Chapter 119: Elliot James Biersack and Edward Jakob Biersack (END)

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Chapter 119: Elliot James Biersack and Edward Jakob Biersack (END)


*6 Months Later*

I walked into Camryn's school cafeteria with Alex, Danielle in my arms. The BVB guys and their wives followed us, along with my siblings and their kids. Today was Camryn's last day of Kindergarten and they were having a 'graduation ceremony'. Alex was nine months pregnant and was due any day now, which made her absolutley miserable since this has been a harder pregnancy then the other three, considering she was now carrying two instead of one, she was a lot bigger and heavier.

We watched as the kindergarteners walked out and sat in their spot's with their teachers. As Camryn walked past she waved at us with a huge smile. I smiled back and waved at her. The principal got up and gave a little speech before the first teacher got up, giving a speech as well before handing out the awards to her children. Camryn's class was last, which made it difficult to get Danielle to sit through the whole thing.

When Camryn's teacher waked up to the microphone, I got out my phone, knowing that Camryn was one of the first one's since it was alphabetical by last name.

"Camryn Biersack." She said before listing Camryn's awards. Camryn grabbed her awards and stood with the few kids that had already been called, holding up her awards with a smile. Once the ceremony was over, Camryn ran over to us and jumped onto me, causing me to hand Danielle to Alex.

"I'm so proud of you Camryn." I smiled, resting her on my hip and kissing her forehead.

"Thank you daddy." She smiled, kissing my cheek. "Look." She said, handing me her awards.

"I know! This is amazing Camryn. We'll frame these when we get home, alright?" She nodded as I handed back the pieces of paper to her. I set her down and took a picture of her with her awards, allowing her to talk to everyone else before having to go back to class.

"I'll see you after school, alright?" She nodded and I smiled, kissing her cheek as she skipped off to her class.

*One Week Later*

"DADDY!" Camryn yelled, running into my office at home.

"What is it Camryn? Daddy's working." I said, running my fingers through my hair. I was on paternity leave from my job since Alex is due any day so, I was catching up on some work at home. I had told the kids not to distract me but, they're kids, what're you going to do.

"Mommy needs you. She's like this." Camryn said, immitating Alex's noises and movements. I raised my eyebrow then it hit me.

"Shit." I mumbled, getting out of my chair and racing down the stairs. I ran over to Alex who was sitting on the couch, obviously in pain.

"Hospitlal. Now." She said, her eyes closed tightly.

"Okay, come on. Let's go." I said, helping her off the couch and out to the car. I got her into the car and turned it on before running back inside and grabbing the kids.

"What's going on daddy?" Camryn asked as I got her into the car, letting her strap herself in.

"You guys are going to be big sisters again in a few hours." I said with a smile as I got Danielle strapped in. They cheered as I got into the driver's seat and began to drive to the hospital. I pulled out my phone and called my dad.


"I need you and mom to get to the hospital. Alex is in labor."

"Fuck, alright, we'll be right there." He said and hung up. I called Alex's parents and then continued to drive. We made it to the hospital and I unstrapped the kids, lifting them out of the car. I helped Alex out and had them grab onto my legs so they would stay with us. I walked Alex up to the nurse's desk and took a second to catch my breath.

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