?" My mom asked, walking up to my dad.

"What the fuck is this?" Shit.

"That's not mine."

"Are you sure?"

"I think I'd remember peeing on a fucking stick Andrew."

"Well, whoever took this is pregnant."

"I'm not blind Biersack, I can see the fucking pink plus sign. Bailey! Can you come down here?" I stood up and walked down the stairs, trying to look as innocent as possible.


"Do you know who's pregnancy test this is?" I lost it. I broke down crying, my mom rushing to my side. "Bailey?"

"It's mine." I sobbed. I looked up at my dad who had a horrified look on his face.

"Ewewewewew." He squealed like a girl, dropping the test and sprinting to the kitchen, washing his hand. My mom led me to the couch and continued to try to calm me down.

"It is Onyx's right?" My dad asked, sitting down next to me.

"Of course." I said, leaning forward and putting my head into my hands. "Fuck." I cursed under my breath. I leaned back, resting my hands over my eyes. "I'm not ready for a kid." I confessed.

"Bailey, you're going to be a great mother." My mom said, rubbing my thigh.

"That's not the point mom, I have a rising band. Our manager says that we're so close to traveling to Europe!"

"Bailey, you're only 21, there's plenty of time for that. You know that we'd watch your kid while you're on tour."

"Family comes first Bailey, especially when a baby is thrown into the mix. Your father had to make multiple sacrifices when you three were born. He didn't tour for like two or three years when Brandon and Blade were born. Your band will understand Bailey, they are your best friends. If they can't make sacrifices as well, then they're not worth being your friend."


"By the way, have you told Onyx?" My dad asked.

"Of course." I said, looking at the ground. I was never the best as lying.

"Bailey, you need to tell him." My mom said.

"I know, I tried, I just can't."

"I want you to call him over right now and tell him, he's the father Bailey, he deserves to know."

"Alright." I sighed, getting up and walking upstairs. I picked up my phone and dialed Onyx's number, putting the phone to my ear.


"Bailey?" Onyx asked, sticking his head in my door.

"Come in." I said with a small smile and we walked in, passionatley kissing my lips. He sat down on my bed next to me and pulled me onto his lap.

"So, what's up?" I wrapped my arms around his neck and burried my face into his neck, sobbing. "Bailey, what's wrong?" I pulled my head up and wiped my tears, looking down into his eyes.

"Promise you won't hate me?"

"I could never hate you."

"I-I'm pregnant." His jaw dropped.


"I'm pregnant." I repeated.

"That's great!" He exclaimed, kissing my lips for a few seconds.


"Yeah! We're having a kid Bailey! This is awesome!"

"I-I thought you'd be mad. You know, because of the band and all. We're supposed to go out of the country soon."

"That can wait, this child is more important right now. Everyone will understand." I smiled and tightly hugged him, kissing his cheek.

"I knew there was a reason I loved you." He smiled back at me and kissed my lips.

"Have you told your parents?" He asked and I nodded.

"They're the ones who made me tell you."

"Well they're smart." He chuckled, kissing my lips once more.


Sorry for the short chapter again, but yay Bailey!

Listening to Make It Shine~ Victorious Cast

Victoria -------------->

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