I'd do anything for love

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This insomnia thing was growing old really fast. It was yet another morning after a restless night, but this time it wasn't because of heated fantasies - it was because there was a black pit of fear, despair, and anger in Hawk's gut, and it had kept him awake throughout the night.

He had a pretty clear idea what it meant when a girl said they needed to talk, and as he was walking down the hallway that led to Sky's hospital room, he was mentally preparing himself for what was coming. That scene had entered his restless dreams already last night - Sky, tears in her pretty eyes, telling him that it was truly over this time.

Hawk swallowed to repel the foul taste of fear that lingered in his mouth, and stuffed his hands deeper into his pockets. He wasn't going to give up, not this easily, not now when he was this close to getting Sky back—

He fucking loved her, and she loved him. He was prepared to do or say anything to make her see that he deserved another chance.

When he approached her room, his steps slowed down until he stopped altogether, realizing there was already someone in Sky's room. Sky's soft, husky voice and some laughter echoed into the hallway, but Hawk couldn't quite make out who was in the room with her.

The good thing was that Sky was laughing. That sound loosened the tight band that squeezed his chest, and he took a shaky breath. But—

Fucking Hell.

He wet his lips. If it was Demetri, who made her laugh that happy and carefree, Hawk would fucking lose his mind. He was painfully aware of the fact that he could not start another fight in here. If he got away with what had happened yesterday, he was one lucky bastard. He knew he wouldn't be so lucky twice in a row.

It was easier said than done, though. Just thinking about Demetri's stupid face was enough to make Hawk's fists clench tight.

"I still can't believe you're moving away. It sucks." Hawk heard Sky's voice, and frowned.

Moving away? Demetri isn't moving, is he? No such luck.

"I know," replied another voice. "I wish I could talk my parents out of it, but they've made up their minds. They really freaked out after the school fight."

Hawk's frown melted away. He knew who that was, and relief washed over him. With newfound confidence, he walked to the door and stepped inside.

"Hi—" he started, but the smile on his lips froze as he took in the scene in front of him.

Sky was on the bed, in her pink hospital gown and a robe, her hair braided in a one, thick braid that fell to her shoulder and over the cast on her arm. She looked happy and was sitting up, talking to Aisha, who was sitting in a chair next to her bed. Sky was holding the unicorn plushie in her lap (that sight filled Hawk with relief - she wouldn't be hugging the thing if she was gonna dump him, right?)

But it wasn't just Aisha and Sky in the room. There was also a very good-looking, tall, dark-skinned boy with dreadlocks leaning casually on the wall, his muscular arms crossed over his chest.

Hawk's heart sank, his smile disappeared.


Fucking Hell. Was Sky doing this on purpose? How was Hawk going to apologize now? No way was he going to pour his heart out to Sky in front of that dude.

"Hawk!" Aisha's eyes widened in surprise as she noticed him standing in the doorway. She smiled, but then hesitated and glanced at Sky. "Wait... are you two, you know—?"

Hawk didn't reply but just turned his eyes to Sky. Let her answer. After yesterday, he really had no fucking clue where they stood.

"We're... working on it." Sky said, and her cheeks turned pink.

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