A Total Eclipse of the Heart

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She stood her back turned on him, her red hair on a high ponytail, her arms wrapped around the plushie Hawk had won for her. In her high-tops, the super short neon pink skirt that hugged her curves, and the tiny, cherry-print top, she looked super cute - but the first feeling that surged through Hawk's system at the sight of her wasn't love or even lust. It was anger.

She had missed their show. She had promised to be there to watch him, to cheer for him, but he had tried to find her in the crowd but had only found Demetri and Moon, and then he had realized she wasn't there, that she had left

And because of what?

Because she had been here with the Miyagi-Do's. And that felt like a slap in the face.

"Sky, what the fuck?" the words left his lips in an angry exhale. His fists clenched by his sides.

Sky didn't turn around. Her eyes were still on Sam and Robby who were walking away, and her shoulders were stiff, her whole posture tense and agitated.

"Why are you here talking to these losers?" He spat out. "You missed our show!"

Slowly Sky turned around and the look in her eyes made the anger suddenly go out in him, it died with a silent puff.

"Can we not fight?" Sky asked, with a soft, tired voice. "Can we just... not fight? Please?"

The last sparks of anger died and he let go of them, exhaled them into the warm night wind.

Slowly he walked to Sky and pulled her close - even if the huge panda bear in her arms made it a bit difficult. Gently he wrapped his arms around her body and rested his chin on the top of her head.

"I'm sorry," he said. "I didn't mean to upset you."

She was silent for a short while, but leaned closer to him, pressed her face against his shoulder, the fabric of his black and yellow gi that he was still wearing. He knew he was all sweaty and dirty after the day in the sun, and the demonstration, but she didn't seem to care. She breathed in and out, deep, slow breaths and he held her close, gently cradling her and the panda bear against his chest. She smelled of sweat, cotton candy, and strawberry lip gloss. Everywhere around them, he heard the sounds of the night that was alive with music and lights, but here, behind the smaller stage, there was a quiet safe haven where nothing but the two of them existed.

"You didn't come to watch me," he said after some time had passed. He wasn't angry anymore, but still, he felt like he deserved an explanation. "You were supposed to hold the board for my kick. I had to pick Demetri - Fucking Demetri. You weren't there."

"I'm sorry," She breathed silently. "I forgot."

"Because you came to talk to Sam. And Robby." that came out more bitter than he had meant to, but Hell - he fucking hated Robby Keene, who was an arrogant asshole and had stolen Miguel's girlfriend.

Sky's face was still against his shoulder and her voice was muffled by it as she spoke. "You should've seen how Sam was. She felt miserable."

"That was the whole fucking point," Hawk replied. "I don't get it. Why do you feel bad for her? Her dad attacked our dojo!"

Sky was gripping the plushie with one arm, her other arm was around Hawk's waist and he felt her hot breathing on the skin of his shoulder, even through the fabric of his gi. A strangled sound left her lips, and he couldn't tell if it was a laugh or a cry or both.

"Exactly - her dad. Not her."

"Still, Miyagi-Do had it coming. They got what they deserved, you shouldn't feel bad about it."

A small silence passed. Some people walked past them, giving them quizzical looks - Hawk's gi was paired with sneakers, and he knew very well it looked stupid and he was holding a girl and a giant panda plushie in his arms. He glared daggers at the passers-by over Sky's head and held her tighter against his chest. He didn't give a shit what people thought.

"Sam is my friend." Sky said and a sigh left her lips. Hawk felt it on his overheated skin, couldn't help the shivers that ran through his spine.

He clenched his jaw. "She's Miyagi-Do."

Hearing those words Sky released herself from his arms and took a step back, breaking the contact between their bodies. Her eyes were dark, and she looked like she would start crying any moment if he said the wrong thing. That was the last thing he wanted in the world. Seeing her cry always felt like his heart was carved out of his chest with a knife way too dull for such a job. And yet, every word that he had on the tip of his tongue felt like the wrong thing to say.

"I don't care that she's Miyagi-Do." Sky breathed, her face very serious. "I'm sorry, but I don't. And I do feel bad for her, and maybe that makes me a pussy, but I have never been able to be happy about someone else's misfortune."

Hawk swallowed, his throat felt dry, his heart heavy.

"It doesn't make you a pussy," he said, the right words finally finding him. "It makes you a good person."

"It makes me soft," she said after a small silence. "That's what Sensei would say."

"Screw Sensei," Hawk replied. "He's not here, is he?"

Sky shrugged. Her lips were trembling slightly and she avoided his eyes. "Maybe I'm not Cobra Kai material."

"Why would you say that?"

Another shrug. Sky's downcast eyes were glimmering with tears, and it made Hawk feel like he'd been hit, like there was something in his stomach clenching it tight with cold iron claws.

"Maybe I'm not badass enough," she said, staring at the toes of her black, converse high-tops.

"You are the most badass girl I've ever met."

"I don't know. I feel like I'm getting softer. And Cobra Kai is getting tougher. After Sensei Kreese came, things have been kinda intense."

Hawk didn't think that was a bad thing at all. He liked tough. He liked what Kreese was teaching them, he liked how it was making him fiercer, stronger. And yeah, he loved it that Sky was badass - but he also loved her softer side, that vulnerability that made him feel like he could protect her.

"Hey, you are the champion," he said softly, reaching out a hand for her. "You can kick anybody's ass. If you don't belong in Cobra Kai, nobody does."

She looked up. Her eyes were full of tears and shadows as she took his hand and let their fingers entwine.

"You think so?" she breathed.

Standing there in front of him in her pink skirt and ponytail, holding the panda bear against her chest, she didn't look badass at all. She looked soft and cute and adorable. But she was also the girl who had beaten death twice, who had survived the loss of her best friend, who kept choosing life every day, no matter how hard it got - and if that wasn't badass, he didn't know what was.

"I fucking know so," he said and pulled her close again, his lips finding hers over the head of the panda plushie. She tasted like cotton candy and wild nights and the taste of her lips went straight into Hawk's veins like a vodka shot, but he kept the kiss soft and gentle and slow.

It was Sky, who deepened the kiss. Her free hand moved to his neck and pulled him close, her lips opened for him and as he let his tongue enter her mouth and find hers, it was Sky who grabbed him as if her life depended on it, her trembling body trying to get closer to his.

A strangled, throaty moan left his lips when he finally broke the kiss to catch his breath, his chest heaving.

"Wanna get out of here?" he asked, barely getting the words out of his suddenly thick throat.

"More than anything," she breathed. Her eyes were wide and dark and full of nameless emotion. "I fucking need you tonight."


I should probably warn you that there's gonna be smut in the next chapter. XD How are you feeling about that?

Also - the chapter names give away the type of music I've been listening to lately.  80's music got me so inspired, lol! I blame Stranger Things. Any Stranger Things fans out there?  

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