Locker Room Talk

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"Where have you been?" Sam asked as Sky sat down at the table in the cafeteria. "The lunch break is almost over."

Sky ran a hand through her sweaty hair, trying to arrange her curls so that they covered the scars on the side of her head. Taking a deep breath she started searching for her lunchbox from her backpack.

"I forgot my lunch home and Dad had to bring it to me," she lied smoothly. "I walked to meet him outside, and you know how slow my walking still is."

"Oh sweetie, you should have asked for help," Moon said, laying a comforting hand on her arm. "I could have done that for you."

"It was no trouble, really. I need the exercise." She flashed Moon a grateful smile, which Moon immediately answered.

"You got all sweaty," noted Yasmine, who was sitting next to Moon, looking just as perfect as always in her yellow blouse and flawless makeup. "That's disgusting."

"Yas!" Moon glanced at the blond girl disapprovingly. "You shouldn't say things like that. Sky is just learning to walk again - of course, it is an effort for her to rush out like that."

Yasmine scoffed and rolled her large, blue eyes. "What? I'm just trying to help. She smells like the boys' locker room."

"Jeez, Thanks Yasmine. You do know I haven't been able to shower properly for over a month with this stupid cast? I'm sorry if my broken arm disgusts you." Sky muttered, her cheeks blushing fiercely. She knew very well that Yasmine was right - on top of the difficulties in showering, she now had Hawk's sweat all over her, and she was pretty sure there were cum stains on her jeans.

"Don't listen to her," Moon spoke with an unfaltering smile. "Eat your lunch and I'll help you tidy up a bit. I have a brush and some dry shampoo in my bag and this amazing organic rose water that smells divine—"

Moon went on, describing all the cosmetic products she carried in her bag, and Sky flashed her a grateful smile. She'd take whatever Moon offered to hide the evidence of her sexcapade in the closet with Hawk. It wasn't that she regretted what had happened - on the contrary. She still felt like her feet weren't even touching the ground, She was so high on Hawk and the pleasure he had given her. She loved him fiercely, and the memory of their passionate encounter made her heart turn into a hummingbird inside of her chest, happiness filled her like a bright light that shone through her body and soul.

But still, she didn't want anyone to find out about them. Not just yet, when the school fight and all the tension between the dojos were still so fresh in everyone's mind.

"A walk down to the parking lot made you look like you ran a marathon?" Sam asked frowning, her words cutting Moon's cheerful prattling and Sky's wandering thoughts like a knife.

Sky glanced at Sam while opening her lunch box and picking up the delicious-looking mozzarella and tomato sandwich Dad had fixed her this morning. She took a bite to avoid answering Sam right away. Damn, it was a good sandwich - Dad really knew his stuff. Besides, Sky was starving. She was always famished after sex.

"You know how it is," she replied after swallowing her mouthful. "I'm not what I used to be."

Sam didn't reply, just gave her a very skeptical look and crossed her arms over her chest. Sky couldn't help the feeling that Sam knew she was full of shit, and it made her more than a bit uncomfortable. She looked down, to avoid Sam's piercing gaze, and took another bite of her sandwich, even if her appetite seemed to be diminishing.

It wasn't that she wanted to lie to her friends. On the contrary - she hated it. But for now, it was the only thing she could think of doing. Sam, Moon, and Yasmine didn't know she was dating Hawk again, and Sky wasn't really prepared to let them know. Sam hated Hawk with a fiery passion for what he had done to their dojo, stealing the medal of honor and all, and Moon wasn't his biggest fan either. What Yasmine thought, Sky could only guess, but she didn't want to take her chances. Besides, Sky suspected that telling her girlfriends she'd been banging a guy in the cleaning closet wouldn't make them think very highly of her. She didn't want to be called a crazy slut again if it could be avoided.

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