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"Oh, no." Demetri whined, a desperate look falling onto his long face.

Hawk's jaw clenched tight at the sight of his sworn enemy. In a heartbeat all the things Demetri had said about Eli in his stupid speech at Moon's party, flashed through his mind, bringing an acidic taste of anger into his mouth. He would never forgive Demetri for that fucking speech - or the kick that had landed him into the trophy case, making him look like a fool.

His abdomen went tight as if remembering the pain that kick had caused.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" He growled, throwing the box of chocolates onto Sky's bed, not giving it another thought.

Demetri retreated into the hallway, the frightened rabbit that he was, as if leaving the room could provide him any safety. Hawk let out a mocking snort as he followed

"I asked you a question," he snarled. "What the fuck do you think you're doing here?"

"What am I doing here?" Demetri replied, still backing away from Hawk. "What are you doing here?"

So, Sky hadn't told her friends that they were getting back together. That hurt, it stung like a dagger in Hawk's heart. Maybe she wasn't serious about it, then? Maybe she was just high on drugs and had let him kiss her for that reason only, and nothing else?

Maybe she planned to hook up with Demetri instead.

That thought made Hawk see red like nothing else. He tasted bile at the back of his throat.

"None of your fucking business, you fucking nerd." He walked closer, and Demetri's back hit the opposite wall of the hallway, making it impossible for him to get away. Hawk glanced at the fresh bouquet of pink carnations in Demetri's hands, and his heart ached with jealousy, knowing to whom they were meant. "What, you thought that I was out of the way and you could have her now? Huh? Is that it?"

"Jesus," Demetri rolled his eyes. "That's not what I want! I am her friend. A friend. Though that concept might be unknown to you."

Hawk's throat bobbed. Demetri's words hit home a bit too hard. No matter how much he tried to deny the truth, Hawk was painfully aware of the fact that he didn't have friends, not anymore. Not since Demetri had turned into a traitor and an enemy, Aisha had quit Cobra Kai and moved away, and Miguel had fallen into a coma. The jerks he hung out with nowadays, Rickenberger and Assface mostly, were idiots. He only spent time with them because they thought he was a badass and followed his lead.

That could hardly be called a friendship, though. He was smart enough to know the difference.

"Shut up, smartass," he snarled at his former brother. "And get the fuck out of here before I make you."

"You'd seriously start a fight? In here?" Demetri spread his arms. "In a hospital? After everything that's happened—?"

"Yeah, after the fucking speech you gave. Did you really think you'd get away with all that shit?"

"Okay, yeah, maybe I went a bit too far with that, but you did pour a beer on my head—."

"You deserved that."

"— and I am sorry about that speech. But Eli, come on—"

That was the last straw. Eli. After everything that had happened, Demetri still wouldn't call Hawk by his name.


"What?" Demetri's brows furrowed.

"It's Hawk. Not Eli."

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