Losing Humanity

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As this fic is one of those never ending monstrosities, here are some things that might help you to navigate.

Season 1: from 'Phoenix' to 'The Whole Fucking Thing' (Pre Hawk phase lasts until 'Ice Cream'.)

Season 2: from 'The Wonders of the World' to 'Cold Spot'.

Season 3: from 'In My Time of Dying' until the end of this fic.

Season 4: In the sequel "Lost in Hollywood". Read this fic first.

Also - a general trigger warning here. This fic deals with some disturbing themes such as sexual trauma, abusive relationships, drug use, self harm, suicidal thoughts (and actions) and severe school violence. If you are triggered by these themes, this might not be the right fic for you.

If you read - don't forget to vote and comment! Seriously, I need it. ❤️

The first couple of hours went without major incidents - which was a huge victory by Sky's standards.

Sky managed to find the right classrooms, attended the lessons she was supposed to attend, and realized that even if she hadn't been in school for more than six months, she still was way above average and hadn't magically lost all her knowledge and skills during that time.

She even made one friend - kind of. In the biology class, she was seated next to a girl, who introduced herself as Sam, who seemed nice enough.

Besides, Sky was desperate. She was prepared to befriend anyone, a fucking giant octopus if it came to that.

Anything was better than being alone.

So when lunchtime came, she entered the cafeteria rather nervous - only the total outcasts ended up eating alone, and she sure didn't want her first school lunch in this place, to label her as one. Holding her tray, she scanned her surroundings desperate for a friendly face.

Sam, preferably. Or any other person she'd met during this morning.

There were free seats at a round table nearby, where a small group of people was eating, including a rather good looking Latino boy, a skinny kid with super pale skin and dark hair that made him look like a vampire, and a boy with the ugliest sweater Sky had ever seen in her life.

Sky raised a brow.

Dang, what an ugly sweater!

It reminded her of Ron Weasly's horrible sweaters in Harry Potter books - or maybe Fred and George, because their sweaters had been green too (not that Sky should know that, but she did) - but this was real life, not fiction, and she couldn't help staring. Why, oh why would anyone voluntarily wear something so hideous? It was like an open invitation to bullies.

The boy with the ugly sweater looked up from his food and their eyes met - he had large, blue eyes. Very soulful, very beautiful. A nice bone structure in his face too - high cheekbones, a sharp jawline. Too bad that in addition to the ugly sweater, he had a huge red scar running from his nose to his upper lip - a scar that he instantly covered with his hand, as he noticed that Sky was looking.

 Too bad that in addition to the ugly sweater, he had a huge red scar running from his nose to his upper lip - a scar that he instantly covered with his hand, as he noticed that Sky was looking

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