The Prisoner of Azkaban

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The school dance was just as boring and annoying as Hawk had expected it to be.

He leaned on the wall, a cup of Coke in his hands, wondering why he had bothered to come at all. The only positive thing so far was that Kyler had spiced their drinks with vodka that he had somehow managed to smuggle here - probably the only useful thing he had done in his life - but it didn't do that much. Hawk still didn't want to be here with these idiots - but then again, if not here, then where? He had burnt all the bridges behind him so profoundly they could never be rebuilt, so he didn't really get to choose his companions anymore. The Cobra Kai gang was all he had, whether he liked it or not.

He glanced at his so-called friends that were gathered around him. Kyler was dressed as a vampire - which suited that blood-sucking asshole better than he probably even realized - Edvin had a Ghostface mask, and the others wore equally scary and menacing but still cool costumes. Hawk tried to laugh with them as they commented on the ass of a chubby girl who walked past them, but in reality, he couldn't have cared less. He was only half listening to the constant joking and laughing of his teammates, grateful for the loud dance music that drowned most of it, while his eyes searched the crowd on the dance floor, in hope of catching a glimpse of red hair.

Last night's dream was still in his veins, making him restless. He could still remember the faint scent of vanilla and roses of Sky's hair, the way she had wrapped her legs around his waist—

It was a dream. Just let it go.

Angrily he emptied the drink, threw away the empty cup, and stuffed his hands into the pockets of his black jeans.

He wasn't wearing a costume. Hell, he had spent every single Halloween of his life hiding his face behind a mask, and he wasn't going to do that anymore. He had no reason to do that now that he was hot and confident, someone the girls were checking out as they walked past him in their cute costumes.

Hawk only had black jeans, black sneakers, and a long sleeved, black T-shirt with a gray print of a skeletal ribcage, which he thought looked pretty cool. He had also gone to have his hair retouched, so that it was now bright red and black, the contrast of those colors sharp and angry like everything in him.

He knew he looked hot and badass, that wasn't the problem. The problem was that no matter how much he had sworn to let go of Sky, to stop thinking about her, she was the only thing he could think about.

And she's not even here. I bet she's not coming at all.

He let out a frustrated sigh, wishing he had another drink or something else that would force Sky out of his mind. But the truth was that her absence worried him. He had been really concerned about her lately, ever since the things he had shouted at her on his front steps that night—

And then there was the pill she had slipped into her mouth in English class. Just thinking about that made Hawk's chest clench tight with worry and anxiety. He hadn't seen her do that again, so maybe it had just been for a headache after all, but he had a bad feeling about the whole thing. And that wasn't all. She had been so cold, so distant, and just... acting plain weird lately.

Well duh. Of course, she's acting weird. I fucking killed her that night.

He looked at the dancing teenagers again, trying to see if Sky had arrived, but nothing. He pushed his hands deeper into his pockets and let out a frustrated sigh.

I really have to stop obsessing about her. This is fucking pathetic—

And then, he saw something that made his jaw drop.

There was Demetri, walking into the room, dressed as Harry Potter, the costume perfect to the last detail with round glasses, a black robe, and the scar painted on his forehead. (That wasn't the surprising part, Demetri was such a nerd that you could expect that kind of stupid, childish costume of him.)

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