Thin Ice

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After leaving Miguel's room they took the lift and headed for the exit. They had made it to the lobby - Sky was leaning on Hawk's arm for support - when someone they knew all too well, walked in through the front doors.

Johnny Lawrence.

Hawk's chest tightened at the sight of his old Sensei. He too was now on the list of his least favorite people in the world. Johnny Lawrence had betrayed him, Hell, he had betrayed all of them. He had promised they'd be tough and strong, he had promised he'd always be on their side - and then he had given up on them, taken away their chance to be truly great, and just bailed on them. He was a traitor - the worst traitor of all - and Hawk wanted nothing to do with him.

To be fair, it looked like Johnny Lawrence wanted nothing to do with Hawk either. His eyes narrowed at the sight of him, and then quickly turned away, as if he was ashamed, or just as sick of Hawk as Hawk was of him.

But Sky didn't seem to notice or at least mind. She rushed towards Johnny Lawrence, and had it not been for her cast, she probably would have thrown her arms around his neck.

"Sensei—!" She chirped happily. "It's so good to see you!"

Hawk swallowed to repel the bitter taste her cheerful greeting brought to his lips. He hadn't seen Johnny Lawrence since the day of the fight. He'd gone to the dojo after Sensei Kreese had sent him a text that Cobra Kai needed him, and–

–and then Johnny Lawrence had shown up at the dojo. And Hawk had pretty much told him to piss off.

He glanced at Sky, nervously. He hadn't told her about that. It wasn't strictly lying, was it? They hadn't talked about Karate related stuff all that much, really, but he had mentioned that Sensei Lawrence had left and that now it was just Sensei Kreese teaching them at Cobra Kai. All Sky had said was 'okay', and he hadn't had the guts to tell her about the fallout, about his own harsh, though justified, words to their former sensei.

But now Hawk felt his throat tightening. No lying had been the first rule Sky had set, and he knew he was walking on thin ice.

"Hey Ginger, how you holding up?" Sensei Lawrence asked and ran a hand through his blond mane. It didn't help - he still looked like shit - he hadn't shaved in ages, he had cuts and bruises, his clothes were dirty and worn and he looked like he'd done nothing but gotten drunk these past two weeks.

"I'm fine," Sky smiled. "And getting better every day."

"Good. Glad to hear that."

"Are you here to see Miguel?"

Sensei Lawrence gave a nod, his glance darted towards the lifts. "Yeah. Heard he's awake."

"We just saw him. He's doing okay, considering... But he's got surgery on Friday," Sky chattered. "After that, he's going to need help to learn how to walk again."

A pointed silence followed her words. Sensei Lawrence looked at his dirty, worn sneakers, then back up. "Yeah, well, I'm sure there are professionals who can help him with that."

Sky's brow fell into a gentle frown. "But you are his Sensei. He's gonna want your help."

"His mom made it pretty clear that I have no business being near Miguel ever again." Sensei Lawrence stated bitterly. "Besides, I'm not a sensei anymore. I'm done with Karate."

Sky's smile disappeared, and sadness overtook her sweet features. Hawk's heart hurt at that sight. He never wanted to see her unhappy again. He would've given his fucking right arm to keep a smile on her lips, and he hated Johnny Lawrence with a fiery passion, for taking away that smile.

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