House of the Vestal Virgins

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"Oh, this place is beautiful," Hawk's Mom sighed for what felt like the thousandth time, but Sky didn't mind. On the contrary, it made her happy.

They were in one of her favorite places on Earth - The Roman Forum, a wonderful maze of cypress trees and stone pines, of ancient temples and crumbling columns, walls overgrown with weeds and wildflowers.

As Dad was working all day, it had fallen to Sky to be the guide, which was both easy and fun for her because she'd been here more times than she could count. Hell, the first photos of her in this place showed her as a tiny little thing in a baby carrier, sleeping peacefully against Dad's chest.

She drew some escaped strands of hair behind her ear and flashed Beth a wide smile. "It is, isn't it. Just imagine how it was 2000 years ago - so full of people and life, people from all over the world coming here, to the center of the world–"

"It's still kinda full of people from all over the world," Hawk noted, taking a sip of his water bottle. He looked a bit pale and he had dark circles under his eyes - maybe a sign of him still being jet-lagged and tired after the trip, not that he would ever admit it because it would be 'too pussy' for him or something.

"I know," Sky grinned. "That's what makes it amazing."

Hawk didn't reply but gave her a soft smile. Sky knew very well that under his badass Mohawk and the cool kid act he was a smart guy who still got the best grades. Okay, maybe he was more of a scientific, mathematical mind than a humanist, and even if he didn't share Sky's love for Ancient Rome, he was interested enough. Besides, Sky had a feeling he would have been happy today, no matter where Sky dragged him. Just being together was the best drug for both of them, and there was no denying it.

"Thank you so much for being our guide," Mrs. Moskowitz - Beth, Sky corrected herself - said, drawing Sky's attention off Hawk, who had just brought a water bottle to his lips and was sipping on it in a very distracting way.

"Oh, it's a pleasure," Sky replied with a smile. "Honestly. I love this place, and I'm happy to show you around."

"Still, I want to thank you. Without you, we would have been lost! You seem to know a lot about this place - is it all thanks to your dad?"

"Nope," Hawk replied in Sky's place. "I told you Mom, Sky got an A in history."

Sky blushed slightly, hearing his praise. "Well - I gotta admit that's mostly because of Dad too. It's impossible for him to shut up about history for five minutes, so I guess some things just stuck with me."

Beth hummed, giving Sky a soft smile. "Well, I'm glad."

"Besides, I've come here almost every year all my life. I know this place like the back of my hand." Sky shrugged. "Though last summer–"

She stopped talking mid-sentence. Last summer she had missed Rome because she'd been in hospital after her suicide attempt. That sudden memory pierced her heart painfully - how was it possible it had been a year already? She sucked in a deep, trembling breath. Stupid memories, lurking everywhere, always ready to ambush her when she least expected them, always trying to kick her down on the mat, to suck the life out of her.

"You okay?" Hawk asked, making Sky startle.

"Yeah, I'm fine... I just—" she didn't finish that sentence, but she didn't really have to. He knew what she was thinking about, he always knew. Silently he took her hand, their fingers entwined. Sky was grateful that he didn't ask more, that he didn't push her into talking, but his gentle gesture of holding her hand told her he was there for her in case she wanted to share more.

"Sky," said Hawk's Mom softly. "If you're not feeling good, we can leave—"

Sky shook her head and forced a smile on her face. "It's okay, I'm fine."

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