Chapter 1: Alex's Birthday

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Chapter 1: Alex's Birthday


"Hello?" Jake answered.

"Hey Jake" I said as I was driving.

"Hey Brandon, you're still coming right?"

"Definatley, I just landed and I'm headed to the restraunt."

"Good, we're just about to leave the house."

"Kay, bye, see ya"

"Bye" He said as I hung up and threw my phone next to me. I ran my hand through my short black hair and I started tapping my fingers on the steering wheel.

Alex and I are still together and today is Alex's birthday. I got a flight out here to California and now I'm headed to the restraunt Jake made for her 18th birthday. No one knows except Jake that I'm coming, this is going to be perfect. 

My phone buzzed and I saw that Jake texted me that they were just getting seated, perfect. I pulled into the parking lot, scared and excited to see everyone after a year of being in New York. I had a long sleeve black shirt with a suit jacket over it and black pants with black dress shoes. I had no makeup on and my hair rested on my shoulders. I bit my lip, as I locked the car and walked up to the door. I stood there for about 5 seconds before opening it and walking up to the person.

"Hey, a big group just walked in, reservation Pitts."

"Is it that group back there?" I looked and saw Jake eyeing me.


"Alright, go on back sir" I nodded and started walking. Alex's back was to me, perfect. They started to look up so I put my finger to my lips as I snuck up behind Alex.

"Hey there pretty lady" I whispered in her ear as I put my hands on her hips. She turned around and as soon as she saw me, she had a huge smile on her face.

"BRANDON!" She squealed, jumping out of her chair and wrapped her legs around my waist and kissing me passionatley. "YOU BASTARD!" She yelled, pounding my back and i just chuckled. "You told me you wern't coming!" She said, tears running down her face.

"Well I'm here arn't I" I chuckled as I wiped the tears from her face.

"Yes! Don't ever do that to me again! Jesus Christ Brandon!" I chuckled.

"Happy birthday baby" I said, pecking her lips.

"Thank you" She said before dropping to her feet. She sat down and I sat down next to her.

"So Brandon, how long are you staying for?" Blade asked with big, hopeful, blue eyes.

"I was able to take off a week. I have to do one class online a day, and i had to do a hella lot of work before I left and I have to do alot when I get back. I also have a certain amount of work I have to have ready to turn in by monday. All worth it though" I smiled as I kissed Alex. I then realized where she was getting at.  "I'll still be able to hang out with you Blade" She smiled and sipped her drink.

"So Brandon, where are you staying?" My dad asked.

"Got a hotel about 5 miles from the airport" I said shrugging.

"Nonsense Brandon, you should stay with us" My mom said.

"Nope, I got a hotel, I'm paying for it, I'm only staying for a week, it's no big deal." I said shrugging.


"-Mom, I'm staying in a hotel" I said with a smile and she gave in. "It'll help me get my work done easier anyway."

After dinner, Alex latched onto me.

"Can I stay with you this week?"

"You'll have to ask your dad" She ran over and asked him. He looked up at me and I put on a pleading face and she ran back to me, jumping on me.

"He said yes" She said with a huge smile and kissed me.

"Awesome, I've misseed you so much" I said as she dropped to her feet.

"I've missed you too Brandon" She smiled.

"Brandon" Blade and Bailey said coming up me. I took my arm from around Alex and hugged both of them.

"I'll hang out with you guys tomorrow, alright? Both of you are still living at the house, right?" They nodded and I smiled. "Good, I'll come over there tomorrow." I smiled and went to go hug my parents.

"Hey, can I come over tomorrow?"

"Of course!" My mom said, hugging me really tight.

"Awesome. Blade and Bailey wanted me to... and I've really missed you guys" I smiled as I hugged my dad."

"Well we've missed you too Brandon" My dad said. I said hi and bye to everyone else before drving Alex to her house so she could get a weeks worth of stuff and drove back to my hotel with her once she was done.

"I just need to go take a shower real quick" I said, kissing her forehead as I entered the bathroom. I turned on the shower and stripped down. I took a quick shower and pulled on my boxers I had brought in there with me. I saw Alex was lying in bed and I smiled and climbed in next to her. "How'd I ever get so lucky to get a girl as great and beautiful as you" I saw her blush even though it was dark and she turned to face me.

"How'd I ever get so lucky to get a guy as great and handsome as you" She smiled, running her hand down my face. "I've missed you so much" She smiled.

"I've missed you to babe" I said, pecking her lips. "Ever since the day I went off to college, I told you just call me and I'll pay for your flight out to New York. I'm so lonely, my roomate has his girlfriend over all the time." I whined, pecking her lips. "Please promise me you'll visit me sometime between when I go back and summer." She nodded.

"I'll try."

"Good" I smiled, kissing her again. "Crap, I forgot to give you your present, I'll give it to you tomorrow."

"You didn't need to get me anything Brandon, you're my present"

"Oh I did so have to get you something" I argued playfully and she sighed.

"Fine alright, night Brandon" She said kissing me and turning over.

"Aww I was hoping to get some action tonight" I fake whined and she turned over to glare at me. "I was kidding, goodness" I smirked, kissing her before she turned back over.

Within the next week, I went to a BVB concert, hung out with everybody and did my work. I was sad to leave but knew I was gunna be back soon.

"Please try to make it back for my graduation" Alex begged.

"I'll try baby" She smiled as she hugged me. "I gotta get on the plane alright?" I kissed her head. She nodded and I said goodbye to everyone before heading on the plane to fly back to New York.


Alright first chapter :D

Tell me whatcha think :D

Should I continue?

BVB_FIR_AA_MIW reminded me to upload xD

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