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12 hours earlier:

Sky was sitting on the driver's seat, the pill bottle in one hand, a flask of tequila in the other, leaning her tired head on the headrest. The blissful effect of the drugs was slowly creeping on her, turning the night darker and softer, transforming the pain in her chest into a dull ache instead of a raw, bleeding wound.

The tears had stopped some time ago, but they were still on her cheeks, a sticky film of dried salt on her skin. Her throat was raw from all the crying, but she didn't care if the tequila burnt in it, all the way down. She didn't care about a lot of things right now.

It was the first time since she had heard about Demetri's arm that she could breathe. Her eyes closed, she was drifting into darkness. It was funny how before, on the back porch of Cody's house, she had been so cold, but now, she could barely feel it.

"What the actual fuck do you think you're doing?" came an annoyed voice, and someone yanked open the door.

Had Sky not been so high, it would have scared the living shit out of her. Now it only made her slowly turn her head to face the intruder, the dark shape that loomed over her.

Cody. In the pale moonlight, his face was all smooth planes and sharp angles. He was beautiful, like a renaissance painting - that was Sky's first thought. Like he was painted by Michelangelo himself.

"You look like a painting," she said with a slow smile.

Cody's jaw clenched and he let out an angry huff.

"Seriously - what the fuck, Sky? You're doing drugs in your car that's parked in the fucking driveway of my home? Care to explain?"

"Well, I don't know," Sky spoke softly. Cody seemed really angry, though Sky didn't really understand what the big deal was. The drugs were hers, so was the car. What was that boy bitching about? "You know, at first I was going to kill myself. But I don't think there's enough of these... pills... so. Now I'm just kinda going with the flow."

"How many did you take?"

"Two. No, three? I guess. Maybe four?"

Cody glanced at the bottles in her hands. His brows knitted, creating shadows on his forehead. "With tequila?"

"I didn't have water," Sky replied. Damn that boy was slow - and annoying. And angelic. So pretty. His long eyelashes cast dark shadows on his porcelain white cheeks.

"Who the fuck has a bottle of Tequila in her car, but no water?" Cody groaned, but then just shook his head, clearly done with trying to make sense of things. "You know what, forget it. Just move."

"Why? What do you—"

"Move!" Cody repeated gesturing wildly - and Sky realized he wanted her to move to the passenger seat. Clumsily she climbed over the center console, spilling some tequila on her jeans and hitting her head on the roof before she slumped down on the other seat. Cody sat down on the driver's seat, slamming the door.

"Why are you driving my car?"

"Because you, damn crackhead, are in no shape to drive," Cody replied, gripping the steering wheel with an angry, white-knuckle grip. "And I can't have my parents finding your car on the driveway in the morning, let alone you in it, dead or fucking wasted."

"Oh, so you're scared of your parents?" Sky let out a drowsy laugh.

"Shut up. I specifically told you not to do anything stupid, and here you are, ruining fucking everything—"

Sky would have answered something, but suddenly her eyes became too heavy to keep open. She decided to close them, just for a tiny bit, to clear her head, because the world was spinning and she had sudden difficulties in remembering where she was—

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