Chapter 84

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Chapter 84


*2 months later*

"Hey!" I smiled, seeing my parents at the door.

"Hey, we brought a little present for Camryn." My mom smiled, holding up a box.

"Awesome, come on in." I said, grabbing the box from her. "Alex! My parents are here!" I called as I locked the door, walking into the living room. I kneeled down next to Camryn and placed the box in front of her. "Look Camryn, grandma and grandpa bought you a present!" I smiled, sitting down.

"Camryn, open it! Like this." Alex said, tearing a bit of the paper. Camryn smiled up at her and grabbed the piece that Alex had teared and teared even more. With the help of us, we got the paper off the box and I grabbed my keys, opening the box. Alex opened the box and pulled out a shirt.

"Look Camryn!" Alex exclaimed. I looked at the shrit and smiled. It was purple and said 'I'm a big sister!' 

"Wow, thanks you guys." I smiled.

"We know you guys were struggling with how to tell Camryn and I know a present always helps. I took Brandon and Blade to the store to pick out a present when I was pregnant with Bailey. Even though, it was only Brandon who needed the present."

"Wait, what?"

"You didn't want another sister, you wanted a brother. You had a temper tantrum when we told you it was a girl." I just laughed. "The only way I could get you to stop was to tell you I'd let you get some toys. Then of course, Blade wanted toys too." My mom shrugged.

"Camryn, can you read what this says?" I asked her, pointing to the words as Alex held up the shirt. Camryn was now able to form sentences and we were slowly teaching her to read. Our goal was to have her reading before Kindergarden.

"I-I-m." She went through every pronounciation of every letter and went back through, having her say the word. I helped her out if she was really struggling. "I'm a big sister." She read in her cute little way she has with pronouncing things. She looked up at me and cocked her head. I smiled and pulled Camryn on my lap, kissing her forehead.

"Yeah, you're going to be a big sister! You're going to have a new baby sister." She still looked a bit confused.

"There's a baby in mommy's tummy. Mommy's going to go away for a few days and when I come back home, there's going to be a new baby in the house." Camryn smiled and nodded.

"Do you want to feel mommy's tummy?" I asked Camryn and she nodded. I put her back on the ground and let her go over to Alex, watching her put her little hand on Alex's growing stomach. "You got to be gentle." I warned and Camryn nodded, seeming so fascinated with Alex's bump.

"There's a baby in there?"

"Yeah." Alex smiled, stroking Camryn's hair. Suddenly Camryn gasped and pulled her hand back, burrying herself into my chest. I was confused until I saw the struggle on Alex's face, I knew the baby had kicked. Alex was trying to hide her pain so she didn't scare Camryn. My daughter looked up at me and I knew that look on her face, she thought she had done something wrong.

"You didn't do anything wrong, it's okay. She was just saying hello to you." I said with a smile.

"Yeah, come feel Camryn." Alex smiled. Camryn unwrapped herself from me and went back over to Alex. She put her hand back on her stomach and giggled, feeling the baby kick her hand.

"So, you're okay with having a little sister?" I asked Camryn and she nodded. I smiled and hugged my daughter, kissing her forehead. "Now, can you go say thank you to your grandparents for the shirt." She nodded and stood up, running to them.

"Tank you." She smiled, hugging my mom's leg.

"You're welcome Camryn." My mom smiled, kneeling down and hugging Camryn, kissing her nose. She ran over to my dad and hugged his leg as well, thanking him.

"You're welcome girly." My dad smiled, bending down and picking her up, swinging her around like he always does, getting her to laugh. He kissed her nose and hugged her before putting her back on her feet. Alex and I both said goodbye to my parents before they left.


I put Camryn to bed that night since Alex was really tired. I put Camryn in her crib and leaned over, looking down at her face.

"Camryn, you know that mommy and I will have to spend a little more time and attention with the new baby right?" She nodded. "But I promise we will always love you. If you ever feel like we're not paying enough attention to you, feel free to tell us okay?" Alex and I had been looking at all these websites on how to deal with telling your child that they're getting a sibling. I knew Camryn didn't fully understand all of this, considering she was only two. But I hope she got the jist of it.


"Alright, goodnight my darling." I smiled, kissing her forehead and going to my room.


Listening to Believe~ Skillet


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