Animal Farm

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The day went better than Sky had feared. Of course, there were some people who stared at her, and some people who whispered behind her back - but there were also people who approached her just to tell her they were glad to see her back in school, that they were happy that she was doing fine. People she didn't even know wanted to help her with the doors or the stairs, and even if Sky knew they meant well, she really didn't like the extra attention.

It was a relief to have Demetri or Sam with her all the time, and Moon too. They carried her tray in the cafeteria, they opened the doors for her without making a show out of it, and Sky was grateful for the way they acted around her - as if it was just another day. It made it easier for her to believe that it really was so.

Sky had homeroom and science with Demetri and Yasmine, history with Sam, and drama with Moon, so she didn't have to be alone in any class. But the best part of the day, the one she had been anxiously waiting all day, was English - and not just because of Sky's love for literature - but because she shared that class with Hawk.

Of course, she had seen him in the hallways during the day, had noticed him sitting with his friends and laughing loudly in the cafeteria during the lunch hour, but it wasn't the same. They had agreed to keep their distance in the school, since most people didn't know they were dating again - and it felt weird to see him like this, without being near to him, but Sky couldn't deny that there was a certain thrill to it too. The secret glances they had shared in the cafeteria left her feeling hot all over, the time he had walked past her in the hallway and his arm had brushed hers, had almost been enough to make Sky spontaneously combust.

She was still feeling the effects of those encounters when she walked into the classroom and spotted Hawk in the back row, noticed the empty spot next to him.

He was wearing a bright yellow hoodie and black sweats, his mohawk stood sharp, spiky, and vicious on top of his head, and everything about him looked tough, raw, dangerous. But when he noticed Sky at the door, his eyes turned soft and his throat bobbed, as always, as if he would never get tired of seeing her.

Sky walked closer, her cheeks heating and betraying her emotion, and she looked down, trying to hide her burning face from anyone who might notice. She laid her backpack on the table and flashed Hawk a hesitant smile, suddenly feeling a bit shy.

"You saved a seat for me?" she asked, as he pulled the chair for her.

"Hope you don't mind the back row."

Sky was usually more of a front-row girl, but for Hawk, she was prepared to make an exception, even if she suspected that sitting together at the back of the class would make it hard for her to concentrate on studying.

"It's fine," she said and took the seat. "I'm just glad I get to be with you."

"Me too," he rasped and glanced around as if to make sure no one heard. There were a couple of Cobra Kai kids in the room, Mitch and Rickenberger, who were in fact giving them curious glances. The sight of Doug made Sky's chest tighten, the memory of the things he had said on the day of the school fight, the way he had tried to attack her, were suddenly fresh on her mind and she had to look away.

Hawk noticed how her smile disappeared, and a frown fell on his face.

"Don't worry about those dick heads," he said in a low tone. "They won't bother us."

"Did you tell them we're dating?"

"No, but it's none of their fucking business who I sit with."

Sky shrugged. "I hope you're right."

Hawk didn't reply, just jutted out his chin in a stubborn gesture and flipped Mitch and Doug off, making them finally look the other way.

"See, I told you so," Hawk winked at Sky. "If they give you any trouble, just let me know."

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