Chapter 22: Patching Things Up

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Chapter 22: Patching Things Up

The next day, I showered and got dressed, styling my hair. I walked downstiars and grabbed my keys, unlocking the front door.

"Where are you going?" My mom asked. I turned around as I opened the door.

"Oh, I'm going to go meet up with Alex." I said, jingling my keys.

"Okay, love you." She said, hugging me and walking into the living room. I left the house and got in my car, driving to the nearest Starbucks. I ordered and sat at a table, waiting for her to walk in. I was halfway done with my coffee by the time she came into the shop. She ordered and found where I was sitting, sititng across from me.

"Sorry I'm late, my dad and brother wouldn't let me leave." She giggled, taking a sip of her coffee.

"No problem, my mom had to know where I was going before I left." I chuckled, not taking my eyes off my coffee.

"Brandon, what happend to us? How did we just... go downhill so quickly." I shook my head and rubbed the back of my head, not knowing what to say.

"I-I don't know Alex, I just want to go back when shit was easier, honestly."

"Well, maybe we could just start over." She shrugged with a smile.

"Hopefully." I said, taking another sip of my coffee.

"So, should we start by moving in together again?" I nodded.

"Today's Friday so...  Monday?" She nodded in agreement. "So, are we together now or..."

"I say yes but..." 

"I say yes too." I smiled, happy we were actually getting somewhere. I got out of my seat and slid next to her, wrapping my arm around her. "I never stopped loving you Alexandra." I mumbled into her hair.

"Same here Brandon." She said, wrapping her arms around my torso. We pulled away just so we could look into each other's faces. Before I knew it, our lips were connected. She wrapped her arms around my neck to deepen the kiss. We pulled away for air and I smiled at her, hugging her again.

"You don't know how much I missed your lips." I said as I lightly kissed her neck.

"You don't know how much I missed you." She giggled, lettign her arms fall to my hips.

"Anyway, I better get going, I have other shit I have to take care of." I chuckled nervously, standing up. "I kinda lashed out on Ethan so I gotta fix that." She just giggled. "Anyway, I love you." I said as I walked out the door with her.

"I love you too." She smiled, pecking my lips and walking to her car. I climbed into my car and drove to the nearest park, pulling out my phone. I scrolled through my contacts until I found Ethan, clicking on him. I just stared at the number, not able to bring myself to call him. I bit my lip, took a deep breath and started to call him. I put the phone up to my ear, but hung up after the first ring. I did that three times, getting more pissed off at myself each time.

I finnaly decided to call him from a private number, which made it a little easier. I took slow deep breaths as it rang. With each ring, my heart beat a little faster and my stoumach twisted a little bit more.

"Hello?" I heard his voice after the fourth ring.

"E-Ethan. I-It's Brandon." I stuttered.

"Oh...hey." He said awkwardly.

"Look, I-I-'m s-s-just meet me at the nearest park." I said, not able to form the words.

"Ummm okay." He said, hanging up. I just sat in my car for a while before stepping out and walking over to a bench. I just sat there, thinking about what I was going to say. I heard a car door close and looked up to see Ethan walking towards me. My stoumach clenched and I felt like I couldn't breathe.

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