Chapter 114: Camryn's First Day Of Kindergarten

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Chapter 114: Camryn's First Day Of Kindergarten


*Four Months Later*

"Daddy! Mommy! Wake up! Wake up!" Camryn exclaimed, jumping on our bed. I sat up and grabbed her waist, pulling her to me, causing her to stop jumping. "It's my first day of kindgarten!" She exclaimed and I groaned.

"Oh yeah!" Alex said, grabbing Camryn from my grip and taking her off the bed. "Let's go get your first day outfit." She said as they walked out of the room. I groaned and rolled onto my side, not wanting to wake up, but right after we drop off Camryn, I have to go to work. I sat up and went over to my closet, pulling out my jeans and black button down, slipping them on. I went into the bathroom and brushed my hair before walking out of the room. I walked downstairs to see Camryn eating breaakfast at the table, Alex doing her hair.

"Brandon, can you get Danielle, we're about to leave." She said and I nodded, slipping on my shoes. I walked up the stairs and picked Danielle out of her crib, resting her head on my shoulder.

"Let's go!" Camryn whined, standing at the door.

"You're forgetting your backpack silly girl." Alex siad with a smile, putting Camryn's brand new Disney Princess backpack on her shoulders. Alex got a picture, of course, before we headed out to the car. I strapped Danielle in the car while Alex started up the car. I got into the driver's seat and drove to Camryn's school, parking and opening the door for Camryn. Alex went to the other side and got a, still sleeping, Danielle out of the car as I grabbed Camryn's hand. We all walked in, Camryn and I making a deal that she can ride the bus if we walk her in and out of the school on her first day.

Camryn looked around at all the fourth and fifth graders we passed, amazed at how tall they were compared to her. We turned down the first hallway on the left where all the Kindergarten classrooms were located. We finally found her teacher's room, whom we had already met the day before and I knelt down to her height.

"I love you Camryn and want you to have a good first day at school. I want to hear all about it when I get home from work, alright?" She nodded. "Awesome, give me a kiss." I said, pointing to my cheek. She leaned in and kissed my cheek. Alex passed Danielle to me, kneeling down in front of Camryn and talking to her for a minute before standing up. We watched our daughter walk into her class and Alex smiled at me, a few tears rolling down her cheeks as she rested her head on my shoulder.

 "Alright, let's get you home so I can get to work." I said, using my free hand to wipe her tears and kissed her lips. She nodded and grabbed my hand as we walked out of the school. I drove back home and parked, but didn't turn the car off.

"I love you." She said, once she got Danielle out of the car. She got back into the car and kissed my lips, getting out of the car again. "Have a good day at work."

"Thanks, love you too." I said as she closed the door. I pulled out of the driveway and drove to work, parking in the parking lot.


"I'M HOME!" I called closing the door and putting my keys down.

"DADDY!" Camryn and Danielle yelled, running to me. I picked both of them up and kissed their heads with a smile.

"Hey girls." I smiled. Alex walked up and took Danielle from me, kissing my lips.

"How was work?" She asked.

"Eh, same as always." I shrugged. "How was my big girl's first day of kindergarten?" I asked with a smile.

"Great!" She exclaimed and I laughed.

"Tell me all about it." I smiled, sitting on the couch with Camryn.

*The Next Day*

"Come on Camryn! The bus is almost here!" I called, opening the door. She ran into the entryway and allowed me to put her backpack on. She said goodbye to Alex before walking out the door with me. We walked down the street to the corner and waited. We talked for a bit until the bus pulled up. She walked up and stopped when the bus driver asked her a question.


"Camryn Biersack."

"How do you spell your last name?" She started to have trouble so I spelled it for her. "I see you, thank you."

"Okay, have a good day Camryn."

"You too daddy, I love you."

"I love too Camryn." I smiled as the bus doors closed. I walked back to the house and began to get ready for work.


Okay, short but yay! She's in school now!

Listening to Don't Be A Playa, Haiti~ Rucka Rucka Ali


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