Broken Glass

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The science presentation was finally finished. Demetri had wanted to fix some details, to change the places of some dinosaurs and add a couple of more trees, but at last, he seemed to be content with the results.

Sky was sitting on the floor, staring at the wonder they had created, a wide smile on her face.

"It's so cool!" She said, clapping her hands like a child. "I'm so excited!"

"This should get us an A," Demetri agreed, observing his work. Tentatively, he pressed on the hadrosaur egg, and the volcano started releasing smoke as the dinosaurs roared. Sky couldn't hide her excitement - she giggled and repeated the act a couple of more times just for the fun of it.

"I don't even care about the A," she laughed. "This is great! And I've had so much fun doing this with you."

"If only Yasmine was here to see this—" Demetri said wistfully.

"She'll see it tomorrow," Sky reassured. "And I know she's gonna be impressed."

"You think so?" Demetri looked up from the Legos, a faint blush on his high cheekbones.

"I know so. She's gonna get an A, thanks to you - which means she'll want to do more projects with you in the future." Sky flashed him a grin. "Oh, and before I forget - you should buy her a bottle of Miss Dior for Christmas."

Demetri frowned in confusion. "Miss Dior? Is that a drink?"

"No! Idiot! It's her favorite perfume! And I guarantee she'll fucking love that present."

Swiftly Demetri pulled his phone from his pocket and started typing, his brow falling into a frown. "Miss Dior? I'd better write that down—"

"You'd better." Sky said with a laugh. "You wouldn't want to buy her the wrong perfume, would you?"

"But Christmas is so far away, it's not even Halloween yet. Maybe I should buy it for her already? As a 'thank you' for participating in the project—"

"No, don't. You'll look desperate."

"I am desperate." Demetri said with a sigh, stuffing his phone back into the pocket of his jeans.

"Well, Yes. But you don't want her to know that."

"Oh, I think she knows that,"

Demetri let out another longing sigh, his mind still clearly filled with Yasmine and the depressing lack of progress he had made in getting her to like him. Silently he started tossing some of the extra Lego pieces into a cardboard box, to get them off the floor. Sky started helping him, scooping a couple of handfuls of green and brown Legos from the carpet, and dropping them in the box. For a couple of minutes, they worked in silence. The smile lingered on Sky's lips - seeing the finished project had made her forget how tired she had been, and she was almost sorry she had to start leaving.

"I guess I should get going," Sky said, once the floor was cleaned and Demetri covered the volcano and the dinosaurs with a sheet. "It's getting late and I promised Dad I'd be home for dinner."

Demetri's face fell, his smile disappeared.

"What?" Sky asked, baffled by this sudden change in the atmosphere. "What is it? What did I do?"

"No, no you don't do anything—" Demetri quickly replied, running a nervous hand through his dark hair. "It's just that... I kinda need to talk to you about something."

Sky frowned. "What do you mean? I've been here for two hours."

"I know, and trust me, I've spent at least an hour and a half wondering if I should say anything about this—"

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