Heat of the Moment

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It seems like half of you guys want more steamy scenes and half of you just want to read about cute dating and stuff - so hey, I can't please everyone. So I'm just gonna do my thing and if someone likes it, all the better.


The night was dark and soft, the beer was cold on Hawk's lips.

He was out, with his friends, with his insanely hot girlfriend, getting drunk and completely ruining the night of one of his former bullies - Hell, could life get any better than this?

They were at the canyon, crashing at Yasmine's party - though it wasn't Yasmine's party anymore since they'd been there first. In his hand, Hawk was gripping a can of beer - his third one - and he was getting to the point where he didn't care about the awful taste anymore, he just cared about getting drunk.

Sky was already way past that point.

She'd had a bottle of tequila in her purse already before they had even stopped at the minimart to purchase alcohol with Hawk's fake ID (he still couldn't quite believe it had worked) and by the time they'd gotten here, Sky had already been more than a bit tipsy.

He should've suspected that she liked to drink - Fuck, their first real kiss had tasted like tequila - but they had never been at a party before, and he had never seen her like this.

This reckless, this loud, this wild. Like she lived for this moment only - no past, no future - like she wasn't a girl but a burning flame in the night.

And watching her light, Hawk knew he was the moth in that metaphor, trapped to fly into that flame over and over and over again. Not that he was complaining - he was glad to burn like this, glad to watch her shine, even if it blinded him.

Sky was talking to Moon nearby - Moon, their former bully who had earlier tonight apologized about all her previous evil deeds and to whom Sky had immediately after that taken a liking. Hawk watched them silently while sipping at his beer. Moon was really pretty and had the smile that would light up any room, but Hawk only had eyes for Sky. She was wearing a short pink dress, a ripped denim jacket, and a pair of incredibly high heels - he still couldn't understand how anyone could walk in shoes like that - and she looked so hot that Hawk knew that just from watching her, he'd have to take care of himself again as soon as he got home—

"Hawk—" someone's voice cut through his heated thoughts. "You're doing it again."


He drew his eyes off Sky and turned to look at his friend, his throat still tight as he answered. "Doing what?"

"Drooling," Aisha giggled.

Hawk felt an annoying blush on his cheekbones. "I'm not drooling—"

"It's okay," Aisha replied. "I get it, you guys are the cutest couple ever."

He still wasn't quite used to the fact that people talked about them as a couple. Every time, his heart reacted to that word, and this strange feeling - a mix of disbelief and wonder - flushed through his system.

"You know that she's nuts about you, right?" Aisha asked with a smile.

Hawk turned to look at her. "What? Has she said something?"

"Hawk, you are practically all she talks about. Up to the point where it's getting a bit boring."

Hawk swallowed to clear his throat. "I don't think that's boring."

"Well, duh—" Aisha rolled her eyes. "That's because you are so disgustingly in love with her."

Something thumped in Hawk's chest almost painfully. He wanted to deny what Aisha had said because it sounded like such a pussy thing - to be disgustingly in love with someone. But he couldn't deny it because it was so pathetically true, and it was clear that even if he had never said it out loud, everyone knew.

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