Ice Cream

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Sky lay on her bed, staring at the roof and thought about Eli Moskowitz. It was now almost two weeks since that night in his room, that night when she had climbed to sit on his lap and kissed him, and she hadn't seen him since.

First she'd been suspended for a week, and after that she'd gotten the cold and had been forced to spend five days in bed with a running nose and fever, and thus had ended up missing almost two full weeks of school.

Not that she minded missing lessons, she had always learnt better when studying by herself. But she had missed Eli, and since that kiss—

I shouldn't have done that.

He probably thinks I'm crazy. A crazy slut...

But she couldn't get the memory out of her head. The memory of his hands on her waist, the roughness of his scarred lip on her mouth, the heaving of his chest and the dry, throaty groan that had left his lips when she had lowered her weight on him and had felt his super hard erection through the fabric of the jeans.

That thought still made Sky's heart go wild in her chest, skipping and missing beats like a drunken step dancer.

He wanted me, that's for sure.

But then why isn't he texting me and telling me that?

Sky rolled her eyes to herself.

Why aren't you telling that to him, you stupid ass? He probably thinks you want nothing to do with him after the way you ran out of his room...

Her cheeks heated with the embarrassing memory of Eli's Mom stepping into the room while she had her tongue down Eli's throat.

Christ. I can never again stand in front of that woman in my life. Never!

So no more surprise visits to Eli's house, no matter how much Sky missed him, and hoped that he'd at least be texting her—

Though, to be honest, Eli had been texting her. He had sent her pictures of all the chemistry notes and assignments, so that she could keep up. He had told her about stuff that was going on in school, and had even sent a couple of silly selfies with Demetri that were taken in his room and showed them stuffing too much popcorn in their mouths.

Eli had also informed Sky that Sam had broken up with Kyler and that now she was being bullied and called names because of some stupid rumor about her sucking Kyler's dick in the movies, which was absurd really, for anyone who knew Sam for even a bit, would've known that wasn't true. Sky was grateful for Eli telling her all this, and she had called Sam right away, just to be there for her, just as Sam had been there for her when the shit had hit the fan the week before. Because that's what friends do.

So actually, the only thing Eli hadn't been texting her about, was the kiss.

And that was probably the only thing they should have talked about.

But as days had passed, it had become harder and harder to mention it. And now it was too late, it would have been super awkward. The last text from Eli said 'pages 36-39 and exercises 1,2,4 and 6'.

How the Hell was Sky supposed to answer to that by telling him that she thought about their kiss fucking nonstop? That she couldn't even sleep because her body felt like it was about to spontaneously combust when she was thinking about him, so that all night long she just tossed and turned restless and sweaty under the sheets.

No way, she couldn't do it. It was too fucking  embarrassing. Just like everything in her stupid life.

But she was going back to school tomorrow. Tomorrow. She would see him there, no doubt, and that thought shook her to the core of her being.

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