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(About the picture - noooo, this is not going to be a Locke and Key crossover 🙈😅. I'm just stealing Gabe's face for an OC.)


Sky stepped out of the car she had parked in front of the perfectly normal-looking two-story family house in a respectable neighborhood, not too far from where she lived.

She had never been here before, and all things considered, it was a fucking miracle she had found here, as she had barely been able to make out the address Cody had sent her on Whatsapp, tears blinding her vision.

How she had not crashed the car, was beyond her.

Hell, she had wanted to crash it, had wanted to drive straight into the headlights of an approaching truck, had wanted to jump out of the car and walk in front of a bus, because she couldn't take the pain that was breaking her chest and tearing her soul apart.

No matter how hard she tried, it was impossible to forget the things Hawk had yelled at her. His words were burned in her mind with a hot iron, they were playing in her ears on repeat, they were a dagger in her heart, piercing it again and again and again. I had to let you win 'cause you were so fucking messed up! You were never there for me! Why would anybody be with you? To get some pussy—

The last one hurt the most.

Tears started running down her face again. All too well she remembered how Hawk's hands had felt on her skin, his slender fingers, his calloused palms, his hot breathing on her neck when he laid her down on the bed. She couldn't stop thinking about the first time they had done it after getting back together. He had been so gentle, so fucking perfect. He had made her feel so, so good, had told her repeatedly how much he loved her, not just with words, but with his hands, his lips, his body. She had believed it, she had fallen like a falling star, she had given him everything, and—

It had all been a lie.

He had yelled it at her face, had spoken the cruel words with such conviction that they erased everything he had said or done before.

He had only wanted one thing from her, and she had been stupid enough to give it.

Wiping her tears in her sleeve, she sucked in a trembling breath and forced herself to calm down. The pain wasn't going anywhere - she knew it never would - but she had things that needed taking care of.

Pulling her phone from her pocket, she stepped out of the car onto her trembling legs and texted Cody.

I'm here

The answer came right away.

meet me at the back door

Sky stuffed the phone back into the pocket of her jeans and wiped her face on her sleeve. The tears had stopped running for now, but she knew they'd be back, sooner or later.

The night was too cold, the sun had set hours ago and Sky was shivering in her jeans and a hoodie as she started going around the house. The windows were dark, curtains closed - people were probably in bed already, Cody's parents in deep sleep without any idea what their son was doing.

Just like Sky's dad had no idea what she was doing.

That thought hurt, and Sky pushed Dad's image off her mind. She didn't want to think about him now, she wasn't ready to face his worry, his disappointment - they were too heavy for her to carry tonight when she could barely carry her own, broken heart.

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