Chapter 35: Bailey's Graduation

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Chapter 35: Bailey's Graduation


*3 months later*

"Come on Alex, we don't want to be late!" I called, opening up the door.

"Coming." She said, waddling over to me.

"There's my beautiful wife." I smiled, hugging her and lightly kissing her lips.

"No, I'm fat." She pouted, looking up at me.

"No you're not."

"Yes I ammmm!"

"But, you're carrying our daughter." I said with a smile, rubbing her huge belly and pressing my forehead to her's. She just giggled and pecked my lips.

"I love you so much."

"I love you too. Now let's get going." I said, kissing her cheek and grabbing her hand. I walked her down the stairs and helped her into the car. Once Blade and Gabe were in the car, we drove over to the arena the graduation was at and I walked Alex in. I pulled out my phone, calling my dad to see where they were.

"Hey, we're just walking in. Where are you guys?" I asked, looking around at all the people. My dad stood up and waved us over, luckily they had saved seats for the four of us.

"Hey dad." I smiled, sitting next to him.

"Hey." He said, hugging me from the side. We talked a bit before the ceremony started. Luckily, Annebelle wasn't graduating for a few years and that would be the last graduation for a while.

"Bailey Biersack." We all stood up and cheered as she walked across the stage, accepting her diploma. I looked over at my dad as we sat down and he was wiping away tears. My mom leaned over and hugged him, kissing his cheek. I smiled and looked over at Alex, who was watching the next person walk across the stage. I grabbed her hand and squeezed it, smiling at her. I thought about how one day it would be my child walking across that stage and how I would be crying. She leaned over and pecked my cheek, resting her head on my shoulder. She laid her free hand on her stoumach and cringed.

"You okay?" I asked and she nodded.

"I'm fine, she's just kicking up a storm." She laughed. I let go of her hand and placed my hand on her stoumach, feeling Camryn kick my hand. I smiled and leaned down, kissing her belly. "You're going to be a great father." She said, placing her hand on her stoumach, on top of mine.

"And you're going to be an amazing mother." I said, softly kissing her lips. We payed attention to the rest of the ceremony, cheering for Sam and the rest of Bailey's band mates. Afterwards, we let everyone clear out and walked out last, searching around for Bailey. We spotted her talking with, what we suspected to be Sam's parents. We all walked over and my dad stood behind Bailey, placing his hands on her shoulders. She shrieked a bit and jumped, turning around to glare at my dad. He just shrugged with a smile, kissing the top of her head. He introduced himself and my mom and they did the same.

"Well, I see where Bailey gets her beauty." My mom just looked at the ground and blushed. "But my goodness Bailey, you have a large family."

"Oh, it's just my dad's band and their kids, along with my parents and siblings." Bailey giggled.

"Mom, remember how we went on tour with that one band?" Sam asked and she nodded. "Well, that's them."

"Oh, how nice." She said with a small smile.

"Well, I guess we better get going." Bailey shrugged.

"Wait, let me get a picture of you two!" My mom said.

"Mooooooom." Bailey whined.

"No, I want a picture of you guys too." Sam's mom said. They both sighed and got together, posing for a picture. We found the rest of the band and made all five of them get together for a picture. After a normal picture, they picked Bailey up and she layed across the four of their arms. They put her down and all had to leave.

"I'll see you later babe." Sam said, hugging her tight. "I love you." He said as he pecked her lips.

"Love you too." She said, letting go him.

"Bye Bailey!" His mom said and she waved back.

"Bye Mr. and Mrs. Biersack." Sam said as he walked away. We went to a semi quiet place and I was the first to hug Bailey.

"I'm so proud of you." I said, bending a bit so I could hug her.

"Thanks Brandon, I'm glad you could come."

"I'm glad I could too." My mom snapped a picture of us and I had my dad take a picture with my phone. Everyone said their congratulations and my dad was last. He hugged her tightly and tears began to roll down his cheeks.

"Dad, you're crying." She chuckled, breaking the hug and wiping his face. "You didn't cry at either of their graduations." He just smiled.

"I know baby girl, it's just, now all of my kids are officially grown up." He said with a sad smile, hugging her again.

"Aww dad." Blade said, joining in on the hug. I shrugged and joined too, my dad wrapping his arm around me.

"I love you kids, all three of you." He said, kissing the top of our heads. We called our mom over and she joined in. I heard a few snaps of cameras and chuckled as we broke apart. The five of us got in a line and posed for a couple of pictures before my parents broke off and some pictures were taken of my siblings and I. I went back to Alex and recieved my phone, posting the pictures to Twitter while some more pictures were taken of Bailey.

BrandonBiersack~ My baby sister just graduated high school, congratulations @StormyBailey.

BrandonBiersack~ Biersack huddle @AndyBVB @HarleyBiersack @BladeBiersack @StormyBailey

BrandonBiersack~ The Biersack family, we may be all grown up, but we will always be a family. @AndyBVB @HarleyBiersack @BladeBiersack @StormyBailey

BrandonBiersack~ The Biersack siblings, we will be brothers and sisters for as long as we live. @BladeBiersack @StormyBailey

I put my phone away just as Bailey went to go give her robe and hat back. Once she returned, we all went out to lunch to the restraunt of her choice. After lunch, we all gathered outside of the restraunt and took a huge group picture.

BrandonBiersack~ Had a great time with my family and extended family. I would not trade mine for anything. Congratulations @StormyBailey!

I tagged everyone else and then turned on the car, driving Alex, Blade, Gabe and I home.


All three Biersack kids are graduated :D

Listening to Mama's Broken Heart~ Miranda Lambert


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