Changing Things

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This is a short one, but I hope you like it! Please, vote and comment.

The next day Eli was having lunch in school with Miguel and Demetri - just like every day since the beginning of the school year. And yet, unlike every day before, Eli didn't even notice his friends, nor did he care if Moon and Yasmine and their stupid gang in the nearby table were making fun of him again.

He was still high up in the air, like his feet weren't even touching the floor under the table, like he was sitting on top of a cloud instead of a chair.

Stuffing his food into his mouth, without even noticing what he was eating, Eli's mind was going over and over and over the same thing.


So it was only when he heard her name mentioned, that he managed to snap out of the loop of thoughts that includes only the scent of her hair, the taste of her lips, the way his heart had almost broken through his fucking sternum when she had kissed him.

"Sky?" He said and cleared his throat. "What about her?"

"I hear they kicked her out." Demetri said. "Like, for good. Which is a shame, really. Not only was Sky a great addition to our table in Chemistry, she was also the only girl who was even talking to us—"

"They didn't." Eli interrupted.

"Didn't do what?"

"They didn't kick her out. She's suspended for a week."

Both Miguel and Demetri turned their eyes on Eli, and the sudden attention made him look down at his plate.

"How do you know that?" Miguel asked.

"She told me, alright?" Eli replied, and couldn't help the fierce blushing of his cheeks. "When she came to my house yesterday."

"She came to your house?" Demetri asked, incredulous. "You had an actual living and breathing girl in your house, and you didn't think that was something worth mentioning—?"

Eli shrugged.

He had thought about texting Demetri about Sky's visit last night, but it had been impossible to find the right words. Besides, what had happened between them was private, it really was none of Demetri's business.

"What did she want?" Miguel asked, leaning his elbows to the table, his lunch now forgotten.

"The chemistry notes, I'd imagine." Demetri said, before Eli could answer. "She is surprisingly ambitious."

Something in the way Demetri said that, annoyed Eli.

He remembered Sky's dilated pupils, the fast, shallow rhythm of her breathing. Her fingers that had gripped his hair, the soft moans that had left her lips into his mouth when she had kissed him, when she had run her tongue over his scar.

She hadn't asked for any fucking chemistry notes. She had wanted him, and if Mom hadn't stepped into the room—

Well, Eli had spent the majority of the night thinking about what could have happened had they not been interrupted. And he had jerked off in the shower last night and this morning, thinking about Sky, thinking about the kiss, about the way her boobs had felt against his chest, imagining those were her fingers gripping his dick, not his own.

"She wanted to... to kiss me." he confessed, his voice barely audible, and yet defiant.

The fork fell off Demetri's fingers and hit the plate with a loud metallic 'pling!'.

"Holy shit!" Miguel laughed. "And?"

"And what?"

"Well, did you?"

"Yeah, we kissed." Eli said, and even if he was blushing fiercely, a smile spread on his lips. "It was awesome."

"Shit! That's great!" Miguel was grinning and high fived Eli over the table, but Demetri still looked like someone had punched him. His now forkless hand was still up in the air, his jaw was hanging wide open.

"So let me get this straight—" he began, tilting his head to one side. "Sky came to your home, walked in and started kissing you. Just like that?"

"Why are you saying it like that, like it couldn't have happened?" Eli asked, raising his chin and meeting Demetri's dark eyes.

Demetri made a face. "Well, because this is life, not porn. And I'm not saying it like it's impossible, but you know, highly improbable—"

"Whatever." Eli shrugged. "Anyway, we talked first, she was kinda upset about everything that's been going on, and stuff—",

Eli remembered the scar she had shown him, the red and raw bullet wound - he was sure it was that, a scar from a gunshot. And Sky had told about her best friend  who was dead. Now he wondered if these things were connected, and also if Sky had only started kissing him because she was feeling like shit and wanted to forget.

He sure as Hell had forgotten everything when kissing her, his own fucking name and all.

But Sky had asked for Eli not to tell anyone about those things, so he wasn't going to do that.

"—and she had tequila." he finished his sentence instead.

"Tequila?" Demetri's brows arched high on his forehead. "Like, who are you? What did you do to my Binary Brother, you doppelganger?"

That brought a crooked smile on Eli's lips. Demetri might be annoying, but he was Eli's Binary Brother. Nothing would come between them, not even his disbelief over the fact that someone had wanted to kiss Eli.

I can't really blame him, can I? I didn't believe anyone would want to kiss me either.

"Like you wouldn't have drunk tequila and kissed Sky, had she come to you." He said, and then turned his eyes to Miguel. "I'm thinking about coming to Cobra Kai. Maybe today."

"Sure, that's great." Miguel replied. "About Damn time."

"First girls, then Tequila, then karate?" Demetri said with a sigh, while searching for his lost fork. "Seriously?"

"Yeah." Eli replied. "Maybe it's time I start changing things."

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