Like a Prayer

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That afternoon was pure torture.

Not many things were as agonizing as being interrupted when making out with your super hot girlfriend. The release that had been denied from Hawk was the only thing he could think about every time he so much as glanced towards Sky in her tiny bikini, and no matter how much time he spent in the pool (the water was cold as Nicholas had promised) it did little to put out the burn in his veins.

And then, there was the shame.

Of course, it was all his own fault. He never should have let things go that far in a place like this - but it had been impossible to resist Sky in that bikini—

So, he had been a horny fool and had been caught red-handed by no one else but the super intimidating dad of his girlfriend, which had to be one of the most humiliating moments of his life.

And hey, he had been humiliated repeatedly for years by his bullies, but somehow this was even worse.

Now he understood how Sky had felt after their first kiss in his bedroom when mom had walked in on them, why Sky still was ashamed about it. And that had been nothing compared to what had happened today. They had been practically naked, only moments from having sex. Hawk couldn't stop thinking about the mortifying shame he'd felt when Nicholas had looked at him and he'd been trying to hide his huge boner under the towel.

Christ. And I'll have to spend another 4 days here with that man.

To Nicholas' credit Hawk had to admit that he had been surprisingly cool about what had happened. He hadn't started yelling or scolding them, he hadn't thrown Hawk out of the house - Hell, he hadn't even told Mom!

The only thing Nicholas had done, was to have a short conversation with Hawk in the kitchen while Mom and Sky were at the pool and out of earshot, where he had told Hawk that yeah, he understood that they were teenagers and that they wanted to get intimate (at this point Hawk's face had been the color of a beetroot) but that they needed to be smart and respectful about it.

"I don't want to walk into a situation where I have to see my daughter having sex," Nicholas had said pointedly, pouring himself a rather big glass of white wine. "I'm sure you understand."

Hawk had assured he understood and had fled the kitchen with lightning speed after grabbing a soda for himself and another for Sky.

And yeah - he did understand. You didn't want to see your family members at it. It just felt wrong - just like it had felt wrong to be caught like that today.

But - if he understood correctly, Sky's dad was also kinda saying that it was okay if they had sex, as long as no one else had to know about it.

Which was giving Hawk all kinds of ideas now that he was changing clothes alone in his room. After spending the whole afternoon and the evening at the pool, they were now getting ready for dinner - apparently Sky's Dad knew a fantastic fish restaurant nearby and they were going to go there. That, of course, meant Hawk had to put up his mohawk - no way was he gonna be seen in public wearing his hair down like a total loser - and try to find something he could wear for a fancy restaurant. He barely owned anything but sweats and T-shirts, but he had a pair of neat jeans that would just have to do, combined with a simple black T-shirt with a cool design on the front.

As he was finishing getting dressed, his mind drifted back to Sky and the happenings of this afternoon. How he had laid her down on the sunbed, caressing the tender skin of her inner thighs—

The wet patch between her legs.

The soft, sighs and moans of her arousal when he brushed her sensitive spots with his fingertips.

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