Dead and Barren Land

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Sky couldn't let go of the dream.

It had haunted her all day long, ever since the moment she had woken up in the middle of the night, sweaty and breathless, sheets tangled around her body, still feeling the last waves of the orgasm that had ripped her out of the dream.

Hawk's voice was still echoing in her ears. All the things I said... None of it was true. I just lied to hurt you. And her own soft whispers I forgive you. I love you. I can't live without you.

It had felt so fucking real. And when the truth had hit her, that it hadn't been real, that it had been just a stupid dream, a fucking stupid, desperate dream, Sky had cried herself back to sleep which had led to her starting this day with a horrible headache and two pills of OxyContin instead of one.

Now it was afternoon already, and the soft haze the drugs had provided had worn off hours ago. Sky would have wanted nothing but to go to bed, to take a pill or two or three, to cry herself back to sleep again and dream of Hawk, but that wasn't going to happen.

Not today.

"Is everything okay, hon?" asked Moon, who was sitting cross-legged on the floor in front of her, painting Sky's nails with blue nail polish. "You seem a bit distracted."

"Yeah, I just... I didn't get a lot of sleep last night."

"Oh, poor you," Moon looked sympathetic. "Is it the full moon? It always affects my sleep rhythm. But you have time for a nap before the dance if you want to."

"Nah, it's okay," Sky forced a smile on her face. "I'll be fine."

They were at Moon's - Sam, Moon, Yasmine, and Sky, and despite the lingering sadness and the heavy weight of her broken heart, Sky had sworn to herself she would at least try to have fun. It was the day of the Halloween dance, and Moon had suggested they all came here to get ready together - and since it was Friday they could also come here after the party and have a Halloween sleepover.

Sky's first instinct had been to decline - but Dad had practically pushed her out of the door. Apparently, he was desperate to see signs that Sky was getting better, and having a sleepover at a friend's house was just that kind of a normal thing Dad wanted her to have.

Plus - Sky suspected Dad wanted to ask Lisa over to their place for the night. As much as thinking about Dad sleeping with someone grossed Sky out, she wasn't going to deny these simple pleasures from Dad. That man deserved to have some fun and happiness after all the crap Sky had put him through.

So she had packed her Halloween costume and her makeup, her pajamas, and her toiletries in a bag and left, and here she was now, getting her nails done by Moon, her hair by Yasmine and soon she'd at least look hot as fuck, even if she wasn't feeling like it.

And hey, who knew, with some booze and weed and her pills  - maybe she'd be able to forget about Hawk and her broken heart, at least for one night?

As if reading her mind, Yasmine sailed into the room in her comfy but stylish sweats and slippers (none of them had yet changed into their costumes), holding a tray with four cute cocktail glasses filled with pink slush.

"Look what I've got," Yas flashed everyone a wicked grin, "I made us some strawberry margaritas."

Sam, who was sitting on the bed, her hair and makeup already done, glanced at Yasmine with a hesitating frown. "You sure that's a good idea, Yas? I mean, the dance is at school—"

Yasmine rolled her eyes and placed the tray on the dresser - after Moon had quickly made some space for it, pushing aside the brushes, straightening irons and hairsprays that lay scattered over the surface. "Live a little. It's just one drink! No one's even going to find out."

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